As soon as they entered the house, a burst of appetizing aroma of food hit the nostrils, which made Su Ya and Zhang Ruren feel refreshed.

Hearing the sound of the door, a handsome young girl, probably only about ten years old, wearing an apron with several patches appeared from the kitchen.

But seeing her melon-seeded face, willow-leaf eyebrows, cut water pupils, slim and graceful figure, and a standard beauty template, it is foreseeable that she will be a great beauty in the future.The only fly in the ointment is that the girl's body is a little weak, and her face is pale, but it makes people feel pity.

"Eldest sister, Instructor Su, you came back in time, the food was just ready."

Yuxin's voice is very soft and soft, just like her gentle and tranquil character, like the purest and most beautiful snow lotus on the snowy mountain.

Zhang Ruren nodded slightly and said slowly, "Where's Dad and Zi Yan?"

Yu Xin pursed her lips and smiled, and said softly: "They are still sleeping, I'll wake them up now."

As soon as he finished speaking, a young man pushed open the door and walked out. He saw fluffy hair, sleepy eyes, and yawning. It was obvious that he had just woken up, and it was Zhang Tian, ​​the father of his three daughters.

On his neck, Zi Yan shrunk into a ball like a ball, still sleeping soundly.

Shaking his head, Zhang Tian managed to recover a little bit of energy, felt the weight on his neck, and was immediately furious.

"Zi Yan, how many times have I told you, don't sneak into my room to sleep!"

Zhang Tian couldn't bear it any longer, he pulled Xiao Ziyan away and hit her round little butt drum twice.

"Hu... yah, dad, hug..."

Xiao Ziyan woke up in a daze, and immediately retracted into Zhang Tian's arms.In seven years, although Zi Yan has successfully transformed, she has not grown taller at all, just like a two or three-year-old child, who is recognized as a little in the village.Now that she has resorted to this ultimate cute method, even Zhang Tian has no choice but to let her do whatever she wants.

After washing up, Zhang Tian sat at the dining table with Xiao Ziyan in his arms. Yu Xin had already brought the food, and finally put a face-sized clay pot in front of Zi Yan. The pot was filled with fragrant animal milk. .

As soon as she saw the animal milk, Xiao Ziyan's eyes lit up immediately, she broke free from Zhang Tian's shackles, staggered to the dining table, and scooped up the animal milk with a wooden spoon. His eyes were rolling around like a white porcelain doll, and with his naive actions, he babbled, making Zhang Tian and the others smile knowingly.

"Let's eat."

After Zhang Tian finished speaking, he put a piece of lean meat into Zhang Ruren's bowl, and said calmly, "Eat first, no matter what grievances I have suffered, Dad will make those people pay back double."

"Dad..." Zhang Ruren suddenly raised his head, tears welling up in his eyes. She didn't expect that her heart would be seen through at a glance, and her originally cold heart was suddenly warmed.

At this moment, a tyrannical beast roar suddenly came from above the head, accompanied by a terrifying coercion.

"What, this is..."

Su Ya's eyes widened, she immediately put down the tableware and rushed out.

I saw a huge golden demon bird swooping and swooping over Wuliu Village. This demon bird was hundreds of feet tall, covering the sky and the sun. Its feathers were as sharp as a knife, exuding an icy cold glow, and the whole village was alarmed.

"Oh my God, what kind of beast is this, it's terrible!"

"I haven't seen it, but it's definitely not an ordinary beast. Under its coercion, I don't even have the courage to shoot arrows."

"Look, there is someone on that monster bird. I know the badge on his clothes. It is the family crest of the owner of Yandu City. Only those big men are qualified to wear it!"

Compared with the panic-stricken villagers, Su Ya's expression was much more serious. When the demon beast swooped down, her pupils suddenly shrank, and she shouted loudly, "Everyone, be careful, this is the golden relic of the ancient beast. The winged Dapeng bird has the power to tear the sky and the earth apart, and it is extremely terrifying.

"What, the precious bird of Floating Cloud Sect?"

There was a commotion from the villagers. In their eyes, the City Lord's Mansion of Yandu City was already bigger than the sky, and now even the big figures of the Floating Cloud Sect have come.


