Yan Qing almost vomited blood in anger, and scolded: "You bastard, just three people, just shoot them to death with random arrows. Are the soldiers guarding the city eating shit?"

The guard said with a weeping voice: "Your Excellency doesn't know, that young man is too... too powerful. How many times he died, all the brothers guarding the city were killed."

"What! Three people killed three thousand defenders, how is this possible!" Yan Qing's eyes were burning, obviously unable to accept this fact.

But Yan Balong calmed down and said in a low voice: "Yan Qing, don't forget, Ba Hu and Elder Li have not come back. It seems that this little girl has found a powerful helper who can kill Ba Hu. With Elder Li, it is not unusual to destroy the soldiers defending the city."

As soon as these words came out, Yan Qing fell into an ice cave and murmured: "Zhang Ruren actually knows such a strong person, then she must come to us to settle the account. What should I do next?"

Yan Balong rolled his eyes and said solemnly, "Yan Qing, go to Young Master Chu right now and tell him that Zhang Ruren killed the golden-winged Dapeng bird. Chu Yunfei, as the great elder of the Floating Cloud Sect, loves his grandson. There must be powerful treasures. If he can't deal with it, then I can only take the risk of attacking the legendary realm!"

"Okay, I'll do it now!"

Yandu City, the main street.

The corpses were scattered everywhere, the blood flowed into rivers, and the screams resounded through the sky.

In front of the Zhao family, the first family in Yanducheng except the Yan family, the ruthless man looked as cold as a knife, and with a fist, he kicked the two nurses who rushed up and flew out, grabbing one like a cloud dragon. The panic-stricken young man said loudly, "Zhao Feng, you dare to laugh at me just because you are not as good as a pig?"

Zhao Feng, as the young son of the Zhao family, how beautiful he is on weekdays, this time he was chosen by the Qianyuan Sect. At this time, he was held in the air like a chicken by a ruthless man. He felt his face burning hot and desperately shouted: " Waste, I fought with you!"

After he finished speaking, Zhao Feng's infuriating rage burst out, and his entire arm was thickened, revealing terrifying muscles.

"Death to me!"

The ruthless man shouted angrily, his whole body crackled, his fists were like a wave, splitting the air, rumbling and shaking, and the meteor arrived in front of Zhao Feng like a moon.

"Stop!" A voice like a tiger's roar rushed like thunder, but it didn't stop Ruthless Man's movements for half a minute.

"Bang bang bang..."

The roar was incessant, and Zhao Feng was directly ripped apart by the violent force. All the clothes on his body were torn apart. Even the protective armor was torn apart.

"Little beast, you dare to kill my son, I will slash you with a thousand swords, and you will never be born again!"

The sound of tiger roaring rushed to the front, and it was Zhao Guying, the head of the Zhao family. At this time, his eyes were red, his white beard was standing upright, and the infuriating energy on his body was turbulent, as if hundreds of idols were galloping. The second-ranked expert in Yandu City fell into a state of rampage.

Seeing that the crazy old man slapped the ruthless man with a palm, Zhang Tian finally stopped watching, stepped forward lightly half a step, and pushed the palm flat.


Everyone's jaws dropped in shock, only to see this palm coming first, rolling up hundreds of feet of dust and sand, Zhao Guying was directly blasted into shrimp by the palm wind, and flew back like a cannonball. The Zhao family's ancestral house, occupying the land The Zhao family's ancestral house, which was full of thousands of hectares, was directly reduced to ruins under this attack.

Thousands of miles of ruins, the entire Zhao family was wiped out!

With a belly full of anger, Chu Yunfei stepped on a disc magic weapon and rushed towards Zhang Tian's direction at a rapid pace. When he saw this scene suddenly, he was so frightened that all the souls were scared, and he immediately turned his direction.

"Where are you going?"

Zhang Tian snorted coldly, and a big hand formed in the sky, with five fingers like towering giant pillars, and the golden light was dazzling, directly knocking Chu Yunfei down from the cloud.

