"Why do you trash have a spirit body and bloodline!" Lingjiu Literature Website www.09wxw.com

"Why do I work hard day and night, but I'm still being bullied by you!"

"I hate it, I hate this injustice!"

The bones of the ruthless man were crackling, and he was completely in a state of madness. The fist wind was fierce like waves, rumbling and shaking, one level was stronger than the other, and he didn't notice that Yan Ziling was getting harder and harder to resist her attack. He even spit out a mouthful of black blood with every punch.

"Boom bang bang bang..."

The roar was incessant, and under such a violent storm, even Yan Zifeng was beaten to pieces, and finally, he made an accidental move and was directly blown away.

Falling to the ground, Yan Zifeng's entire body has broken most of the hundreds of bones, and even moving a finger has become extremely difficult. , you can't kill me, I've already joined the Deity Academy! My eldest sister is aloof at Deity Academy, if you kill me, your family will not be able to..."

Before he could finish speaking, the ruthless man had already shattered his throat with a punch from the air.

Su Ya hurriedly jumped up from behind, rummaged through Yan Zifeng for a while, and finally took out a silver token from the interlayer of his belt.

"Sure enough, it's the order of the gods, it's troublesome now." Su Ya held the token, her face was very ugly.

The ruthless man asked suspiciously, "What is the order of the gods?"

Su Ya showed the token in her hand, and saw that its whole body was emitting silver light, in the shape of a sword, with the word "Sky" engraved on the front, revealing the atmosphere of a distant desolate ancient times.

"This is the Deity Token, which is equivalent to the entry token of Deity Academy. It is very difficult to obtain. Only disciples above the elite level of Deity Academy who have made great contributions to the academy are eligible to get one. To break the head fight. It seems that Chu Zifeng is not lying, his sister should have a certain status in the Deity Academy, at least an elite disciple."

Zhang Tian walked over leisurely, glanced at the token, and said casually: "Just an elite disciple, then Chu Yunfei is still a true disciple, and now he has become a dead ghost."

Su Ya shook her head and said, "Tianjin Academy is one of the four major academies in the Shengyuan Continent, second only to the superpower of the Holy Ancestor Dynasty. I don't know how many supreme saints have been produced, and they are more than a hundred times stronger than the Floating Cloud Sect. How can they be compared."

Ruthless Man's eyes lit up, and he said anxiously: "So, as long as I hold this Heavenly God Token, I can join the Heavenly God Academy?"

Su Ya hesitantly said: "Yes, yes, but there are many talented people in the Deity Academy, and they reached the tenth level of body forging before the age of fifteen. It is rare in the Black Mountain Region, but there are many in the Deity Academy. What's more, most of the students there are They are children of wealthy families, and many even possess celestial spirit bodies of the third rank or higher, so the talent gap of this level cannot be made up by hard work.”

The ruthless man fell silent immediately, and these words undoubtedly stabbed her in pain.

"Dad, why don't I have a spiritual body, even the worst ninth-grade spiritual body..." The ruthless man looked up at Zhang Tian, ​​his eyes filled with tears, intertwined with stubbornness and unwillingness.

Zhang Tian's breath was stagnant, as if he saw that ten years ago, on the top of Nanling Snow Mountain, the little loli who was weak but insisted on climbing to the top of the snow to find snow lotus flowers.

After a little silence, Zhang Tian said slowly: "Nan, you know that there is a physique in this world called the Immortal Physique Wushou."

Chapter 10 Qingdi transforms into spirit, immortal body without scale

The ruthless man suddenly flashed his beautiful eyes and asked in doubt, "What is the Wushou Immortal Body?"

"The immortal body is pure and pure. The immortal body without scale is the purest immortal body. It perfectly fits with the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and is comparable to the innate Tao body. The immortal body is a great master, and the true energy can be endless and endless. Endless……"

Zhang Tian said slowly, raised his hand to stroke Ruren's hair, and said gently: "You don't have a trace of spiritual impurities in your body, it seems to be a useless mortal body, but in fact you have the most important thing to achieve the immortal body without scale. foundation!"

The ruthless snow body trembled, resisting the excitement: "Dad means... I can also have a strong physique?"

Zhang Tianhan said with a smile: "Of course, my daughter is no waste! The two most important conditions for cultivating the immortal body without scale, one is the pure mortal body, and the other is the pure immortal treasure, you already have it."

