The other end was obviously stunned after hearing Zhao Xiaonian calling out this name, and then heard a very small voice. After a few seconds, the other end of the phone continued: "If you don't want Xu Yan'er to get into trouble, come to Zhongshan Street now, remember to drive your 812."

After that, the phone was hung up.

Zhao Xiaoming called again, and it was shown that the other party's phone was turned off.

"It should be Zhou Mo from Boyue Company." Zhao Xiaonian looked at Director Chen and Xu Dajiang.

In fact, Zhao Xiaonian didn't need to repeat it, the two of them also heard the content of the call clearly.

Director Chen immediately said to his subordinates: "Immediately arrange someone to check this mobile phone number. Then let someone set up control on Zhongshan Road."

"In addition, arrange a group of people to search Zhou Mo's home."

"Yes!" The patrolman hurried to the side to make a phone call.

Director Chen looked at Zhao Xiaonian with some embarrassment, "Mr. Zhao..."

"Xiao Nian, please save Yan'er!" Xu Dajiang didn't wait for Director Chen to speak, and directly took over the conversation.

Director Chen obviously meant the same thing, but because he was a patrolman, his position did not allow him to say these words.

If it were someone else, Director Chen might not take this risk, but seeing Zhao Xiaonian knock down two A-level wanted criminals with knives with his bare hands, Director Chen was somewhat relieved about Zhao Xiaonian's skills.

Xu Dajiang continued: "I know it's very dangerous this time, but after all, Yan'er is still in their hands. If Yan'er has any accidents..."

He didn't finish his words, but Xu Dajiang's meaning was also very clear.

The old man sent the young man away, this kind of thing is too much of a blow, Xu Dajiang has sent once, and he can't accept such a blow a second time.

Zhao Xiaonian held Xu Dajiang's hand, "Grandpa, don't worry. Even if you don't tell me, I will definitely go this time. I also promise you that as long as I find Xu Yan'er, I will definitely bring her back safely."

Xu Dajiang nodded, "Okay. As long as you rescue Yan'er safely, I will agree to your business, even if I have to be your mistress, I will accept it."

Zhao Xiaonian was a little amused by this.

But Zhao Xiaonian also felt how nervous Xu Dajiang was at this time.

Xu Yan'er, his granddaughter, was too important to him.

"Mr. Zhao, don't worry, our people will always follow you." Fortunately, Director Chen spoke at the right time and revealed the topic.

Just as he was talking, a group of patrolmen came in from outside the door, many of whom were holding various equipment in their hands.

One of them was a female patrolman, holding a button-sized object and came over, "Hello, I want to install a tracker on my body."

Zhao Xiaonian nodded, and the female patrolman quickly buckled the tracker on the inner pocket of Zhao Xiaonian's suit jacket.

At this time, a patrolman handed over an earphone, "Take this, you can talk to us at any time."

It seems that this is a miniature walkie-talkie.

Zhao Xiaonian put the earphone into his left ear, and heard a voice coming from the earphone, "Can you hear it? Can you hear it clearly?"

Because he didn't know who asked, Zhao Xiaonian had to look at Director Chen and said, "I can hear it, and I can hear it very clearly."

Director Chen nodded, glanced at his subordinates, and seeing that no one was moving, he said to Zhao Xiaonian: "As a patrolman, I ask you for the last time, are you really going?"

After all, Zhao Xiaonian is just an ordinary person, and the patrolman has no right to ask Zhao Xiaonian to take this risk.

"Yes. I must go. This is my own will," Zhao Xiaonian nodded.

Although Xu Yan'er often quarreled with her, the two of them could be considered friends. Especially after working together this time, their relationship was obviously much closer.

As for Xu Dajiang, let alone, he was both a teacher and a friend.

Director Chen nodded again and said, "Then there is no time to lose. Let's set off now and be safe on the road. Also, you can quit at any time, and we patrol officers will not force you to do so."

"Okay." Zhao Xiaonian replied, looked at Xu Dajiang, nodded at the old man, and walked towards the garage.

Not long after, a roar of the engine sounded, and a black 812 with shining lights on sped out of the garage.

When the 812 drove out of Longsheng Haoting, several ordinary cars followed one after another, always keeping a distance of dozens of meters from Zhao Xiaonian's 812.

When the 812 was driving on the road to Zhongshan Road, Zhao Xiaonian's phone suddenly rang.

At first glance, it was another unfamiliar number.


"Do you see the traffic light ahead? Stop at the intersection." This time, a man's deep voice came over the phone, very unfamiliar.

Zhao Xiaonian looked at the traffic light, "But it's green now."

"Stop." The other party said withAn unquestionable tone.


812 stopped at the zebra crossing.

Because the traffic light was still green, the vehicles following behind also stopped and began to honk their horns, looking anxious.

But Zhao Xiaonian didn't have time to deal with them now, and said to the phone: "Stopped, then what."


The other party said one word, but did not hang up the phone.

And the cars following 812 behind were also reporting the situation through the intercom.

Ten seconds later, the green light turned red.

"Drive through."

The other party's voice came from the phone, and then the call was hung up.

Zhao Xiaonian didn't think about it, he stepped on the accelerator, and 812 drove out against the red light.

This move made the cars following behind confused. They also wanted to follow, but because there were many cars in front, they couldn't drive through even if they wanted to.

"Report, report. The target has been lost. Repeat, the target has been lost."

Director Chen and others who had been at Zhao Xiaonian's house frowned when they heard the voice coming from the intercom.

They also heard clearly what happened on Zhao Xiaonian's side through the intercom on Zhao Xiaonian.

"This is a group of veterans." Director Chen couldn't help but sigh and hurriedly picked up the intercom, "Group 2, follow the target vehicle. Group 3 is on standby at any time. Groups 4 and 5 are on Zhongshan Road."

This side.

812 drove for a few more minutes and was about to reach Zhongshan Road. Zhao Xiaonian's phone rang again.

Before Zhao Xiaonian could speak, the other party spoke directly, "Turn around, right now."

Zhao Xiaonian saw that there was indeed a zebra crossing a few meters in front of the car. Without thinking too much, he turned the direction and made a U-turn.

Fortunately, it was a zebra crossing and the vehicles around were not driving fast, so there was no traffic accident.

However, the drivers who stopped because of Zhao Xiaonian's operation greeted the 812 countless times.

"Report, Group 2 lost it."

Director Chen's face became more solemn.

Obviously, this group must have set up posts in some places. As long as they saw 812 arrive at some designated locations, someone would direct Zhao Xiaonian's driving route.

The purpose was to get rid of the patrol officers who were following them.

"Group 1, see if your position can keep up. Group 3, you will follow immediately. Group 4 and Group 5, the destination may not be Zhongshan Road, you all get in the car now, and everyone is on standby."

Because of the U-turn, no one knows where 812 is going.

After driving for a few more minutes, Zhao Xiaonian's phone rang again

"Drive into the alley."

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