In the blink of an eye.

An hour passed.

Summer Koshien Finals.

Eight rounds have been played.

In these eight innings!

Jumo also lost points in the first game! Afterwards!

Rely on the “Jingyuan Tactics” arranged by Coach Nitta Coach!

That is, before Lin Tian came on the court, send two people to base with 4 bad balls! And then!

Respect the distant Lin Tian!

At last!

Use unfamiliar pitchers with the Qingdao line to deal with the fighters behind Lin Tian! If there is a chance…

And grab the runners on the base! And by this tactic!

There is nothing Qingdao can do with Ju Moda! But……

Although Aodo did not continue to score…

But it also perfectly resisted the attack of the giant Moda! And it’s the same as Lin Tian said!

As long as it is a giant center line [3 bases, 4 bases, 5 sticks, 6 sticks] on the field, Coach Kataoka will let Lin Tian deal with them!

Not a member of the center line.

Coach Kataoka was handed over to Shibuya. Shibuya did not live up to Kataoka’s expectations.

Although occasionally hit with a hit, none of them were able to score from Descending Valley’s hands.

“2 to 0!”

“Aodo ushered in the ninth inning with a slight advantage!”

“This time!”

“Coach Qingdao transferred ace Lin Tian from the field to the pitcher hill!”

Listen to the voice of the narrator.

The coaches and players of the giant Moto Ōfuki had ugly faces. If the pitcher is a falling trough.

Don’t talk about equalizing, even if it is a reversal, there is hope. But if it is Lin Tian who stands on the pitcher hill…

Everyone, including the members of Jumoda, felt that Jumoda had lost! Because!

Under the guidance of Coach Kataoka!

Lin Tian’s physical strength was perfectly saved! So!

In the ninth inning!

Lin Tian can still open up with full firepower!


The giant motorcycle big player seat.

Coach Nitta was silent for a while.

He said, “I won’t say anything about chicken soup or something.” ”

“In the final moments, show all the results of the past with a bat.”

“At least…..”

“Don’t let yourself be sorry!”

The players nodded heavily. He replied with great momentum, “Yes!!!!!!” ”

Green Road Players’ Seat.

Chris looked at Lin Tian expectantly: “Bring the champion back!” ”

“Don’t be stressed, we’re still a lot ahead!”

Vice Minister Rei Takashima said with a smile.

“Take it easy and keep it up to par!”

Coach Kataoka said with suppressed excitement in his heart.

Lin Tian smiled, “This year’s Xia Jia champion is Qingdao, I said!” ”

Words fall.

He turned and walked slowly toward the court.

It is worth mentioning that Jiecheng and others deliberately lagged behind Lin Tian and followed Lin Tian. Let’s be honest!

At this critical juncture!

Standing at the forefront should be Captain Yuki! But……

None of them objected! Everyone spontaneously walked behind Lin Tian! Obviously!

Lin Tian had completely conquered this group of teammates with his strength! Game 9!


Jumo Grand High School Attack!

The first to play was a 3-baseball player!

As the vanguard of the central line, he must be on the base! However……

Facing Lin Tian’s horrific pitching…

– Don’t talk about the upper base!

Even hitting the ball is a luxury!

When the third ball thrown by Lin Tian was missed again!

The referee immediately announced that the 3-baser had been knocked out by three hits! Suddenly!

The big 4 sticks feel more pressure! But he certainly couldn’t escape!

So you can only walk up to the hit zone! First Ball!

Fast finger ball with a speed of 156 kilometers per hour!

The huge 4 sticks were mistaken for straight balls, so much so that they swung out once!

【1 good ball!】 Second ball!

Lin Tian used the [Catapult] that he rarely used much!

The ball that suddenly folded into the inner corner made the 4 sticks panic, but it was too late to put the sticks away! Even!

Before he could do anything!

The baseball that folded into the inner corner hit the thinner position of the metal rod! In layman’s terms!

It’s closer to the grip!

And this place is hard to pour power into baseball! Just listen!

When a bang!

After the twisting baseball hits the metal rod of the 4 bases, it shoots straight at Lin Tian!


Takako Fujiwara shouted a reminder in concern. But!

The word “risk” has not yet been exported!

She saw Lin Tian lift his baseball gloves and catch the ball!

“Hit the player out!”

The referee gave the verdict at the same time.


“Two people out!!!!!!”

“Ju Mo Da was forced into a desperate situation!!!!!!”

The narrator yelled enthusiastically.


The huge players’ seats and the support group fell into a low atmosphere. Although before the start of the ninth inning.

This situation was already expected in my heart. Can really see when you can.

I still can’t stop feeling uncomfortable.


“Come on!!!”

After a while, some of the giant supporters who had finally eased up shouted out their spirits. Led by these people.

More and more people have regained their fighting spirit and continue to help Ju Moda.

“Don’t give up!!!!”

“Swing your stick bravely!!!!!”

“Let’s have a spanking!!!!!!”

“We believe in you!!!!”

The cheers of the audience.

Let the upcoming 5 sticks, feel the cold heart has been healed.

“We must not live up to the expectations of the audience!”

The team member thought so in his heart. But……

Really stand on the strike zone!

When facing Lin Tian’s pitching in person!

Even if the belief in my heart is firm, I can’t help but panic! But it’s normal!

After all in this game!

Their mid-line line has been suppressed by Lin Tian!

“Third to last ball!”

Lin Tian was chanting in his heart, holding the ball in both hands and holding it high above his head. Followed by!

Follow Miyuki’s instructions!

Throw a perfect Cata! Shout!!!!!

As soon as the ball left his hand, he rushed to home at 156 kilometers per hour!

“No matter what ball comes!”

“Play them all like straight balls!”

“The more you think about it, the easier it is to be fooled!”

With this in mind, the giant 5 bats swung out the bat! While!!!

A crisp and pleasant hitting sound is heard! 5 baseball players hit the baseball with precision!

“Finally someone can get on the base!”

A giant motorcycle player in the field shouted excitedly.

“It’s over!”

And 5 sticks are desperate.


He hit the ball though!

The position where the ball can be hit is the middle of the bat!

The power of this place is too difficult, and it is almost impossible to hit the ball far! In fact!

This 5-stick judgment is right! Saw!

Hit out of the baseball!

Lose power when you’re about to fly out of the inland and start falling! Ultimately!

Caught by Ryosuke Kominato in the middle of first and second bases! Since the ball didn’t land!

So it’s a catch-and-shoot!

Ju Mo Da and others who were still cheering for the 5 sticks!

As if by the throat, the words stopped abruptly!

And the batsmen on the side of the Green Road are also in a sluggish state! Only neutral audiences!

They don’t matter who wins the championship! As long as the game is exciting, it can be accepted! So!

After a little stunned!

These people gave generous applause! Snap – the applause that resounded through the sky was all over the stadium!

Let the stunned people forcibly return to God!

And then…… Just hear:

“Oh oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh!!! Oh

“We won!!!!!!!!”

“We won!!!!!!!!”

The supporters of Qingdao shouted excitedly, and the emotional people even burst into tears.


“We won!!!!!”

“We are the champions of the Summer League!!!!!!”

The players in the Seido Player Bench rushed to the stadium with excitement! The players on the field rushed towards the pitcher hill! And then!!!

The tacit understanding will surround Lin Tian and throw it high!!!! Once per throw!!!!

will shout “We are champions”

The words “We won”!!!!! Troll Big: 0… 0…0…0…。

Qingdao: 2… 0…0…0.0.X

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