"Zhiqing Immortal Treasure? Where did I get it?"

"Remember the snow lotus seed you found on the top of Nanling Snow Mountain ten years ago? Ten years ago, you planted a cause, and now it will lay a foundation for you!"

"Great, great..."

The ruthless man threw himself into Zhang Tian's arms at once, and the tears in his eyes were dazzling, which was an expression of extreme joy.

Su Ya also followed a burst of excitement. As a witness to the growth of Ruthless, she had already pinned her pursuit of martial arts on Ruthless. Now that Ruthen will have the supreme immortal body, there is a kind of ecstasy. Feelings.

Zhang Tian embraced the ruthless man with his backhand, feeling the scent of her body like a moose like a musk, and said softly: "Your efforts, your perseverance, Dad sees it all, and will never let you shed a drop in vain. Blood and sweat, one day, Dad will send you to the top of the Nine Realms."

After some warmth, Su Ya looked at Yan Capital City, which was full of eyes, and suggested: "This Yan Capital City is the top three metropolitan cities in the Montenegro region, with countless wealthy families, and the Yan family is even more of a sage family, and there must be countless treasures. Instead of staying here and cheapening others, why not collect these treasures and bring them back to Wuliu Village, so that the village can grow and develop."

The ruthless man said with bright eyes: "This proposal is good. Every year people in the village go hunting in the mountains, and there will be a lot of casualties. If they can learn advanced exercises, they will definitely make the village prosperous."

Zhang Tian chuckled and said, "That's fine, this newly made emperor corpse puppet can be used as a coolie."

After speaking, Zhang Tian made a move with his right hand, and the void in front of him suddenly split open, and a huge corpse puppet with a terrifying aura came out of it.

This corpse puppet, which was made from the body of Yanbalong, has undergone many changes. First, it has become taller, more than two meters tall, and has a hideous mask on its face.In addition, the five-clawed golden dragon robe on his body was also re-refined and turned into black. The five golden lights on it were dazzling and dancing in the wind, as if they were about to come alive, full of imperial majesty.Colorful Chinese www.qicaizw.com

After Zhang Tian's simple sacrifice and refining with Jiuyou Yin Fire, this Emperor Corpse Puppet not only restored the strength of Yanbalong's heyday, but also broke through two levels, reaching the realm of the legendary three-transformation "Void Transformation", which can be volleyed into the air. Feidu, even tearing the void directly, is unparalleled.

With the help of Emperor Corpse Puppet, Su Ya quickly robbed all the top families in Yandu City, and obtained countless exercises and magic weapons.In particular, the Yan family has been preparing for the restoration of the country, and countless treasures have been accumulated in the underground secret room, which can almost be compared to some princely families with lesser backgrounds.

The moonlight was bright and bright, Zhang Tian and the others returned to Wuliu Village in the night. The huge body of the golden-winged Dapeng bird was lying in the center of the village. Although it was dead, the majestic aura of the king of birds still lingered for a long time.

As soon as she got home, Ruthless ran towards the backyard. She kept the snow lotus seeds back then. After she came to Wuliu Village with Zhang Tian to settle down, she buried the snow lotus seeds by the pond in the backyard.

Looking at the empty ground, the ruthless man's face darkened and he whispered, "Dad, how long will it take for this snow lotus to grow?"

"Ice soul snow lotus seeds are buried in this kind of place, I'm afraid it will take thousands of years to mature." Zhang Tian complained in his heart, but on the surface he said with a gentle smile: "Don't worry, Dad will help you wake up the snow lotus. ."

"Qingdi's Spiritual Transformation!"

Zhang Tian recited a sentence in his heart, and with a move with his right hand, all the essence of heaven and earth within a radius of tens of thousands of miles was transferred, forming a vast tide of spiritual energy, all of which were injected into the snow lotus seeds underground.

Being nourished by this huge essence of heaven and earth, the snow lotus seeds immediately began to grow wildly, and soon broke out of the ground, growing to nine inches high.

Immortal treasure is born, there must be punishment!

In the void, countless thunders were brewing, and purple divine thunders as thick as mountains fell from the nine heavens, enveloping the unparalleled power of heaven and earth.

Zhang Tianfeng frowned slightly, raised his head and glanced, a blood-colored eyeball appeared between his eyebrows, and all the thunderbolts disappeared in an instant, and the sky turned blue again.

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