“I really can’t be careless!”

“When these guys were fighting in the Koshien, I guess they didn’t do less practice, right?”

Cangzhi looked at his teammates who were extremely good at performance and felt a sense of urgency.

Lead to the time of practice.

It became a little more nervous than ever. Then unconsciously, there is a mistake of ‘body forward’:

Kataoka, who was inspecting, keenly noticed this and immediately gave guidance: “Warehouse holding! ”

“When you swing your stick!”

“The body is too far ahead!”

“Wait until the ball is closer!”

The position is full of momentum in response to the sound is. Immediately.

Katakaze then instructed Kenta Maeenen, who was next to Kura, “Maeen! ”

“Your swing is too big!”

“Don’t be too outward-biased at the bat!”

Maeen nodded, “Yes!!!” ”

The other side.

Lin Tian, Shibuya, Sawamura, and Kawakami practiced pitching in the cowshed. It is worth mentioning.

Before the bare cowshed. Now there’s an extra roof.

According to Miyuki, it was done by the graduating seniors when they attended Koshien.

The goal is to allow pitchers to pitch when the sun is fierce and when it rains!!!!!! Swell!!!!!! Swell!!!!!!

Lin Tian has three straight balls at 160+ per hour in a row. It greatly stimulated the psychology of Shizuya and others.

Let them put out two hundred percent of their energy when practicing. See this scene.

Miyuki was quite pleased.

“Although the new team started late.”

“But the regional qualifiers in September are just enough to run the team.”


“The autumn tournament will bring together the best teams from eastern Tokyo, and the competition will be more intense”


“In our strength!”

“Nothing to be afraid of!”


Under the sun’s exposure.

Seido High School is still in full swing.

“Come on one”

Kenta Maeen, who was in charge of defending first base, roared angrily at home base. While!!!

Coach Kataoka threw a ball and aimed for a first base! Shout!!!

Baseball instantly shoots to the front garden side! However!

Just when it was about to be received!

The baseball rubbed his gloves and landed behind the side of the gloves! While!!!

With a crackling sound.

The baseball was beaten to the side of second baseman Haruhi Kominato. Like Maeenen, Kominato Haruchi missed the ball. But.

It’s not that his technique doesn’t work.

It’s that this defensive training has been going on for a long time. Kominato Haruhi’s physical strength has long since reached its limit.

Therefore, the actions that can be made smoothly in normal times cannot be done now. It’s not just him!

The same is true for positions!

Other than that……

Too tired…

Everyone didn’t have much strength to shout…


“What about your voices!!!!!”

But Coach Kataoka did not let go of the idea of the players. With him a roar.

Everyone was forced to cheer up.

Then while shouting, he defended the ball that Coach Kataoka had played. Meanwhile.

Yuki and others who completed today’s practice at Pitch B.

Because I was curious about the training results of the first and second grades, I came to the A stadium to observe.

“Did Koshien just finish training at such a high level?”

After watching for a while, Ryosuke Kominato smiled and squinted.

“Although the strike situation is not yet known, from a defensive point of view, it is barely OK.”

Isashiki snorted.

“It’s not even a month before the opening of the autumn conference, so the coach should want to lay the foundation of the team through high-intensity training, right?”

Yuki pondered the coach’s thoughts.

After being provoked by Coach Kataoka.

The performance of Maeenen, Minato and others has improved significantly. A player who competes with them for the same position.

Looking at the smooth defensive action, I can’t help but feel admiration in my heart at the same time

The idea of “not competing for outfield positions”.

But…… Outfield is a bit hard to grab!

After all, if Lin Tian is not a pitcher, the coach will put him in the middle field!

When Lin Tian becomes a pitcher, because the blow of the valley is very strong, the coach will most likely put the valley into the field! And the White State…

With his strength!

Must occupy a position in the field! Other words!

Outfield looks like there are three locations! But actually!

There is only one thing that can really let them grab it! And this location…….

There are already a lot of people fighting! But!

Inside is much better!

Judging from the performance of Kominato Haruchi and Yoichi Kurashi!

The positions of second basemen and shortballers are presumably locked!

