Ruthless man's heart rose with pride, clenched his fists, and said solemnly: "Dad, I will not let you down on your training. One day, I will become the strongest, so that this sky can no longer be covered. Keep my eyes!"

The cool breeze was thin, and the sky was already showing a faint white belly.

Zhang Tian took Ruthless Man's little hand and walked into the house step by step, seeing countless flowers and plants growing in the yard, he seemed to have suddenly thought of something, and secretly said something bad.

It turned out that the "Qingdi Spiritualization Technique" that Zhang Tian used before was a supreme fortune-telling supernatural power, which could forcefully capture the life essence of all things in the world and use it to spawn the "Ice Soul Snow Lotus", an immortal medicine. Essence spreads directly to the entire village.

But he forgot to cover up his breath before he started. The birth of the Immortal Grade Treasure Medicine would not only attract heavenly punishment, but the vision of heaven and earth would be even more earth-shattering.Wealth and silk move people's hearts, such a treasure, I don't know how many greedy people will be attracted.

"Forget it..." I love e-books

Zhang Tian yawned and put the matter behind him in an instant.

However, the distant regions have caused great waves.

This is a fertile land, covered with dense forests, layer upon layer, and there are millions of hectares. There are countless monster tribes living here, fighting each other every day, feeding the weak.

At the very center is the territory of the Silver Moon Wolf Clan. The Silver Moon Demon Wolf is a relic of the ancient beasts. It has strong bloodline and amazing fecundity. Every generation will produce countless big demons, ensuring the leadership of the clan. Millions of years, still prosperous.

In the middle of the territory, there is a huge golden palace, which is the residence of the Silver Moon Wolf King.

At this time, the Silver Moon Wolf King was sitting on the throne, glanced down majestically, and said solemnly: "You mean that there is a peerless immortal treasure born in the Black Mountain Region? But the Thunder God of Punishment disappeared as soon as it appeared?"

Under the golden steps, the High Priest of the Silver Moon Wolf Clan nodded slightly and said, "Last night's vision of heaven and earth was incomparably huge, and it was definitely the birth of a supreme treasure above the immortal rank. As for the sudden disappearance of the Thunder God of Punishment, someone must have covered up the aura of the immortal treasure. ."

The Yinyue Wolf King's eyes were deep, and there seemed to be two divine fires burning in his pupils. Cang Ran said: "Since the divine thunder has disappeared, I think the immortal treasure has been taken away. But this matter cannot be ignored. Take a trip in person, and take some heroes of the clan by the way, and let them go out and see the world."


The high priest bowed his head and took orders, the silver light in his eyes was breathtaking!

Another river and mountain, thousands of miles away, is frozen for thousands of miles and snowflakes are flying.

This is the fief of the Snow Mountain Marquis of the Holy Ancestor Dynasty. It has a total of [-] million miles and a population of hundreds of millions. The huge city towers are connected one by one, prosperous and prosperous.

The Central Royal Capital, built on a [-]-meter-high frozen snow-capped mountain, is majestic and majestic.The palace is tall and towering, like a heavenly palace descending into the world.

"There is a suspected immortal treasure born in the Black Mountain Region. Qingyun Jianzong and Wushuang City have sent a team of legendary kings to investigate, and we can't be left behind. General Wang, you will bring a team of Lion King Guards. Take a look, if you really find an immortal treasure, snatch it at all costs!"

The majestic voice came from the Supreme Throne, and the terrifying atmosphere filled the air, and the entire palace was trembling.

At the same time, the Titan King in the Hundred Thousand Mountains, the Demon Flower Emperor of the Heavenly Demon Sea, also issued the same order.

The strong swords point to the Black Mountain Region, and the mountains and rains are about to come and the wind is full of buildings!

Chapter 13 The Great Sage of Heaven, terror is coming

The next day, the morning sun rose, and a wisp of purple air cut through the sky, sweeping from the distant sky to the earth, taking away the last ray of morning fog in Wuliu Village.

In front of Zhang Tian's small courtyard, Su Ya looked at the ruthless man who was dressed and sent off, and dissuaded: "Nan, why are you in such a hurry to go to the Deity Academy, this time we have obtained a lot of treasures from Yandu City, and the village chief and I discussed using these The treasure is combined with the corpse of the golden-winged Dapeng bird to refine a batch of precious medicines, and it is also very good for you to cut the tendons and wash the veins for the children in the village, it is better to wait until the medicinal bath is over before leaving."

Little Ziyan lay on the ruthless man like an octopus, babblingly said: "Don't go, big sister, Zi Yan wants to be with big sister."

Yu Xin stood aside and didn't speak, but her eyes were also worried. After all, the seminary was tens of millions of miles away from Wuliu Village that day. Today, I don't know how long it will take to see each other again.