"No, you can't kill me... My grandfather is the Great Elder of Floating Cloud Sect. If you kill me, he won't let you go! No..."

Chu Yunfei's roar had no effect at all, and was directly crushed into slag by the supreme divine power.

Thousands of miles away, the Floating Cloud Sect has millions of peaks connected together, surrounded by clouds and fog, just like Sendai reaching the realm.

Suddenly, above the highest Xiongfeng, there was a hoarse and angry shout:

"Who is it! Destroy my grandson's soul lamp! Ah... I hate it, no matter where you hide, I will pull you out and put you into the eighteenth floor of purgatory, tortured day and night, and will never be born again!"

A white-haired old man soared into the air, his beard flaunted, and the whole world trembled.

Legendary seven changes, ghosts and gods change, killing hearts, ghosts and gods startled!

At this moment, a little fire suddenly appeared above Jiuxiao, and then expanded rapidly.

The entire sky turned into a huge blood-colored eyeball, staring coldly at the Great Elder of Flowing Cloud Sect.

Chapter 6 The Immemorial Demon God Comes into the World

A drop of cold sweat dripped from the forehead of Chu Kuangtu, the Great Elder of Floating Cloud Sect.

What kind of eyeball is this, indifferent, cruel, high above, and contains death, Chu Kuangtu seems to be able to see the bones from the blood-colored pupils.

These bones are of different shapes, ranging from giants as high as tens of thousands of feet to the mountains, there are also terrifying monsters that are buried in corpses but surrounded by raging demon flames, and even giant wings with [-] feet in their ribs, standing on the top of the corpse pile like an unparalleled world Primordial beasts screaming like a demon king.

The only thing that is the same is that every bone exudes a terrifying aura that can destroy the sky and the earth. Even if the body is dead and the soul is destroyed and buried for hundreds of millions of years, the unyielding will is still proud and indelible.

horrible!For the first time in his life, Chu Kuangtu felt the danger of death so deep into the bone marrow, as if the bloody eyes stared at him for a moment, and his soul would burn.

Not only Chu Kuangzu, this overwhelming coercion swept the entire Floating Cloud Sect. Countless sect disciples fled from the cave with indelible horror on their faces, all looking at Qiongxiao with horrified expressions. Those huge blood-colored eyes.

"Chu Yunfei has offended my daughter, and everyone in the Liu Yun Sect is betrayed to death." The voice of this ancient Cang Ming reverberated in the air, and the blood-colored eyes of the white-boned corpse became clearer, as if it were in it. The corpse of the gods and demons is about to break out of the ground.

Above the main peak of Flowing Cloud Sect, an old man with white hair and withered eyes suddenly widened his eyes and shouted almost frantically: "This is... Blood Dark Demon Heaven! According to ancient books, during the battle of the gods at dusk, Taikoo When the Demon God's Eye of Judgment activates the Blood Dark Demon Heaven, a single drop of blood and tears can turn into a demonic abyss that burns the immortals and destroys the gods!"

This person is the elder who takes care of the Floating Cloud Sect's Book Collection Pavilion. I don't know how many years he has lived. He has read all the ancient books in the Book Collection Pavilion. He is usually insane.Especially Chu Kuangzu, only felt that he fell into the ice cave.

Primordial Demon God, that is a taboo name, the terrifying existence that destroyed the realm of the gods with one hand, I don’t know how many immortal gods have been slaughtered, even those immortal gods who are high above, the red dust fairy king, can’t avoid it.

"Are you sure this is the Eye of Judgment of the Primordial Demon God?"

An old man in green robe appeared next to the elder of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, looking at Qiongxiao from a distance, his expression extremely solemn.

"Sect Master? You actually left the border?"

The elder of the Cangjing Pavilion was greatly surprised. As far as he knew, the suzerain reached the realm of the legendary nine-transformation "immortal transformation" hundreds of years ago. The border will never leave the border, but I didn’t expect to break through the border ahead of schedule in the end. 020 Reading www.020ds.com

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