Zhang Ruan's whole body trembled, and he suddenly roared, like a thunderous explosion, and slammed into Elder Li with a punch.

"No!" Su Ya immediately stopped her, but it was too late. Zhang Ruren's punch had already arrived, but it was easily blocked by a light blue shield of infuriating energy.

Elder Li was startled at first, and then shouted angrily: "I dare to commit the following crimes, see I won't ruin you little bastard..."


When Elder Li spoke halfway, he suddenly widened his eyes and stared at the scene in disbelief. The punch he threw with all his strength was enough to crack mountains and rocks, but he was easily stopped by a hand. The owner of it was Zhang Tian, ​​who had always been unremarkable.

"Dad?" Ruthless Man and Yuxin cried out in surprise.

"Let go of me, do you want to be the enemy of Floating Cloud Sect?" Elder Li's old face flushed, and he wanted to withdraw his fist, but he couldn't break free from Zhang Tian's shackles.

"I have been in seclusion for five million years, how can I force me."

Zhang Tian sighed faintly, and a faint fire spewed out of his palm, and Elder Li was instantly drowned by the black sea of ​​fire.

"Ah... no... help me... help me..."

Elder Li fell on the ground, rolling constantly, his voice was extremely shrill, it was the pain that burned the soul, and it made the heart of the listener feel chills, and after a long time, the spirit and soul were all destroyed.

Zhang Tian looked indifferent, looked at Yan Batian again, and made the latter take a few steps back with just one look, showing a panicked state.Qusoshu Book www.qusoshu.com

"You! I'm going to kill you and slaughter the entire Wuliu Village!"

Yan Bahu shouted with red eyes, he has always been arrogant and domineering, and now he is being persecuted step by step by the trash in a small village, how can he bow his head.

"Undefeated Emperor Fist!"

In an instant, Yan Bahu roared furiously, his fists were like thunder, and his whole body was full of infuriating qi. He actually turned into a terrifying phantom of the emperor. Unobservable.

"Boy, you actually forced me back, this is a great sin, leaving me with eternal shame, which can only be washed away with your blood. I want you to live in pain forever, you can't survive, you can't die. You are also the first person to see my emperor-level martial art "Undefeated Emperor Fist"!"

Yan Bahu's face was twisted and terrifying, and the entire space was shaking. Obviously, this move was extremely powerful, and even he could not fully control it.

Zhang Ruren was shocked and said: "The emperor-level boxing skills are ranked even in the entire Shengyuan Continent. The Yan family is only a city master, how can there be such a powerful practice!"

Su Ya said solemnly: "It is said that the ancestors of the Yan family had a supreme sage, who fought with the ancestral dynasty and was finally suppressed. The "Undefeated Emperor Fist" should be the inheritance of that great sage. It can be transformed into a whole emperor, like a god emperor coming into the world, suppressing everything!"

"The Yan family turned out to be a sage family, so it's not comparable to the Floating Cloud Sect, Dad, be careful." Yu Xin showed a deep worry.

"Come on, Dad! Kill these bad guys!" Xiao Ziyan shouted in a milky voice.

"go to hell!"

Yan Bahu's face was full of madness, and he directed the Emperor's phantom to blast towards Zhang Tian like the top of a mountain. With such a violent blow, even if Zhang Tian had reached the extraordinary realm, there would be no way out.

Facing the terrifying scene of the mountains and rivers collapsing and the void trembling, Zhang Tian's expression remained unchanged, and he simply spit out a word: "Death!"

Follow the law!

Just as this sound fell, the emperor in the void suddenly showed an extremely frightened expression, and then collapsed with a bang. The aftermath of the explosion turned into a monstrous flame, directly involving Yan Bahu and others, and his soul was burning.


Before Su Ya and the others recovered from the shock, the golden-winged Dapeng bird that came along suddenly shook its wings, not to attack, but to flee towards the sky like a natural enemy.

Zhang Tian's eyes narrowed slightly, and he pointed to the sky with one finger. Under the clear sky, he suddenly transformed into a big hand that covered the sky. The golden light was tens of thousands of feet long, covering the entire sky.

Compared with this big hand, the golden-winged Dapeng bird is like an ant compared to a giant elephant. It was instantly suppressed and smashed into the open space of Wuliu Village.

Su Ya didn't come back to her senses until now, and she said in a trembling voice, "You...you killed the Yan Pahu and also the golden-winged Dapeng bird of the Floating Cloud Sect. The entire city of Yan capital will be wiped out."

Zhang Tian gently held Ruthless Man's palm and said indifferently, "This is just the beginning. Anyone who mocks my daughter will have to pay the price!"

Chapter 5 Terror Comes to Floating Cloud Sect

Yandu City, the hall of the City Lord's Mansion.

The city lord Yan Balong sat firmly on the main seat with a majestic look, and said to a middle-aged man in black below: "Yan Qing, have you made arrangements for Chu Gongzi?"

Yan Qing nodded and said, "According to the city lord's instructions, two top beauties from the human race and two top beauties from the monster race were selected to serve me carefully. I'm afraid this young man is already reluctant to think about it now."

A teenager in the first place said disdainfully: "I didn't expect this true disciple of Floating Cloud Sect to be so unbearable, and a few beauties in mere mere beauties fascinated him."

Yan Balong said coldly: "Pride! Chu Yunfei's grandfather is the great elder of Floating Cloud Sect. He has reached the terrifying realm of the legendary seven transformations of "ghosts and gods". Even if he is a pig, he is not something you can laugh at. !"

"Yes, yes, the boy knew it was wrong." The young man hurriedly apologized, obviously afraid of the father.

Yan Balong's expression softened a little, and he continued, "This time I disregarded breaking the rules and grabbed a Floating Cloud Sect entry token for you, in order to let you hug Chu Yunfei, the great backer. The Sect Master of Floating Cloud Sect. It has been in seclusion for hundreds of years, regardless of world affairs, everything in the sect is decided by Chu Yunfei’s grandfather, as long as you follow Chu Yunfei closely, you will definitely get the full cultivation of the Floating Cloud Sect!”

The young man nodded again and again, and suddenly said with a wicked smile: "That Zhang Ruan from Wuliu Village, who is so beautiful in his life, will surely become a great beauty in the future. Now that his father has sent his second uncle to snatch her entry token, can she be taken away from her? I also give it to my children."

Yan Balong said softly: "Without the entry token of Flowing Cloud Sect, Zhang Ruren is just an ordinary village girl. If you like it, just grab it."

The young man was overjoyed and said, "Thank you father for making it happen."

At this moment, the door of the main hall was suddenly slammed open, and two guards rushed in in a panic, saying loudly: "City Lord, the big thing is bad, the big thing is bad."

Yan Balong said angrily, "What happened?"

The guard said: "That Zhang Ruren brought people into the city, and is currently massaging the city, and it will take a long time to kill the city lord's mansion."

"What? Massacre?"

Everyone in the hall was shocked, Yan Qing asked quickly, "How many people did she bring?"

The guard panicked: "There are only three people here, one Zhang Ruren, one Su Ya, and a strange young man."

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