Wayao Village.

The old village secretary watched the two figures finally appearing hand in hand at the entrance of the village, and hurried to meet them.

His wife hurriedly grabbed him and scolded him: "You old man, didn't you see that the couple was being affectionate? Why did you go up there!"

The village secretary slapped his forehead and laughed: "Haha, yes, yes, let's go home first. By the way, how is the banquet in the threshing ground tonight going?"

"Don't worry, this is a big happy event for our village, and everyone has started to work."

The village secretary has never put down his smile since he came back from the county.

As soon as he returned to the village, he gathered several prestigious people in the village to his home and told everyone that Teacher Sun's husband was going to invest in building a factory in the village.

This made everyone very happy.

Wayao Village is poor, and all of them are farmers who face the loess and back to the sky. In order to make more living for their families, the strong labor force in the village basically went out to work. It is rare to come back once a year to reunite with family.

If there is a factory in the village, and the salary is suitable, then everyone will definitely not want to go far away.

The young people have stayed, the children have their parents around, and the old people have their children to live out their old age. The village will definitely be a different scene.

And after hearing that Zhao Xiaonian and the county magistrate have already made the decision, someone suggested setting up a banquet to thank Teacher Sun.

In their opinion, the reason why Zhao Xiaonian invested money in their Wayao Village was all Sun Yalin's credit. It must be Sun Yalin who asked her husband to invest in the village.

So, the village party secretary waved his hand, and every family began to move spontaneously.

Imagine the future of Wayao Village, the village party secretary felt that he was ten years younger. He followed Zhao Xiaonian and took his wife's hand and walked back to the village.

This made his wife shy again, but she didn't break away.


That afternoon, the whole Wayao Village was more lively than the New Year.

"Er Kuizi, quickly remove the feathers from the chickens, ducks and geese over there, they are waiting to be slaughtered."

"Whose wife, is the fish ready?"

"Li Liuzhier, find a few people to set up the tables, chairs and benches."

"Mingchang, you are back? That's great, quickly find a few people to set up the lights over at the threshing ground."

The old village secretary was sweating profusely as he directed everyone to work, with a smile on his face that was almost fixed on his ears.

Originally, Zhao Xiaonian planned to take Sun Yalin back to the Magic City that day, but firstly, Sun Yalin was worried about the children, and secondly, it was the village secretary's cordial invitation.

So, that night, Wayao Village started a banquet for hundreds of families.

After hearing about this, Li Mingchang also hurried back from the town in advance. He is now in high spirits because of the good news, and his energy of happiness is no less than that of the village secretary.

In the afternoon, the mayor came back from the county with a transfer order. Li Mingchang was listed as the deputy director of the county office, and his main job was to serve as the secretary of County Magistrate Sun.

This step can be said to be a promotion of several levels. He went from a idle position waiting to retire to a well-known figure in the county.

After hearing about this, his wife was even more happy to put on makeup and wear clothes in the room to reward her husband.

Before 5 o'clock, Li Mingchang took his wife back to Wayao Village.

As the protagonists, Sun Yalin and Zhao Xiaonian were in the room specially prepared for Sun Yalin by the old branch secretary.

The two did not have any further communication, but just leaned on each other and talked, and their feelings rose directly.

[Ding: Target Sun Yalin's favorability to the host +10, current favorability 90]

Hearing the system's reminder, Zhao Xiaonian remembered something and quickly transferred 2 billion to Sun Yalin.

Sun Yalin was a target that he had conquered, but because her favorability did not reach 100, she was not completely conquered, and she could still earn cash back.

Zhao Xiaonian did not want to miss such a good opportunity. He directly exchanged 2 billion for 180 billion yuan.

Because the funds from the big goose did not arrive so quickly, they had to be reviewed by the bank, but Sun Yalin watched Zhao Xiaonian transfer so much money to her, and while she was lamenting that this man was so rich, she quickly persuaded him:

"Why did you transfer so much money to me? You are just starting your career now, and you must spend money wisely."

Zhao Xiaonian smiled and did not speak, but just opened the balance of the bank APP. This was the first time that Zhao Xiaonian let others see his worth. He did not mean to show off, but in his heart, he had already regarded Sun Yalin as a trustworthy person.

The mother of his own child.

When she saw the balance of up to 100 billion, even Sun Yalin, who was used to being cold, could not help showing a surprised expression, with a pair of eyes wide open, but thenA face full of worry.

"How do you...how do you have so much money? Did you do something..."

"Don't worry, this is all legal."

Zhao Xiaonian smiled, took Sun Yalin's hand, and said, "Don't worry, I won't do anything bad. You just need to give birth to the child now, and I will support you and your child. Let alone one, even if you give birth to several, I can afford it."

"Do you think I'm a pig?"

Sun Yalin rarely showed a little girl's expression, looking at Zhao Xiaonian a little crazy.


6 pm.

As night began to fall, the threshing ground in Wayao Village was a lively scene, with seven or eight large round tables occupying most of the threshing ground.

After Zhao Xiaonian and Sun Yalin were pulled by the village party secretary to sit at the main seat of the main table, the village party secretary stood up, stretched out his hand and pressed down, and everyone suddenly quieted down.

"Today is a big day for our Wayao Village. Teacher Sun came to our Wayao Village and not only brought knowledge to our children, but also brought hope for the future to our Wayao Village. We have nothing to repay Teacher Sun, so today we will thank our Teacher Sun with this banquet for 100 families."

Then the old village secretary raised the bowl of rice wine and said, "Come on, everyone toast Teacher Sun and Mr. Zhao."

So everyone stood up and raised their bowls.

Even the children stood up, laughing and imitating the adults to raise their own bowls. But the bowls were not filled with wine, but soup.

Zhao Xiaonian and Sun Yalin also stood up quickly.

Zhao Xiaonian pressed down Sun Yalin's wine bowl and said loudly to everyone: "Thank you for your hospitality, I'll drink this bowl of wine. But Yalin is pregnant, so she can't drink."

"What, Teacher Sun is pregnant?"

When the village party secretary heard this, his face was surprised again, "Yes, yes, you can't drink when you are pregnant. Come on, Mr. Zhao, congratulations."

When the villagers heard that Teacher Sun was pregnant, they also hurried to congratulate.

Several old women also came up, asked Sun Yalin this and that, and also intimately taught her their experience of pregnancy that year.

Sun Yalin looked happy and listened carefully to the old woman's words.

Just then, a group of children ran over and said to the village party secretary: "Grandpa Party Secretary, those bad guys from yesterday are here again."

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