After the transcendent realm, there is the legendary realm. There are very few people in this realm. Each of them is the existence of a hegemon. They can start a sect. The fief is inseparable from the transcendent realm.

Yan Qing laughed loudly and said, "The city lord has really broken through! The legendary king has terrifying power with every gesture, and you all have to pay the price!"

The faces of Su Ya and Ruthless became very ugly all of a sudden, even they knew the horror of the legendary powerhouse.

"Is this the last trump card you insist on resisting?"

Zhang Tian approached step by step like a walk in a leisurely courtyard, with a faint mockery on his face, glanced at the phantom of the golden emperor that was hundreds of meters high in the air, and said disdainfully, "Light of Firefly, dare to compete with Haoyue for glory. , it's ridiculous."

While speaking, Zhang Tian raised his arm slightly, and with this action, the whole world changed. The blue sky was full of stars, especially the bright moon in the center. all cover up.

Su Ya was shocked: "The stars appear in the daytime, and the sun and the moon are in the same sky. This is the vision of heaven and earth that only existed when the ancient demon emperors appeared!"

"Moonlight Slash!"

Zhang Tian spit out these three words, and the bright and bright moon in the sky suddenly shines brightly, turning into a stream of light, wrapping the power of heaven and earth, falling from the eternal nine days, tearing the endless void, descending on Shengyuan Continent, and descending to Yandu City.


The phantom of the golden emperor in mid-air, in front of this huge silver moonlight, had no resistance at all, and burst into pieces in an instant. The city lord's mansion was razed to the ground.

At the end, there was a fragmented secret room. Yan Balong was wearing a five-clawed golden dragon robe, lying on the ground, his face was as pale as paper. Although he was successfully promoted to the legendary realm, the emperor's law was broken, and his strength was at least [-]%. , and suffered severe backlash.

The brilliance of the silver moon gradually solidified, hanging upside down behind Zhang Tian, ​​as if he had blessed him with a magnificent background, with the bright moon as the crown, the stars as the clothing, the heaven and the earth crowned, and the eternal surrender.

Compared with such a majestic atmosphere, the phantom of the emperor just now was like a monkey crowned with a crown, only funny and ridiculous.Destiny Book

Zhang Tian sighed faintly, his eyes filled with reminiscence. This was the magical power that the Mountain and Sea Lord used when he competed with the Ninth Realm Mountain and Sea Lord for the [-]rd Heaven.That battle shook nine heavens and ten places, how hearty it was, and as time passed, those who could compete with him have all vanished.

"City Lord!!!"

Yan Qing's eyes were about to be split. In his heart, Yan Balong, who was always majestic and majestic, showed such a miserable scene, which made the belief in his heart collapse inch by inch, and the fire of life became more and more dim.

"How about letting you see a little more clearly?"

Zhang Tian raised his hand and grabbed it in the void, and Yan Balong, who was thousands of miles away, was directly lifted out, paralyzed on the ground like a dead dog, blood gushing from his mouth, and although he was wearing the emperor's dragon robe, he was in a state of embarrassment.

Looking at the culprit of all this, the murderous aura in the eyes of the ruthless man could not be suppressed, and he said angrily: "Yan Balong, I have no grievances with you, but you are wanton bullying because of my low talent. ?"

"Regret? Why do you regret it?" Yan Balong frantically said: "In this world, the weak eat the strong, and the strong are respected. I just hate that I am not strong enough! If I have the strength of the ancestors, why do I have to calculate every step of the way, and I will be with the ancestors earlier. The dynasties are competing for the best! Today you are strong, you can kill me to take revenge, and when the ancestors escaped from the predicament, it is the end of your waiting! On the road to Huangquan, I am not alone!"

The ruthless snow body trembled, his eyes regained calm, and he said solemnly: "You are right, in this world, the weak eat the strong, and the strong are respected, the means are not important, it is only about winning or losing. Xin, Zi Yan, and hundreds of people in Wuliu Village may be killed because of me, so I will not be soft-handed, I should retaliate with resentment, cut the grass and root! In this world...there are no innocent people at all!"

