In the box.

Zhao Xiaonian pushed open the door of the box and saw three people sitting at the table inside. In addition to Xu Bin and Zhang Yubing, Cui Zhenxing had also arrived.

"Zhao Xiaonian, come on, come on, come in quickly."

Seeing Zhao Xiaonian appear, Xu Bin waved to him enthusiastically, motioning him to sit next to him.

It didn't matter to Zhao Xiaonian where he sat, and he walked to the empty seat next to Xu Bin and sat down.

Cui Zhenxing asked, "Zhao Xiaonian, do you still recognize me?"

"Of course I still remember. Cui Zhenxing, right? You haven't changed much." Cui Zhenxing was the kind of thin and small person, with a short height of 1.6 meters and a thin body. After not seeing him for many years, he still looked thin and small.

"You haven't changed much." Cui Zhenxing asked curiously, "By the way, I heard that you were admitted to Ling University, why did you come to Shanghai again?"

"Oh, I'm on a business trip and traveling at the same time. I came to Shanghai to do some things and meet friends."

"I heard from Xu Bin that you haven't graduated yet? Didn't you start looking for a job in your senior year? Have you found a suitable one?" Cui Zhenxing looked concerned about his classmates. Without waiting for Zhao Xiaonian to answer, he looked at Zhang Yubing, who had been silent all the time, "Yubing, is your company still recruiting? How about introducing Zhao Xiaonian to it?"

Zhang Yubing glanced at Zhao Xiaonian and shook his head directly, "I think it's better to forget it. My dad's company has a lot of requirements, and he is not suitable."

"Well, we are all classmates, you can ask your uncle later. Anyway, it's just a reward and a backdoor." Cui Zhenxing began to plead for Zhao Xiaonian.

But as he listened to this, the meaning of the words changed a little.

Zhao Xiaonian frowned slightly.

Zhang Yubing was still thinking about it in a pretentious manner, and said: "In this case, I will ask later. The management level is definitely not possible, I will help fight for the bottom-level positions."

Here is the meaning.

At this time, the door of the box was pushed open again.

A long-haired beauty wearing a winter dress walked in from outside. Seeing several people looking at her, the beauty smiled as she walked: "Sorry everyone, there is a traffic jam on the road."

Before Zhao Xiaonian recognized who this person was, the others had already stood up. Zhang Yubing, who had always been aloof, left his seat and walked over, his face full of fat and full of smiles, "Hey, Ruiqian, you are never late. I told you I would buy you a car. It's so convenient to drive yourself, and you don't have to squeeze into the subway."

"No, I can't afford a car even if I have one. The gas and parking fees are enough for me. I'm also thinking about saving money to buy a house in Shanghai. Besides, if you buy me a car, I have to save money to pay you back. You think I'm not under enough pressure."

It was obviously not the first time for the beauty. Although it was a rejection, it was said in a way that people could not find fault with it and would not hurt the other person's face.

"Well, what money do you have to pay for buying you a car? That's what I gave you. What's the point of talking about money?"

Zhang Yubing was very generous. Not only did his words reveal the smell of money, but it also made people feel that he was pursuing this beauty.

"Haha, forget it. No merit, no reward." The beauty still had a smile on her face. She looked at Zhao Xiaonian and changed the subject, "Zhao Xiaonian? You haven't changed much."

Zhao Xiaonian looked at the long-haired beauty and said in surprise, "You are... Lin Ruiqian?!"

"You are Lin Ruiqian?"

No wonder Zhao Xiaonian didn't recognize her. Lin Ruiqian has changed a lot.

The short hair in my memory has become long hair, and she has become tall and beautiful. The pure class flower in school uniform has grown into a pure and lustful beauty. I just don't know if she will still make a "giggle" sound when she laughs now.

Lin Ruiqian joked: "Look at you, have I changed so much? Or have I become ugly and you can't recognize me?"

Zhao Xiaonian hurriedly explained with a smile: "No, you have changed a lot since you grew up. You have become more and more beautiful, so beautiful that I can't recognize you."

"Okay, it seems that the world has really changed. Even you, the honest Zhao Xiaonian, have become slick."

Seeing that Lin Ruiqian was talking to Zhao Xiaonian and diverted his conversation, Zhang Yubing looked at Zhao Xiaonian unhappily, then walked to his seat, pointed to the empty seat next to him, and said to Lin Ruiqian: "Ruiqian, come sit down and talk."

"Okay." Lin Ruiqian smiled and responded, then walked to the table and sat down.

But she did not sit next to Zhang Yubing, but sat next to Zhao Xiaonian.

As soon as she sat down, Lin Ruiqian immediately said to Zhao Xiaonian: "Hey, sitting here, I suddenly remembered. We were deskmates in high school, right?" Zhao Xiaonian nodded, "Yes, we were deskmates for a year in the second year of high school."While talking, Zhao Xiaonian saw Zhang Yubing's embarrassed face from the corner of his eye, then he glared at him, and then winked at Cui Zhenxing.

Sure enough, Cui Zhenxing, who received the wink, spoke up the next second, "Since you have been deskmates, you can't sit together today."

"Why?" Lin Ruiqian asked with a smile.

Cui Zhenxing was speechless for a moment, obviously unable to think of a reasonable explanation.

But Xu Bin took over the conversation and said, "Because none of the three of us have been deskmates with Ruiqian. Ruiqian should be fair and sit at the same table with us for once."

Then he pointed to the empty seat next to Zhang Yubing, "Let's start with Yubing today. Ruiqian will be Yubing's deskmate this time."

Zhao Xiaonian saw that Xu Bin was helping Zhang Yubing, so he didn't say anything, waiting to see what Lin Ruiqian would say.

Lin Ruiqian still had the same smile as before, and said, "We are eating at the same table today, but this is not considered sitting at the same table, right? Xu Bin, you are wrong. You will have to drink three cups of wine as punishment later. Also, today is because Zhao Xiaonian came to Shanghai, and he is the protagonist today. If anything, he should sit over there."

This made Xu Bin, a salesperson, unable to refute, and Zhao Xiaonian wanted to applaud after hearing it.

It seems that in the past four years, Lin Ruiqian has not only become more beautiful, but also more tactful. At least just the ability to speak is obviously honed.

Seeing that Lin Ruiqian really didn't want to sit over there, Zhang Yubing had to sit back in anger, took a sip of the tea in front of him, and then shouted to the outside of the box, "Where is the waiter? Where did he go? Everyone is here, but he still hasn't served the dishes?"

This is a case of having no place to vent his anger, so he can only vent it on the waiter.

The waiters were used to being used as punching bags by the guests. After hearing Zhang Yubing's words, one of them opened the door and said, "Okay, sir, the food will be served soon."

"Open the red wine and wake it up. You have no eyesight at all. Binzi, go and take a look. Don't let them mess around and ruin the good wine I brought." Zhang Yubing cursed again in frustration.

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