Zhao Xiaonian subconsciously took a step back, and felt a strong wind passing by the place where he had just stood.

Zhao Xiaonian did not dare to hesitate, and hurriedly stepped back, and took out his mobile phone in his hand.

With the weak light of the mobile phone, he saw two men in black.

"Who are you?" Zhao Xiaonian shouted.

"The one who wants you dead." One of the men in black shouted, and a dagger about one foot long flashed in his hand.

Zhao Xiaonian threw the mobile phone out, the light of the mobile phone went out, and the villa fell into darkness again.

Then the next second, the light of the villa was turned on by Zhao Xiaonian.

With the light, Zhao Xiaonian felt much more at ease.

"Tell me, who sent you here?" Zhao Xiaonian looked at the two people who were wrapped in black, leaving only two eyes exposed, and asked sternly.

After the two men in black looked at each other, they rushed up at the same time.

Each of them had a dagger in his hand and greeted Zhao Xiaonian.

The two were obviously martial artists, and they cooperated very well.

One attacked the upper road, and the other attacked the lower road.

Although Zhao Xiaonian was unarmed, he was a master of martial arts after all.

He saw that the man who attacked the upper road was using old moves, so he pulled him and blocked him in front of him. The man who attacked the lower road didn't hold back, and stabbed his companion's thigh with a knife.

"Ah~" the man who was stabbed screamed.

Zhao Xiaonian didn't give the other party any chance, and kicked the man who attacked the lower road on the chin with one foot. With a sound of "pu", the man spit out a mouthful of blood, and fell to the ground and fainted.

He pulled the man's arms in his hand, and heard two "clicks", and the man's arms were removed by Zhao Xiaonian.

Zhao Xiaonian didn't dare to be careless, so he chopped the man's neck with a hand knife.

After solving these, Zhao Xiaonian was about to call the police, but his cell phone rang.

At first glance, it was Xu Dajiang who called.


When Zhao Xiaonian answered the phone, his tone was still a bit depressed after surviving a disaster.

Xu Dajiang heard something unusual, but he didn't ask much, because there was something more urgent, "Yan'er was arrested."


Zhao Xiaonian was shocked, "When did it happen?"

"Just half an hour ago. In the underground garage of Longsheng, the driver was knocked unconscious, and Yan'er was directly abducted."

What a coincidence, it's really a coincidence!

Zhao Xiaonian felt that his attack and Xu Yan'er's abduction were not coincidental.

"Grandpa, I was attacked just now. But the other party didn't want to abduct me, but to kill me."

Hearing this, Xu Dajiang was also shocked, "You were attacked too?"

As an old man, Xu Dajiang had been through a lot in the past, and had experienced a lot of things. It was definitely not a derogatory term to say that he was cunning and treacherous.

"Has the person been caught?"

Xu Dajiang did not ask a stupid question like "Are you okay?". Zhao Xiaonian could still talk to him like this, so he knew that he was okay.

Similarly, Zhao Xiaonian could still talk like this, which also meant that the risk had passed.

Zhao Xiaonian glanced at the two people lying on the ground, "They were caught, in my house."

"Okay, be careful, I'll be there soon."

Xu Dajiang hung up the phone quickly.

Zhao Xiaonian searched the villa and finally found a plastic rope in the grocery room.

After tying the hands and feet of the two people on the ground, the doorbell of the villa rang.

Xu Dajiang brought two patrolmen who were of high rank, as you can tell from their shoulder badges, to the front of the villa. There were also a dozen big men in black behind them.

"Where are the people?"

Xu Dajiang asked impatiently when he saw Zhao Xiaonian.

Zhao Xiaonian pointed to the house, "In the living room."

Xu Dajiang did not say anything polite and walked in directly with the two patrolmen.

The dozen or so black-clad men were scattered around the villa, ready to fight.

Seeing the two black-clad men who had fainted, one with blood on his mouth and the other with a pool of blood on his thigh, the two patrolmen subconsciously looked at Zhao Xiaonian.

Zhao Xiaonian spread his hands and explained, "They were holding knives, I had no choice but to attack more. Is this considered self-defense?"

The two patrolmen looked at each other, and one of them stepped forward and took off the hood of the black-clad man with blood on his mouth.

"This is Wang Meng!"

The patrolman exclaimed, hurried to the other side, and took off his hood as well.

"Liu Yong!"

The patrolman exclaimed again.

This time, when the two patrolmen looked at Zhao Xiaonian again, their eyes were full of surprise.

Xu Dajiang asked one of the older policemen, "Chief Chen, who are these two?"

"Two Class A wanted criminals, with several lives lost, both of them are skilled in martial arts, even we policemen can't save them if we don't have a few together."It took several patrolmen to deal with a wanted criminal. In the case of a sneak attack, Zhao Xiaonian was not injured, but was injured by Zhao Xiaonian and survived. This Zhao Xiaonian is obviously very skilled. Chen Ju continued: "They are with a gang, a total of 6 people. They all take some dirty work, kidnapping, murder, as long as they are willing to pay, they will take it. Many places have tried to catch them several times, but they have not been caught." "What should I do? My granddaughter must be in their hands." Xu Dajiang was already anxious, and now when he heard that his granddaughter fell into the hands of this group of people, he immediately became more anxious. "Mr. Xu, I will arrange people now to go to the hospital to bandage first. Then I will interrogate them overnight and make sure to pry open their mouths." Chen Ju looked at another patrolman, "Call someone to bring them back to the bureau and interrogate them immediately." Another patrolman stood at attention: "Yes! "

At this time, a rapid telephone ring came from the black-clad man with a thigh injury.

Zhao Xiaonian, who was close to him, squatted down and fumbled around the man, then took out a mobile phone from his coat pocket.

The caller displayed an unfamiliar number.

"Don't answer it, it might be an accomplice." Director Chen quickly stopped him.

Zhao Xiaonian had no choice but to give the phone to the police.

The phone rang for a while, then there was no sound.

But the next second, Zhao Xiaonian's phone rang again.

Looking at the unfamiliar number displayed on the phone, Zhao Xiaonian thought for a while, and without waiting for the police to speak, he picked up the phone and turned it on speakerphone directly.


"... Zhao Xiaonian, you are not dead after all!" The other side spoke after a while. However, the voice was obviously processed, and Zhao Xiaonian could not tell who it was.

Zhao Xiaonian frowned and said, "Who are you? Why did you send someone to kill me?"

"Who am I? Of course I am the one who wants you dead. "The man on the other end of the phone had a deep hatred in his tone.

A figure suddenly popped up in Zhao Xiaonian's mind, and then he said tentatively: "Zhou Mo!"

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