The old man in green robe smiled bitterly: "If I don't come out again, the Floating Cloud Sect's [-]-year-old Dao Lineage will be wiped out."

The elder of the Cangjing Pavilion said: "Sect Master, rest assured, this will never be a real primordial devil. According to ancient books, the primordial devil was suppressed by the Emperor Burial as early as [-] million years ago, and his eyes were gouged out, and the bones were sealed in the nineteenth century. Netherworld is under the personal care of Emperor Pingxin Ming and King Kizang, even if he escapes, the Eye of Judgment would have been taken away by Emperor Buried Heaven long ago."

Chu Kuangtu heard these words in his ears, as if he had taken a reassurance pill, his confidence surged, and he shouted angrily: "Pretend to be a ghost, watch me tear up your illusion and avenge my grandson! All gods and thunder, listen to my orders. !"

The Chu Kuangtu roared up to the sky, the mountains and rivers resonated, and the void trembled. In the void in front of him, dozens of huge thunder vortexes emerged, each hundreds of feet in size, and countless thunders were brewing in them, which contained the destruction of the sky. breath of the earth.

The elder of the Cangjing Pavilion said solemnly: "I didn't expect that the first elder's thunder and lightning method has been cultivated to such a terrifying realm, and it can even change the rules of one domain. Thunder has been the nemesis of illusions and monsters since ancient times. This blow should be able to break this illusion."

The blood-colored eyes slowly turned, and a huge black teardrop rolled down, as if the Milky Way had collapsed, directly smashing and swallowing the Thunder Domain evolved by Chu Kuangtu, turning it into nourishment, and turning into a mighty Styx River rushing towards Chu Kuangpu. And go.

"Do not……"

Chu Kuangtu showed an extremely frightened expression, controlled the thunder and lightning, and fled back frantically, but was submerged in the Styx in an instant, and only floated twice before turning into a pile of bones.

"Next is the blood of the Chu family..." The voice of the ancient Cang Ming in the void had no trace of emotion.

The Styx poured down from the sky and sprinkled into every corner of the millions of mountains. Those who belonged to the Chu family immediately ignited spontaneously, turned into bones, and were involved in the Styx.

The Sect Master of Liuyun Sect was shocked and frightened, and said with hatred: "Damn Chu Kuangzu, I let him manage the sect, and he has caused such a catastrophic disaster. Even if this person is not an ancient devil, he must have been inherited from the devil. The ancient existence is definitely not something that Floating Cloud Sect can contend against!”

The elder of the Tibetan Sutra Pavilion was silent, the magical power of this blood-colored eyeball has already exceeded the scope of the legendary realm, and even a nine-turn great sage may not have such means comparable to ghosts and gods.

He has also heard that some ancient existences, although powerful and immortal, remain in the human world and do not want to ascend.

This kind of terrifying figure, whose strength has long exceeded the limits of the human world, will not have any scruples and fears. Once provoked, it will be a disaster without resistance.

Chapter 7 Our monks, why not fight!


The Sect Master of Liu Yunzong saw that the blood-colored eyes were going to continue to kill, and finally he couldn't sit still. He directly rose into the air and respectfully said: "My lord, Chu Yunfei offended your daughter, this is the great sin of the Chu family, the blood of the Chu family. It is not a pity to die, but it has nothing to do with the Floating Cloud Sect, and I hope that the lord will raise your hand. I, the Floating Cloud Sect, are willing to bow down to the adults, although I can't help you a lot, but you can handle some trivial matters. "

The blood-colored eyes paused for a while, and seemed to be a little moved, and then said quietly: "Whoever surrenders to me will never betray you."

The Floating Cloud Sect Master was overjoyed and immediately replied: "Don't worry, my lord, I would like to swear to God that if Floating Cloud Sect is rebellious in the future, I will be punished by five thunders!"

"There is no need for you to swear, everyone in the Floating Cloud Sect is subject to the soul curse. If they have a different heart, they will immediately be devoured by ten thousand demons, and they will fall into the endless hell forever!"

The words fell, and the Styx River on the million mountain peaks of Floating Cloud Sect spread again. All the disciples of Floating Cloud Sect were horrified to discover that a strangely shaped pattern was engraved on their arms, exuding a faint sinister aura.

After all, Sect Master Liuyun has a profound cultivation base, and he can vaguely sense that this soul curse is connected to his three souls and six souls. Even if he is reborn, it is difficult to get rid of it. Please also ask the adults to show any instructions."

"When there is an order, I will notify you..."

As this voice came out, the mighty Styx rolled up countless bones and flowed back into the blood-colored eyeballs, adding a corner to the huge bones corpse.Then the blood-colored eyes gradually became dim, and finally disappeared without a trace.

