At noon, Zhao Xiaonian received a call from Ye Lingshan.

On the phone, Ye Lingshan said that the blade battery had basically passed the test and could be put into mass production in the near future.

This call was the best news Zhao Xiaonian had received recently, and he said on the spot that he would go to Pengcheng in a while.

It was shameful to say that as a partner, Zhao Xiaonian had basically become a hands-off boss since he handed over the blade technology. Yang Donglai called many times to express his dissatisfaction with Zhao Xiaonian, an incompetent partner. Wang Chuanfu also condemned Zhao Xiaonian's behavior and invited him to Pengcheng to take a look.

In the afternoon, Wu Jiajia came to report on the recent situation of Lemon Media again.

Lemon Media's various work progressed very slowly. On the one hand, the loss of anchors was not curbed, and on the other hand, the situation of poaching was not ideal, and only some second-tier Internet celebrities were poached.

In this regard, Zhao Xiaonian had no better way.

The next afternoon, Zhao Xiaonian met with representatives of Hengyuan Company in Jinnian.

The other party was a man in his thirties, wearing a neat suit, and behaved very decently.

"Hello, Mr. Zhao, I am the representative of Hengyuan Company, you can call me Li Dongming."

There were three people from Hengyuan Company this time, in addition to Li Dongming, there were two assistants, one male and one female.

As for Jinnian, Zhao Xiaonian asked Kobayashi Yuanxiang to accompany him, and did not let Zhou Jiaying intervene.

Both sides did not have too much courtesy and went straight to the point.

"Excuse me, your company has always been in the imperial capital, why did you suddenly come to Lingzhou?"

This was also what Zhao Xiaonian and Kobayashi Yuanxiang were curious about when they discussed this matter before.

Compared with the imperial capital, Lingzhou is incomparable in terms of geographical location and city level.

"Perhaps Mr. Zhao has some understanding of our company. Our Hengyuan's business is actually mainly in the real estate sector. We have developed several real estate projects in the imperial capital, but in fact we can only be regarded as a small company and cannot be compared with those large enterprises in the imperial capital."

"At present, the domestic real estate business is actually not easy to do. Although the imperial capital has a big name, in fact, the profit and development space are very limited."

"So, we Hengyuan is thinking about going down the market and seeking development space in second- and third-tier cities. As for Lingzhou, we have also studied it several times. There is still a lot of room for operation in the current real estate business development."

Li Dongming did not speak empty words, but was very frank.

There was actually nothing to talk about next, it was nothing more than a wrangling over the price.

Zhao Xiaonian added another 100 million to the other party's intended price and offered a price of 600 million.

And Li Dongming just held on to 500 million and refused to let go.

No one showed any intention of letting go. For a time, the negotiations between the two sides were deadlocked.

"Master, what if the other party keeps biting this price?"

After Hengyuan and his group left, Kobayashi Haraka looked worried.

However, Zhao Xiaonian was more relaxed, "600 million is just what I said casually, what if the other party agrees? Even if they don't agree, we can reduce it to 500 million."

Although Bohai Construction is just a construction company that relies on business to make a living. But in terms of those construction equipment alone, it is actually far more than 500 million.

In the evening, Li Dongming and others were invited to the Lihao Hotel.

At the wine table, the topic naturally turned to the acquisition of Bohai Construction.

Li Dongming is an obvious northern man with a very good alcohol tolerance. He drinks white wine like water. After asking around, I found out that the other party is from Qilu.

This made Zhao Xiaonian joke that he didn't dare to drink with the other party and surrendered without a fight.

Apart from the acquisition, the atmosphere between the two sides at the wine table was still very good.

It's just that this atmosphere was destroyed after Zhou Mo's penetration.

"Mr. Zhao, I heard you were here too, so I thought I'd come over to toast you. You won't be unwelcome, will you?"

Zhou Mo held a wine glass in his hand, with a victorious expression on his face, and his words were obviously teasing.

"Mr. Zhou is joking. Mr. Zhou is in high spirits now, and I'm flattered that you can come to toast me."

He said he came to toast, but Zhou Mo didn't mean to drink. Instead, he found an empty seat and sat down unceremoniously, looking at Li Dongming and others, and asked Zhao Xiaonian. "Mr. Zhao's friends are very unfamiliar, how do I address them?"

When Li Dongming saw Zhou Mo, his expression was a little withdrawn. Obviously, the other party knew Zhou Mo.

And Zhou Mo's performance also clearly showed that he knew the other party's existence, but he was just pretending to be confused.

"This is Mr. Li, my friend."

Zhao Xiaonian didn't say much's introduction, just briefly mentioned it.

Zhou Mo smiled, but didn't point it out, "Mr. Zhao, I really want to acquire Bohai. After all, it is the lifelong effort of my uncle, and it can be regarded as our Zhou family's industry. Mr. Zhao, please give me some face, so that our Zhou family's things will not fall into the hands of others."

"Mr. Zhou is really a nephew with deep affection. First, he ruthlessly snatched Bohai's business, putting Bohai in trouble. Now he turns around and proposes to acquire Bohai with a look of deep affection for relatives. Mr. Zhou, you really opened my eyes."

Zhou Mo seemed not to hear Zhao Xiaonian's sarcasm, and said: "Business is business. Besides, it is not me, Zhou Mo, who put Bohai into this situation, but you, Mr. Zhao. How about this, I will give Mr. Zhao a face and offer 300 million, how about it?"

Li Dongming and the two The subordinates exchanged glances and then said, "Mr. Zhao, 500 million is already our highest price, and this price also shows our Hengyuan's sincerity."

Zhao Xiaonian raised his glass to Li Dongming, "Mr. Li, I know your company's sincerity. I toast you a glass."

After the glasses clinked and both drank the wine in the glass, Zhao Xiaonian continued, "How about this, I'll take a step back and offer 550 million. If possible, we can sign the contract tomorrow."

Li Dongming still refused to give in and said, "500 million yuan is actually very high."

Zhao Xiaonian deliberately glanced at Zhou Mo, then made a cruel expression and said to Li Dongming, "Okay, 500 million is 500 million, and we will sign the contract and handover tomorrow."

Li Dongming smiled and raised his glass to toast Zhao Xiaonian.

At this time, Zhou Mo spoke again

"Mr. Zhao, I, Boyue, am also willing to offer 520 million."

Zhou Mo's words made Li Dongming put down his wine glass and looked over with displeasure, "Mr. Zhou, it seems a bit inappropriate for you to do this, right?"

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