The ruthless man lifted Zi Yan up and said with a hearty smile: "There are so many geniuses in Tianshen Academy, and I can't wait to fight against them. As for the medicinal bath, I don't need it anymore, my father has laid a solid foundation for me. The foundation, I have to fight for the rest by myself!"

Su Ya knew that Ruthless people were stubborn and difficult to change once they made up their minds, so she stopped persuading them, and said instead: "Deity Academy is no better than Flowing Cloud Sect, where there are many talented people, and the competition is a hundred times fiercer. If you go away alone, There is no one to rely on, so you must deal with it calmly. And remember to be careful with Yan Balong's eldest daughter, she will know the news of the family's collapse sooner or later, and she will definitely find trouble for you."

The ruthless man narrowed his eyes slightly and said solemnly, "Yan Balong colluded with Chu Yunfei and wanted to rob me of my entry token, and even threatened the lives of everyone in Wuliu Village. Blood to wash. Even if his daughter doesn't show up, I will find her and kill her with my own hands!"

Su Ya reluctantly sighed: "I understand your hatred for the Yan family, but you can't be blinded by hatred. The fact that Yan's family daughter can get the order of the gods shows that she is at least an elite student of the transcendent realm, and there is more behind it. Formidable teachers and friends, how can you deal with them. Even the ancestors of the Yan family may still be alive, when the great sage is angry, not to mention the Black Mountain Region, even the entire Shengyuan Continent will tremble three times."

Yu Xin said in amazement: "The ancestor of the Yan family, did you mean the existence of the Great Sacred Realm? Didn't he compete with the Sacred Ancestor Dynasty and then be suppressed?"

Su Ya said solemnly: "Suppression does not mean death. Legend has it that Yan Cangtian, the ancestor of the Yan family, was extremely talented, known as the "Great Sage of Cangtian". After sinking a piece, how can such a strong person fall easily. According to Yan Balong's mad words before his death, this great sage in the sky is probably not dead, and he will even get out of trouble right away."

The landwalker respects the saints, the Great Sacred Realm, that is the existence standing at the peak of the entire Shengyuan Continent. Even with the arrogance of the ruthless people, he does not think that he has the strength to fight against such existences in a short period of time. hesitate.

Zhang Tian stood aside and smiled casually: "Don't worry, if the Great Sage of Heaven really runs out, Dad will help you slap him to death."

"Yah... Dad beats the bad guy!" Xiao Ziyan applauded, even though she can't even speak clearly now, but the violent factor in her bones is already very active.

The ruthless man also showed a soothing look. In her heart, Dad Zhang Tian was invincible and omnipotent!

"And this "Undefeated Emperor Fist", you should also take it. This boxing method can cultivate the spirit of the emperor, and it will help you a little when it is strong." Zhang Tian handed a gold leaf booklet to the ruthless man. .Love 999 Novel


The ruthless man took the secret book in one hand, and took out the decree of the gods with the other hand, and when the qi was activated, the surface of the decree of the gods suddenly emitted a burst of blue light, covering her whole body.

This is the teleportation array that comes with the Heavenly God's Order, which can directly transmit people from thousands of miles away to the academy. From this, we can also see the strength of the Heavenly God Academy's heritage.

"Big sister, keep it all the way!" Yu Xin hugged Zi Yan, her eyes sparkling with sparkling tears.

The ruthless man was also excited and solemnly said: "Second sister, rest assured, after I go to the Deity Academy, I will be promoted to the elite disciple at the fastest speed, and make great contributions to exchange the deity order for you and Zi Yan, and then we will be able to do it again. reunited."

The voice just fell, the teleportation circle has been activated, and the figure of the ruthless man disappeared directly from the place.

Xiao Ziyan's eyes widened, she looked left and right, and babbled: "Where is the big sister? The big sister is hiding..."

Su Ya showed a touch of tenderness, held Xiao Ziyan in her arms, and said softly: "Your eldest sister has gone to school, don't make trouble, in two days, my aunt will stew the golden-winged Dapeng bird for you to eat. "

When Xiao Ziyan heard what she was eating, her attention was really diverted, and she said vaguely: "Zi Yan will eat now, Zi Yan will eat milk..."

On the other hand, Zi Yan's little hands are not idle. Thinking of the last time when the second fat mother was breastfeeding, she directly used her fleshy little hands to pull Suya's collar. The collar was torn off, and there was a turbulent wave.

Su Ya never expected such a thing to happen, her face was embarrassed, she quickly glanced at Zhang Tian, ​​seeing him looking straight at her, she was even more embarrassed, and ran into the house like a whirlwind.

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