Yan Balong said blankly: "You have such a mind, no wonder you can cultivate to such a state with your mortal body and mortal blood, but unfortunately it is destined to have no hope of breaking through to the Lunhai state, and it will eventually turn into a cup of loess in a hundred years... Beneath the yellow spring, I will wait. With you, haha...haha..."

Zhang Tian said in a low voice: "Want to die? How can there be such a cheap thing, I will make you into a corpse puppet, split your soul into seven pieces, seal it in the nine secluded yin fire, suffer day and night, and protect Wuliu Village forever. your punishment."

"What?" Yan Balong showed his astonishment for the first time, and before he could react, a dark demonic flame enveloped him, and a pain that penetrated into the soul reached the sea of ​​​​souls, as if he was going to use a sharp knife to cut his soul alive. Cut in half.

The shrill roar resounded for thousands of miles, making the listener's scalp numb and haunted by nightmares.


The two young men in brocade clothes vacated from the ruins and looked at Yan Balong with shock and fear in their eyes.

In the raging flames, Yan Balong shouted loudly: "Don't worry about me, start the teleportation circle quickly, and go to the Deity Academy to find your elder sister! As long as the three of you are still there, the Yan family will still have a day of recovery!"

Chapter 9 I hate this injustice!


Zhang Tian glanced at the five-clawed golden dragon robe on Yan Balong's body, and mocked: "I have ambition and courage, but I don't have the strength to match it. I am just an arrogant ant who sits and watches the sky. Under my eyes, there is another Who can escape?"

The voice fell, and the panicked voices of two teenagers immediately came from not far away: "Father, it's not good, this teleportation circle has failed."


Yan Balong was struck by five thunders, and his soul was torn apart in an instant. The beautiful dream of Qianqiu's hegemony and the ambition to dominate the continent all vanished at this moment, leaving only endless darkness and torture.

The corners of Zhang Tian's mouth twitched, and he controlled the quiet fire to scorch Yan Balong's body, and said at the same time, "Nannan, the two trash fish will be handed over to you."

"Don't worry, Dad!"

The ruthless man's eyes were as sharp as knives, and his right foot slammed into the ground, turning into a gust of wind and rushing towards the two sons of the Yan family.

Yan Zifeng and Yan Ziling looked at each other, and invariably burst out with all their strength, and attacked the ruthless man brazenly.

They had already been frightened by Zhang Tian, ​​and they knew that they could not escape.

"Good come!"

The ruthless man's eyes narrowed slightly, like a hunting eagle. At the moment when Yanzifeng and Yanziling were staggered, his speed suddenly exploded, and he used his full strength to punch, and a sonic boom suddenly came from the void. The sound, infuriating, like the Yangtze River, slapped towards the Mausoleum of Yanzi.

This Yan Ziling is the same age as Ruthless, but only has the seventh level of forging, and has always been pampered. He has never seen such a ferocious style of play, and he was easily shaken by Ruthen's arm, and the violent force directly slammed into his front. superior.

"Bang bang bang..."

The violent force was condensed at a point, and it exploded in an instant. The force penetrated the bones, and it directly blew the front of Yan Ziling into a pulp, and flew out like a dead dog.

"Just rely on you, you are also worthy of grabbing my entry token!"

The ruthless man roared loudly and killed Yan Ziling with ease, but it made her even more angry. The aura of hating the injustice of the world erupted from her body and rushed straight to the Jiuxiao Xinghe, which had already reached the tenth peak of the body forging realm. It actually skyrocketed again, and the tyrannical arrogance made the surrounding void tremble.

"Third brother!"

Yan Zifeng was completely panicked, his aura was captured by the ruthless man, and the terrifying death of his third brother Yan Ziling made him feel a chill from the bottom of his heart.

"I hate it so much!"

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