"Diary of Empress Development / Author: Nine-Tailed Demon Fox"

『Status:Updated to:Chapter 1052 The two emperors face each other, the emperor is mighty』

"brief introduction:

On the top of Nanling Snow Mountain, Zhang Tian adopted a three-year-old girl and named her "Nannan". For his daughter, Zhang Tian, ​​who had been in seclusion for five million years, had to be reborn. 』


Chapter 1 The Emperor of Heaven returns to seclusion and adopts three fairies

"For fifty million years, I'm back again."

On the top of Nanling Snow Mountain, a young man in black brocade clothes stood with his hands behind his back, his expression was indifferent, his eyes were deep and unpredictable, giving people the impression of being ruthless and ruthless, but he also had a domineering domineering look at the world.

Fifty million years ago, he traveled to the fantasy world, and it was from here that he finally reached the pinnacle with a physique that was not as good as the mortal body.

He was buried in the place of burial, crossed the ruins, traveled all over the nine heavens and ten places, slaughtered immortals and destroyed gods, and defeated all the arrogance of heaven.

He was titled Emperor Burying Heaven, beheading all the immortal emperors before him, and erasing the imprint of the Tao, so that all those who came later stopped in the realm of quasi-immortal emperors.

He re-established the heaven and blocked countless dark turmoils. There was no one in the past, and no one came later.

Now, he has been in seclusion for five million years, and he revisited the old place, and he couldn't help but feel a thousand emotions.

"Ta Tata..."

On the top of the empty and lonely snow-capped mountain, there was a sudden sound of small footsteps, which interrupted Emperor Burial's thoughts, causing him to look around involuntarily.

What caught my eye was a petite little loli, only about three years old, wearing a shabby cotton padded jacket, her lips were purple from the cold, her fists were tightly clenched, and the determination in her eyes made the Emperor Burial couldn't help it. moving.

This little loli obviously did not expect that there would be a living person on the top of the snow-covered Nanling Snow Mountain all year round. She was so scared that she took two steps back and sat down in the snowdrift, looking very cute.

At this moment, a wave of snow with a height of several thousand meters swept up, covering the sky and the sun. Little Loli couldn't help shaking even more, but instead of closing her eyes like ordinary people, she stared straight at the snow. Lang, his eyes full of stubbornness.

But I didn't expect that Xuelang, which was so terrifying, as if it was about to destroy the sky and the earth, was actually wiped out in front of this black-clothed man, and he couldn't help showing a cute expression again.

Emperor Burial smiled slightly, the coldness in his eyes disappeared, and said with a smile: "Little guy, what's your name?"

Little Loli staggered up and said crisply: "My name is Ruthless, thank you for saving my life."

"Ruthless man? You are a girl, why did you have such a name?"

"Because in this world, the weak eat the strong, and only the ruthless can survive!"

The Emperor Burial was moved again. He could clearly see that there was nothing strange about this little girl, not an extraordinary physique, nor the reincarnation of a strong man. What kind of drastic changes did she go through to make her have such an impression on this world.

After a little silence, Emperor Burial asked again: "Then what are you doing at the top of the Snow Mountain, it's very dangerous here."

Little Lolita said: "I heard from the old man at the foot of the mountain that there is a kind of snow lotus on the snowy mountain. Eating it can gain great power, and you don't have to be afraid of being bullied anymore."

"Then have you found it?"

Little Lolita shook her head, her face darkened, she spread out one palm, and said in a low voice, "I only found this."

At a glance, the Emperor Burial saw that in the center of the small palm, there was a white snow lotus seed, crystal clear, just like the eyes of a little loli. 67 Novels www.6c7d.com

The palm was already frozen, and the fingertips were light blue, trembling slightly in the wind and snow.

Heaven Burial Emperor only felt that the softest part of his heart was touched, and he couldn't help raising his hand to hold the cold little hand, passing on the warmth, and said softly: "Do you have any family?"

Little Loli shook her head again, but her face couldn't help showing a rosy color, and she didn't know whether it was being warmed or not used to being so close.

The Emperor Buried Heaven let out a sigh of relief, as if he had made up his mind, and said solemnly, "From today onwards, you are my Heaven Burial... Zhang Tian's daughter."

Little Loli was stunned, and it took a long time for her to react. Tears of joy filled her eyes, she nodded firmly, and held the palm of the young man instead.

In this way, Zhang Tian's big hand held Ruthless's small hand, and they walked down the snowy mountain step by step and started their journey.

one year later.

"Xiao Nannan, this is your second sister, because I found it in the flowers in the rainy night, so let's call her Yuxin. You must protect her well in the future."

The ruthless little Lolita stared at the swaddling baby and nodded heavily.

Three years later.

"Xiao Nan Nan, this is your third sister, her name is Zi Yan."

"Why doesn't she look like a human? Because she is a dragon, Taixu Gulong... Emperor."

The ruthless little Lolita looked at the "little lizard" held by Zhang Tian, ​​her brows furrowed, her eyes full of scrutiny, and finally she reluctantly recognized this sister.

Ten years later, the capital of Yan.

In the center of the capital, there is a sea of ​​people, and there are more than a dozen huge platforms in the middle of the open field. On each platform, there are two crystal pillars, which exude a dazzling brilliance.

Today is the day of the once-in-a-decade sect election in the Montenegro region. As early as a month ago, the major capitals of the Montenegro region started the pre-selection competition. All the school-aged youths in the capital competed fairly to snatch the entry orders of the major sects. Card.

And today's main election, also known as "Yuelongmen", all the teenagers who have advanced must go to the corresponding sect to test their talents with the tokens they grabbed.If you have good talent and aptitude, you can directly be promoted to true disciple or core disciple, and you will cross the Dragon Gate in one step. If your aptitude is not good, you can only be an outer disciple or even a handyman.

Therefore, the importance of the main election is not under the pre-selection at all. The combination of the two can almost determine a teenager's future achievements.

Among all the sect platforms, the most conspicuous is naturally the platform of the largest sect of the Black Mountains, Liu Yun sect, occupying the center position, just like the style of the head of the ten thousand sects.Even the dignified city lord of Yandu would sit down with the Floating Cloud Sect's true disciple with a respectful look on his face.

"Look, Zhang Ruren has come to power!"

As soon as the words came out, the entire venue was silent for a moment, and everyone focused their attention on the girl who was standing like a pine on the Floating Cloud Sect test platform.

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