Xu Feng was stunned and said, "I don't know what you are talking about. Mr. Zhou and I are friends."

"Are you sure you think he is a friend?" Zhao Xiaonian turned to look at Zhou Mo and asked, "By the way, who did you ask to take the photos of me? Many of them are a little out of focus. If Xu Yan'er was not familiar with me, I guess she would not recognize me blurry. Isn't your master, Master Xu, angry?"

Zhou Mo smiled but said nothing.

Xu Feng was like someone stepped on his tail. Just as he was about to speak, he was beaten to the punch by Xu Yide.

"Mr. Zhao is angry. But I understand that a good relationship was ruined because of those photos. But Mr. Zhao can't blame Xu Feng and others. After all, Xu Feng is Yan'er's cousin. It is the responsibility of a younger brother to let his sister know the true face of some people as soon as possible."

"Just admit it. But it's too unchallenging. I guessed it right away. It's boring." Zhao Xiaonian confirmed his guess.

But as he said, it was too easy to guess these.

The first layer of mystery has been solved, but the next mystery is the most crucial thing.

"It's okay, it will be interesting later." Xu Yide smiled like a neighbor's uncle.

The core content of the signing dinner is naturally the signing.

However, the signing process is very simple. Zhou Mo and Xu Yide, on behalf of both parties, symbolically signed an agreement on the stage, and took photos with two red books printed with "Contract Book".

In fact, the reason for holding this dinner is not to sign the contract now. That kind of thing has actually been signed a long time ago. Today is just a symbolic performance.

The purpose is to announce the cooperation between the two parties, and Xu Yide is also standing up for Zhou Mo and Boyue Company.

After taking photos, both parties were about to leave the stage.

At this time, Zhao Xiaonian stood up.

"Two CEOs, today is such a happy day. I am honored to witness the historic moment of the two companies. I, Zhao Xiaonian, have two gifts for you."

With that, before they could react, Zhao Xiaonian took the two things from Kobayashi Haraka, walked onto the stage quickly, and showed them to everyone.

It was a portable electronic scale and a compass.

"This electronic scale is given to Mr. Zhou Mo."

Zhao Xiaonian placed the portable electronic scale in front of Zhou Mo and said, "I gave Mr. Zhou a scale so that he would always know how much weight he has. If he doesn't have that weight, don't force himself to take on heavy work."

Zhao Xiaonian placed the compass in front of Xu Yide, "This compass is given to our Vice President Xu. I hope Vice President Xu can know that there is no order without rules. Don't exceed the upper limit of your ability and do things you can't do."

Zhao Xiaonian's operation directly confused the people watching the ceremony below. Some corporate representatives who had a bad relationship with him almost laughed out loud.

Xu Yide and Zhou Mo were livid.

The reason why they invited Zhao Xiaonian to come was actually to slap Zhao Xiaonian in the face.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Xiaonian's two gifts turned the situation around, and he was slapped in the face by his insinuating gifts.

Even if Xu Yide was good at cultivating his qi, he wanted to strangle Zhao Xiaonian now.

Zhao Xiaonian, who had given the gifts, laughed and left the stage. After holding He Fei's hand, he took Kobayashi Haraka and left the venue directly.

When they arrived at the parking lot, Zhao Xiaonian took He Fei to 812, while Kobayashi Haraka got into her own car.

In the 812 car.

He Fei asked, "So, you had already guessed that those photos were taken by Zhou Liang and others?"

Zhao Xiaonian nodded, "It's obvious that I don't have many enemies. In fact, if they didn't send them to your father, maybe I wouldn't have guessed it so quickly."

"This Zhou Liang is really hateful." He Fei pouted, attributing all the reasons for her parents' 180-degree disgust with Zhao Xiaonian to Zhou Liang.

Zhao Xiaonian smiled and said, "Then you really blamed the wrong person. Zhou Liang and his brother are at most the executors. In fact, the people behind the scenes are the Xu family father and son."

He Fei nodded, not quite understanding, and then changed the subject and asked, "By the way, when did you get another secretary? And she is so beautiful."

This jealousy is too obvious.

"Hahaha, you don't have to be jealous of her. She won't stay for long and will leave." Zhao Xiaonian stretched out a hand and pinched He Fei's thigh through the gift.

He Fei asked curiously, "Why?"

Zhao Xiaonian smiled mysteriously, "I can't tell you now. I will tell you about this slowly later."

Zhao Xiaonian didn't want to say it, so He Fei didn't ask any more questions.

And the car behind 812On the phone, Kobayashi Hara Xiang was wearing headphones.

"I'm sorry, I didn't expect that he bought those two things for gifts."


"Really? Are you already doing the final test?"

"Okay, I'll stick to the last seven days."

"This is what Hara Xiang should do."


Three days later.

As soon as Zhao Xiaonian arrived at the company, Kobayashi Hara Xiang reported something.

"Mr. Zhao, someone is interested in acquiring Bohai Construction."

"Huh? Which company wants to acquire Bohai?" Zhao Xiaonian asked.

"Boyue contacted me and expressed their intention to acquire Bohai Construction. The price they offered is 100 million yuan."

Seeing that Zhao Xiaonian did not respond, Xiaolin Yuanxiang continued: "There is also a company called Hengyuan Real Estate Construction Company, but they are not from Lingzhou, but from the imperial capital. They offered 1.5 billion yuan."

Zhao Xiaonian smiled and said: "It seems that Zhou Mo is really stingy. His uncle's company only offered such a small price. He really didn't give any face. It's too ugly."

"Yuanxiang, go contact Hengyuan and make an appointment with the other party to discuss something."

Xiaolin Yuanxiang replied respectfully: "Master, the other party has made an appointment with us. They want to visit you tomorrow to discuss the acquisition."

"Has the other party arrived in Lingzhou?"


Zhao Xiaonian didn't expect the other party to come so quickly, and they have already arrived in Lingzhou. It seems that the other party is very interested in Bohai Construction.

"Then let's ask the other party to come to the company for a face-to-face meeting tomorrow afternoon. Show some welcome. After all, they are visitors from afar, so we should be more enthusiastic."

"Also, book a table at the Regal Hotel tomorrow night. I will entertain them well."

After Kobayashi Haraka understood, she went to deal with these two matters.

Seeing her walk away, Zhao Xiaonian took out his mobile phone and sent a few messages.

Zhou Jiaying was very calm when he learned that someone was coming to discuss the acquisition of Bohai, and did not interfere too much.

But when he heard that his cousin offered a super low price of 100 million yuan and also wanted to acquire Bohai Construction, he was obviously unhappy on his face.

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