The golden-winged Dapeng bird fell to the ground, bringing a hurricane, the smoke and dust billowing, and the boundless and ferocious aura was blowing toward the face, making all the villagers unable to help shivering.

Seeing the performance of the villagers in Wuliu Village, an old man who came down from the back of the Golden Winged Dapeng couldn't help showing a proud look, and his expression became even more arrogant.

This golden-winged Dapeng bird is a genuine immemorial relic. Although it is still in its infancy, its bloodline is extremely noble, and its future achievements are limitless. Even in the Floating Cloud Sect, it is worshipped like an ancestor.If it wasn't for the fact that the true disciple, Chu Yunfei, who was in charge of the reception this time, had a great background and deliberately displayed it, it would have been impossible to release such precious birds.

Used to deter these country bumpkins, it's really a bull's knife to kill a chicken.

The Outer Sect elder of Floating Cloud Sect murmured in his heart, and said with a look of disgust: "It really is fierce, and which of you is Zhang Ruren's parent?"

Su Ya has an excellent memory, and immediately greeted him and said: "It turns out that it is the elder Li of the Floating Cloud Sect who is here, and I hope to forgive my sins. However, the new disciples of the Floating Cloud Sect will report to the sect three days later, right? , is it too early?"

Elder Li sneered: "Go to the sect to report? No need, a mortal waste like Zhang Ruren, even if he is a handyman disciple of Floating Cloud Sect, is a waste of food, and he is not worthy of entering Floating Cloud Sect's mountain gate. , I'm here to retrieve her entry token today!"


The stone bowl in Zhang Ruren's hands suddenly turned into a mass of powder.

Chapter 4 Daughters cheer for Dad!

"What? Do you want to take back Nannan's entry token?"

Su Ya was shocked and angry, and said loudly: "Since Nannan has won the entry token of Floating Cloud Sect, no matter what talent she is, she can enter Floating Cloud Sect. This is the rule set by the Holy Ancestor Dynasty, Floating Cloud Sect. No matter how big it is, can it still be bigger than the emperor's dynasty?"

As soon as he heard the words "Holy Ancestor Dynasty", Elder Li immediately changed his face. Although the ruling power of the Holy Ancestor Dynasty has become weaker and weaker in recent years, it is still the ruler of the Saint Yuan Continent, which cannot be competed by the Floating Cloud Sect. , the crime of "destroying the rules of the Holy Ancestor Dynasty" is definitely not something that an elder from the outer sect can bear.

At this moment, a strong and strong man next to him stood up, and Weng said: "Although the Holy Ancestor Dynasty has this rule, as long as the person holding the token voluntarily gives up the token, then everything will be no problem. Li The elders are also well-intentioned, like Zhang Ruren's rubbish talent, it is impossible for him to continue to cultivate, and it is better to exchange this token for some benefits."

Su Ya's expression changed slightly, and she approached Zhang Tian and whispered: "This person is Yan Bahu, the commander of the Imperial Army of Yandu City, and the younger brother of the city lord Yan Balong. His strength is extremely terrifying, this time it should be a bad visitor. "

Zhang Tian raised his eyebrows and said with a chuckle, "Could it be that City Lord Yan took a fancy to the entry token in my daughter's hands, and planned to take it by force?"

Yan Bahu nodded without shyness and said, "That's right, a rubbish talent like Zhang Ruren is impossible to break through if he continues to practice, and the third son of the city master of my family is talented and intelligent. There must be great achievements, and this is also for the future of our Yandu City. Of course, our city lord will also give Zhang Ruren an appropriate compensation, which is enough to ensure that your family has no worries about food and clothing."

Zhang Ruren bit his lip and said, "What if I don't pay?"

Yan Bahu said coldly, "You can't do this! In the boundary of Yandu City, the words of the city owner are the imperial edict! If you are obsessed with it, the hundreds of people in Wuliu Village will be buried with you!"

Elder Li said with a sinister smile: "What if you enter the Floating Cloud Sect, you are a handyman disciple, I want to kill you, it is easier than squeezing an ant."

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