Without saying anything, Xu Bin stood up and walked to the private room.

Seeing this, Zhao Xiaonian was a little puzzled.

I remember that Zhang Yubing was not like this when he was in high school. At that time, he always followed Xu Bin and acted like a younger brother.

But how come it seems that the two have been switched now, the boss has become the younger brother, and the younger brother has become the boss.

"You should be in Lingda, and you are also a senior this year, right?"

Lin Ruiqian seemed to be used to this situation and did not pay too much attention to it.

Zhao Xiaonian nodded in response, "Yes. Like you, you are still a college student."

Lin Ruiqian's grades are better than Zhao Xiaonian's. She was admitted to the key Magic City University and is also a senior this year.

"Ruiqian is different from you. You are still worried about finding a job, but she is taking the postgraduate entrance examination." Zhang Yubing finally got the chance and quickly interrupted, and by the way, he did not forget to mock Zhao Xiaonian and expose his shortcomings.

Lin Ruiqian heard this and asked, "You haven't found a job yet?"

But there was no sarcasm or ridicule in her tone, only concern.

"I don't plan to find one for the time being, I..."

Zhao Xiaonian was about to say that he was starting a business, but Zhang Yubing interrupted him directly, "If you can't find one, then don't find one. I don't plan to find one for the time being. Zhao Xiaonian, you were quite honest at the beginning, how come you have become so hypocritical?"

"You also said that if you really can't find a job, tell me and I will arrange for you to work in our company in Shanghai. With my connections, I will never let you suffer."

Hearing this, Zhao Xiaonian had the urge to laugh.

Just now, when Xu Bin mentioned this, Zhang Yubing obviously didn't want to pay attention; but when Lin Ruiqian came, it seemed like he took the initiative to help.

This favor is really good.

"No need, I'm actually starting my own business." Zhao Xiaonian's tone was not as good as before, and he refused politely.

Zhang Yubing said, "I didn't realize you're already a boss. How big is your company now? Can you make money?"

"Zhao Xiaonian's company is definitely profitable. He bought a car from our store today, 150,000 yuan, and paid in full." On this side, Xu Bin, who had just sobered up after watching the waiter open the wine, came back and took up the topic.

But his tone was full of mockery that echoed Zhang Yubing.

Lin Ruiqian also heard it.

She frowned slightly at Xu Bin, and her eyes fell back on Zhao Xiaonian, "Although I'm taking the postgraduate entrance examination, I've also found a job now, in the Han Group. If you want to work in Shanghai, I can try to recommend you."

Zhao Xiaonian was quite happy to see that Lin Ruiqian was actually helping him find a job.

But when he heard the words "Han Group", his eyelids jumped unconsciously.

"Han Group? Ruiqian, that's a big group, not everyone can get in. Can Zhao Xiaonian do it?" Zhang Yubing saw that Lin Ruiqian was actually concerned about Zhao Xiaonian's affairs, and he was jealous. He didn't even pretend to say anything bad, and just said it.

Lin Ruiqian glanced at Zhang Yubing, "How do you know if it won't work if you don't try it?"

Turning back to look at Zhao Xiaonian, "Don't feel pressured. So, you go back and give me a copy of your resume, I'll send it to our company's HR, and see if I can get an interview opportunity."

Zhao Xiaonian looked at Lin Ruiqian gratefully and said, "Thank you. But I don't need it for the time being. And I know your boss too."

"Hahaha, Zhao Xiaonian, you are really getting more and more dishonest. Now you don't even write a draft before you brag."

Hearing this, Zhang Yubing slapped the table and laughed, and Xu Bin and Cui Zhenxing also showed sarcastic expressions.

Lin Ruiqian also frowned, "Zhao Xiaonian, now is not the time to save face."

Seeing Zhao Xiaonian say such words, Lin Ruiqian was really a little angry. She didn't expect that Zhao Xiaonian, who was honest at the beginning, would become like this. It is really unwise to refuse such a good job opportunity for the sake of face.

Zhao Xiaonian saw Lin Ruiqian like this, and knew that the other party had misunderstood.

But what can be done if there is a misunderstanding? You can't call Han Mingze specifically for such a small matter, right?

That's too der.

"Zhao Xiaonian, listen to me, send me your resume later. Han's Group is also very important in Shanghai. Working here for a few years, even if you want to change jobs, having this work experience will be a plus."

Angry, but Lin Ruiqian really wants to help Zhao Xiaonian, as long as she persuades patiently.

Zhao Xiaonian looked at Lin Ruiqian and felt a bit amused, but he didn't want to reject the beauty's kindness, so he just nodded and said, "Okay, I'll send you my resume later. Thank you."

HowIn other words, they also have good intentions. They haven't seen each other for so many years, and knowing that I don't have a job, they immediately started to help me find a job. Just for this kindness, Zhao Xiaonian was touched enough.

Seeing Zhao Xiaonian agree, Lin Ruiqian was also very happy in her heart, and took out her mobile phone with a smile, "We haven't seen each other for so many years, please leave your contact information. Remember to send me your resume via WeChat later."

Seeing that Lin Ruiqian and Zhao Xiaonian were chatting happily over there, Lin Ruiqian also helped Zhao Xiaonian find a job. This made Zhang Yubing angry.

Today's game was organized by Xu Bin, and Zhang Yubing looked at Xu Bin.

Xu Bin was also unhappy.

He set up this game today to get back the situation and make Zhao Xiaonian look bad, not to provide him with a chance to pick up girls.

"That's right, Zhao Xiaonian. Ruiqian is able to help you now, so don't be so arrogant. To be honest, there are many college students like you who are ambitious but incompetent every year in our company. It is only after being beaten by society that they can see and face reality. Don't be ambitious but incompetent, and learn to cherish this opportunity."

Although these words are good, they sound like an elder scolding a younger generation.

Zhao Xiaonian said perfunctorily.

"By the way, why did you buy a car in our store today? I tell you, you must buy a car within your means. Even if you want to buy one, you don't need to pay in full. Various commercial loans are now convenient, fast and stress-reducing. If you pay in full, your family's assets will be emptied, right? You can't squander the money your parents left for you."

"What? Buy a car?" Lin Ruiqian couldn't help but raise her eyebrows when she heard this, and her eyes opened wide.

"Yes, Zhao Xiaonian came to our store around noon today and picked up a car worth 150,000 yuan. With all the miscellaneous items, it's more than 160,000 yuan."

"You haven't found a job yet, why are you in a hurry to buy a car!" Lin Ruiqian got angry again when she heard this. Her impression of Zhao Xiaonian was discounted again.

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