But first basemen and third basemen are still in an uncertain state! Other words!

There are two places for everyone to compete! Theoretically!

Practicing Inland makes it easier to get a chance to get into the main squad! So!

After tangling for a while!

Some of the team members who had planned to give up Inuno once again strengthened their idea of practicing Uchino! A few days later!

Seido Baseball Stadium!

Practice sessions are taking place at this time! Match between sides: Seido High School in Tokyo!

Saitama Sakai College in Saitama!

Situation: Game 5!

Two people are out, no one is on the base! And!

Saitamamakai’s third fighter has been cornered! This time!

Miyuki has a straight ball!

Due to the oppressive force, the batter of Saitama Sakai subconsciously swung the bat! However!

However, because the pitching speed of the valley was very fast, it did not hit!

“Good ball!”

“The fighter is out!”

“Attack and defense exchange between the two sides!”

The referee immediately announced the result.

“Pretty shot!!”

“Good job!!!”

When the valley returned to the rest area, Kominato Haruchi and others gathered around and praised.

“Wow, ah, ah—”

“That guy is too good!!!”

“Although his strength is not as good as Lin Tian’s, being able to make three huge fighters in the Xia Jia final shows that he is also a veritable monster!!!!”

Although the members of Saitama Sakai have long seen the horror performance of Shibuya…… But it was all seen on TV, and the feeling was completely different from what was seen and heard on the spot. So!

Everyone couldn’t help but let out a sigh of amazement!

“Pitched five innings, nine triples.”

“Descending Valley is in a very good state now.”

At the Qingdao player’s seat, Manager Xia Chuanwei, who was responsible for recording the game data, smiled and said to the coach and Lin Tian.

“It was really nice!”

“And there’s been a little bit of improvement in ball speed!”

Lin Tian himself was a speeder, so he was keenly aware that the pitching speed of Shizutani was faster than the fastest straight ball during the Xia Jia.

Of course!


Just a little bit faster to the degree!

Compared with Lin Tian, who improves 1km/h or 2km/h at every turn, it seems very slow! But!

Lin Tian is open and hanging!

So it can’t be treated as an example! As a normal player without plug-ins!

It is also very good that the valley can have a little bit of progress!

Because every once in a while there is a little bit of progress, then when the autumn conference starts, these improvements will accumulate, which is very impressive!

As for why Lin Tian sat in the rest area?

According to the coach’s words, Lin Tian’s strength is too perverted! If you let Lin Tian play.

Then you can’t see the team’s flaws through the practice game. Of course!

In order to ensure the state of Lin Tian!

In the next practice match, Kataoka will let Lin Tian! But!

After confirming that Lin Tian’s state was still perfect to the extreme, he would immediately replace Lin Tian! And then……

Continue to use the practice game to train these pitchers, Sawamura!

“Hey, hey, hey!”

“Have you not considered the distribution of physical strength?”

In front of the rest area, Miyuki waited for Shibuya to come to him and asked with a frown.

“I did it on purpose!”

Descending valley seriously.


Miyuki’s brow wrinkled deeper.

Shizuya: “Pitching at full force in the game is more tiring than expected…”

“So I wanted to adapt myself to this tired feeling by pitching with full force in the practice game, and exercise my strength by the way!”

“From now on, I will not let others say that I am not physically strong enough!”

Miyuki suddenly realized.

At the same time, it was a little relieved.

Inside: This kid can actually use his brain……. But!

When Game 7 is over!

Descending Valley is so tired that you need to lean against the wall to sit up straight!

“I’m exhausted in the end!”

Seeing this scene, Miyuki cried and laughed.


“I’m okay…”

A sound like kidney deficiency appeared from the mouth of the valley.

“Don’t be reckless at this time!”

Lin Tian smiled: “With your current state, even if you play, you will only drag the team’s hind legs!” ”

“Of course!”

“If you want to go up and show your awkward posture and lower your impression score in the coach’s mind!”

“Then I’ll help you ask for a coach!”

Descending Valley: “…”

After a moment of silence.

Descending valley chose from the heart.

“Forget it…”

“I’m not on…..”

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