A single ponytail and a washed-white training suit set off her slender figure and her flawless face, which is absolutely beyond the description of any words in the world. The name is Zhang Ruren.

She is also the first place in the sect preliminaries, defeating all Tianjiao, and won a Floating Cloud Sect entry token with undisputed strength.

Chapter 2 My daughter is trash?

"What a pretty little girl."

In the center of the Floating Cloud Sect's rostrum, a young man wearing a luxurious brocade robe could not help but shine. His name is Chu Yunfei, and he is the true disciple of the Floating Cloud Sect. His grandfather is the supreme elder of the Floating Cloud Sect. Extremely, I don’t know how many fairies and beauties I have seen, but I have never seen such a beautiful and alluring beauty like Zhang Ruren.

Just looking at it, you can't help but fall in love with it.

Even noble sons like Chu Yunfei behaved like this, not to mention other people. In the entire venue, almost all the men cast a fiery look at Zhang Ruren.

Even the Floating Cloud Sect elder, who was in charge of the test, couldn't help but be slightly absent-minded, and then came to his senses, coughed dryly, and said in a gentle tone, "Zhang Ruren, you should test your strength first."

Ruthless Zhang nodded, stood in front of the test column, his pupils shrank, and he slammed out with a punch.Fist wind hunting, curling her hair up.


A huge roar resounded throughout the audience, and the white crystal ball at the bottom of the test column immediately glowed red, followed by the second, third, fourth...ninth, tenth!

The elder in charge of the test sucked in a sharp breath, stared at the ten crystal balls that were lit up, and said loudly, "Body Refinement Realm, tenth level! And it's the pinnacle of tenth level!"


"Tenth level of forging? Didn't she only have ninth level when she was preselected? Did she hide her strength?"

"Zhang Ruren is only 13 years old this year, and he has already reached the tenth level of body forging. It's terrible."

"As expected of the pre-selection champion. At the same age, I am still complacent in the sixth-level body forging. I am really ashamed."

"This woman has amazing potential. If she doesn't die, she will become a legendary king in the future!"

There was a commotion in the crowd. Su Ya clenched her fists tightly, holding back her tears of excitement. She is Zhang Ruren's martial arts instructor, and she is the only one who knows how Zhang Ruren's strength is cultivated. The sweat and hard work of ordinary people came out!

Now everyone is shocked by Zhang Ruren's cultivation, but who knows that when she was six years old, she went into the mountains alone to fight beasts, practiced hard day and night, and even broke through the limits of wolves.

She deserves this honor today!

"Very...very good, let's test the talent."

The tone of the elder in charge of the test has become more gentle. Don't look at him as an elder, but he is only an elder from the outer sect. The strong people in the Floating Cloud Sect are respected. If Zhang Ruren can be selected as the core disciple, it will only be a matter of time before he surpasses him. , of course to be treated respectfully.

Zhang Ruren took a slight breath, and his eyes were a little wet. He worked frantically for ten years, and even came to the brink of desperation countless times, in order to break out this morning!

"Dad, I will definitely live up to your expectations. Yu Xin, Zi Yan, I will definitely enter the Floating Cloud Sect so that you can live a carefree life."

Ruthless Zhang recited in his heart, and gently placed his hand on the talent test crystal pillar. 19th Floor Literature www.19wo.com

The audience was deadly silent, with tens of thousands of eyes staring at the crystal pillar, with a nervous feeling of witnessing the birth of a legend, but the crystal pillar did not change at all.

This means that Zhang Ruren is... a mortal body and a mortal bloodline.

"Zhang Ruren, physique: Ordinary level! Bloodline: Ordinary level! Comprehensive talent: low level!"

The test elder announced the results indifferently.

There was an uproar in the audience, and the noise was about to shake the sky, causing a commotion of ridicule.

Every physique, every bloodline, this is no longer a rubbish talent, but a superb rubbish talent!

You must know that the Shengyuan Continent has a long history. The human and demon clans do not know how many great saint-level characters have been born. Each great saint can condense his own noble blood and pass it on to future generations.Inherited from generation to generation, almost everyone has some noble bloodline in their body, but the amount is very rare. Like Zhang Ruren, there is no noble bloodline at all, but it is extremely rare.

"I laughed so hard, Zhang Ruren's talent is so rubbish."

"Haha, what about the tenth level of body forging, this rubbish talent will never break through to the Lunhai realm in this life."

"Hey, it's really a shame for our Yan Capital City to let this kind of garbage occupy a place in the Floating Cloud Sect."

"Yes, rubbish is rubbish, even if you enter the Floating Cloud Sect, it will be your life as a handyman disciple, why don't you give me your spot!"

"At the beginning, I thought Zhang Ruren was a waste, and it was right."

The sound of disdain and false pity from the surroundings flowed into Zhang Rurenren's ears without a word, like thorns stabbing in her heart, causing her to breathe slightly faster.

But she didn't lower her head, instead she raised her snow neck high, her star-like eyes scanned the audience coldly, and her face became more and more bitter.

These people, who were once her defeats, were in awe of her like gods, but now because she has no talent, they immediately turned their faces and showed a mean look, as if they wanted to take back the humble smile from before.

Zhang Ruren sighed softly, walked down the stage lonely, and retreated to Su Ya's side. When she thought of the two younger sisters who were still happily waiting for the result at home, her heart ached like a knife.

In Wuliu Village, in a small farmyard, Zhang Tian sat lazily by the pond, but his eyes were as sharp as blades, staring at the pond water.

I saw that the surface of the pool was as smooth as a mirror, and it was projecting the main selection screen in Qindu City. Seeing Zhang Ruren leaning beside Su Ya sadly, Zhang Tian's breath became more and more dangerous.

"To dare to say that my daughter is trash, very good, very good."

Zhang Tian stood up, the corners of his mouth evoked a meaningful arc.

If those powerhouses above the Nine Realms saw this scene, they would definitely tremble with fright.Because the last time Zhang Tian showed this expression, the eight ancient holy places, more than [-] Red Dust Immortal Kings vanished into ashes.

Chapter 3 Gentle Yuxin and Cute Zi Yan

The next day, the sun rose, and the smoke from the cooking in Wuliu Village was curled up.

At the entrance of the village, two figures appeared in the mist. It was Su Ya and Zhang Ruren who had returned from Yandu City overnight. The closer they got to their home, the slower Zhang Ruren's footsteps became.

Looking at Zhang Ruren who was in a depressed mood, Su Ya could only sigh inwardly, "The sky is injustice" and reluctantly encouraged Zhang Ruren: "Nan Nan, don't be discouraged, the Floating Cloud Sect is the number one sect in the Black Mountain Region, with countless Inheritance, with your diligence, even if you are a mortal body, you may not be able to break through to a higher realm."

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