In Yanducheng, outside the Zhao residence, Zhang Tian slowly opened his eyes and said in his heart, "Floating Cloud Sect, it would be good to find some bodyguards for these girls."

"Dad, are you alright?"

Ruthless looked at Zhang Tian nervously. At that moment, Zhang Tian's aura was so gloomy that he didn't even dare to approach her.


Zhang Tian smiled and held the Ruthless Man's warm and jade-like hand, and then looked at the ruins of Zhao's house, looking into the distance, and said in a low voice: "The Zhao family has been destroyed, and then it is the turn of the city owner Yan's family."

The ruthless man nodded, squinting his eyes and said: "Yan Ziling, the third son of the Yan family, is the same age as me this year, and only has the seventh level of body forging, which is not worth mentioning at all. It is the second son of the Yan family, Yan Zifeng, who is eighteen this year. It is said that he has just broken through to the Lunhai realm, so I would like to have a fight with him."

Su Ya hurriedly said: "Nan, don't be arrogant. Although the tenth level of body forging is only one step away from the first level of Lunhai, there is a huge difference between the two. The Lunhai realm can be called a cultivator. Physical realm martial artist is comparable."

The ruthless man said stubbornly: "I want to give it a try! It's hard to understand the hatred in my heart if I don't defeat all the juniors of the Yan family with my own hands!" 52 Literature

Zhang Tianhan smiled and said: "Well said! As expected of my daughter, the road of martial arts is to be brave and diligent, to fight with the sky, with the earth, with the people, what if the realm is high, my monks, why not fight! "

The three chatted and laughed as they walked all the way to the city lord's mansion. They saw thousands of soldiers standing neatly at the entrance of the mansion, all armed with iron spears and looking awe-inspiring.

Su Ya followed Zhang Tian all the way, which was an eye-opener, full of confidence in her heart, and immediately took a step forward and said sternly: "Yan Qing, now the capital city of Yan has become a dead city, do you still have to resist? Those who know each other, immediately Let Yan Balong and his son get out!"

Yan Qing's mouth twitched, and she said cruelly, "I'll kill you stinky bitch first!"

After he finished speaking, he raised the steel knife in his hand, his true energy surged, and it turned into a cyan wind and charged towards Su Ya.

Although Su Ya had served in the army in the early years, how could she be the opponent of Yan Qing who mastered powerful exercises, she was instantly intimidated by his momentum, and before she could react, she felt that her waist softened, and Zhang Tian had chased him away. She came up, wrapped her waist with one hand, and waved the other hand casually like chasing flies.


In mid-air, Yan Qing was hit hard, as if a heavy hammer had hit his heart, and he flew upside down for a thousand meters, slammed into the wall fiercely, blood gushing wildly.

At this time, the ruthless man has also entered the army of soldiers. A warrior with a tenth body forging can wield [-] jins of tremendous force with a random punch, which is simply not something that ordinary soldiers can resist.

Although the ruthless person is only practicing the ordinary killing boxing taught by Su Ya, the countless experiences of fighting against the beasts have allowed her to completely integrate this boxing method, and even sublime it to the power of a near-celestial method. Belongs to the monster level.

Bombing and killing the last armored soldier, the ruthless man walked towards the gate of the city lord's mansion with his whole body soaked in blood. Although he killed countless people, his eyes were still as calm as frost, and he stepped on Yan Qing's body and said with a cold and arrogant expression: "Speak, Yan Where are Batian and Yanzifeng?"

Yan Qing's injuries got worse, and he spit out a mouthful of blood, but he didn't show any signs of fear. Instead, he laughed madly: "Kill me, you are also doomed!"

The ruthless man's eyes flickered with cold light, and he was about to exert his strength. Suddenly, he felt the earth tremble. The spiritual energy in the void seemed to be boiled and rolled wildly. In the blink of an eye, countless huge spiritual energy vortexes were formed in the air.

In the city lord's mansion, spiritual energy was injected frantically, as if there was a sound of dragon roars, and the sky rose to the sky. Hair, all lifelike.

The emperor's face is hidden in the golden light, making it impossible for people to distinguish, but the majesty of the emperor who is soaring to the sky and looking down at the world is clearly displayed, and people can't help but feel the heart of surrender.

Su Ya was shocked: "This is... this is the vision of being promoted to the legendary realm, and a legendary realm king was born in the city lord's mansion!"

Chapter 8 The moon is the crown, the stars are the clothes

The martial arts of Shengyuan Continent are prosperous, but [-]% of the people stop at the forging realm.Those who can break through to the Lunhai Realm can already be called masters. If they go further to the Transcendent Realm, those noble families and great sects will also compete to win over.

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