"They still dare to come?"

The village party secretary's heart tightened, and then he showed anger and shouted to the people below: "Damn it, the Wang family boy doesn't take our Wayao Village seriously. People from Wayao Village, stand up and grab your weapons."

When Wang Liqiang and Wang Liwei walked to the threshing ground, they saw a group of villagers holding various farm tools.

Looking at the people glaring at them, the calves of the Wang brothers trembled unconsciously.

In the past, Wang Liqiang was used to being domineering in the town. People who saw him were either afraid or groveled and tried their best to please him, but today's scene was the first time he encountered it.

If there was no reason to come, Wang Liqiang would have wanted to run away now.

Wang Liwei was not wearing a patrol uniform today, only a casual outfit.

Seeing this scene, Wang Liwei was complaining in his heart. He was kicking a piece of iron plate now. If he couldn't make peace, he would be skinned, or he might even go to jail.

After seeing County Magistrate Sun come to pick him up in the afternoon, Wang Liwei was called to the office by the director again. The director's words implied that Wang Liwei was finished this time. However, the director still pointed out a way for him implicitly - the person who tied the bell must be the one to untie it.

So, Wang Liwei asked for leave in the afternoon. After finding Wang Liqiang, he explained the interests and took Wang Liqiang to prepare gifts and apologized.

"Wang Liqiang, what are you doing here again?"

The village party secretary walked up and looked at Wang Liqiang unhappily.

The village party secretary saw Wang Liqiang breaking into the school yesterday. Seeing that the other party was still coming, the village party secretary naturally thought that the other party had not given up and was going to make trouble again.

"Uncle Li, please don't misunderstand me. I came here to apologize to Teacher Sun."

When has Wang Liqiang been so humble before? But when he thought of his cousin's words, he had to put down his posture and put away his arrogant temper.

"Yes, Uncle Li, what happened yesterday was all a misunderstanding." Wang Liwei also stood up and said with a smile on his face.

"Misunderstanding? Haha, not necessarily."

At this time, Zhao Xiaonian pulled Sun Yalin up. Although he was smiling, anyone who saw him could clearly feel a sense of hostility.

Zhao Xiaonian had no good impression of the Wang brothers, especially Wang Liqiang.

Zhao Xiaonian was scared when he thought about it. If he hadn't come, what would have happened to Sun Yalin yesterday? What would Wang Liqiang do to Sun Yalin?

Although these things didn't really happen, it didn't mean that Zhao Xiaonian could be magnanimous and pretend that Wang Liqiang had never used force on Sun Yalin before.

"Mr. Zhao, what happened yesterday was all my cousin's fault. Today I brought him here to apologize to you and Teacher Sun."

After saying that, Wang Liwei patted Wang Liqiang on the back.

Wang Liqiang understood and quickly handed over the gift in his hand, "Teacher Sun, I... I was just joking with you. Please don't take it to heart."

If Zhao Xiaonian hadn't been there, Sun Yalin didn't even want to see Wang Liqiang.

"Joke? Haha, Wang Liqiang, what you did doesn't seem like a joke at all."

Zhao Xiaonian held Sun Yalin's hand tightly to reassure her, and said to Wang Liqiang, "Looking for Teacher Sun again and again is a joke? Breaking into the school to take Teacher Sun away is a joke? Sorry, you Wang Liqiang think it's a joke, but I Zhao Xiaonian is not so generous. I am a very stingy person."

"Take your things and get out."

As soon as Zhao Xiaonian said this, the village party secretary walked up with a few people, "Wang Liqiang, you heard what I said, get out of here quickly."

When has Wang Liqiang ever been so angry? Seeing that he was humble, the other party still refused to give in, he immediately got angry.

He threw the things in his hand to the ground, and said angrily: "Mr. Zhao, I have done this, what else do you want? Let me tell you, this is Xishui Town, this is my base. You are awesome, so what, be careful I will make sure you can't leave Xishui Town."

When Wang Liwei heard his cousin's words, he wanted to kill him. I asked you to apologize, but you broke down in one or two words, and dared to yell at others like this, you are really a pig teammate.

"Mr. Zhao, my cousin is stupid, your Excellency..."

Seeing this, Wang Liwei was about to speak to ease the situation, and heard a voice behind him.

"What a big tone, when did Xishui Town have a local emperor?"

Wang Liwei and Wang Liqiang looked back and saw Sun Liangkai coming over. Behind him, there were several county leaders, and even the director of the patrol bureau was there.

Wang Liwei immediately felt bad.

"Wang Liwei, Wang Liqiang, you have to admit your mistakes. Come on, arrest them. "

The chief of the police station was not alone, and he was accompanied by several policemen in police uniforms.

Several policemen stepped out of the crowd, walked to Wang Liqiang, and took out an arrest warrant, "Wang Liqiang, you are suspected of rape, gang fighting, and organizing a gang-like organization. You are now arrested according to law. This is the arrest warrant."

As he spoke, a silver bracelet was handcuffed on his hand.

"This... this is a misunderstanding, I didn't... Brother, save me." Wang Liqiang was really scared now. None of these charges were trivial. Living in prison for a few years was a light punishment. If he was not careful, he would still be punished.

As for those charges, he knew his own affairs. If he really dug deep, he would not be able to escape any of them.

And here, the police took out another arrest warrant and said to Wang Liwei: "Wang Liwei, you are suspected of malfeasance, harboring, and abuse of power by public officials. You are now arrested according to law. This is the arrest warrant. "

Wang Liwei looked at the arrest warrant and was so scared that he sat down on the ground, muttering: "It's over, it's over, it's all over."

"Take them." The chief of the police station waved his hand, and several policemen took the father and son of the Wang family to the police car.

"Mr. Zhao, I'm sorry, I'm late."

Sun Liangkai walked up and shook Zhao Xiaonian's hand with a smile.

"Not late, just right."

Zhao Xiaonian naturally knew that this was the other party's gesture of goodwill to him, so he didn't act pretentiously and responded with a smile.

Sun Liangkai looked at the village party secretary next to him and joked: "Comrade Lao Li, let everyone pack up their things. I heard that Wayao Village is holding a banquet for hundreds of families. Today, I brought several county leaders and came uninvited. I wonder if Wayao Village welcomes them?"

The village party secretary quickly replied: "Welcome, welcome. It is a blessing for our Wayao Village that several leaders can come to our banquet for hundreds of families. Come on, leaders, please take a seat. ”

Here, without the village party secretary’s instructions, the villagers had already put aside their farm tools.

Because of the participation of Sun Liangkai and others, the villagers were a little bit nervous at first. But later, after Sun Liangkai and others deliberately put down their posture and toasted each table one by one, the villagers gradually became less restrained.

That night, Sun Liangkai was drunk by the villagers.

Sun Liangkai looked at Zhao Xiaonian with drunken eyes, holding his hand, and said with emotion: "Mr. Zhao, you must fulfill your promise. Wayao Village and Sanshui County are looking forward to it."

After that, Sun Liangkai passed out drunk at the banquet.

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