Zhang Tian smiled slightly, but he didn't expect that Su Ya was still wearing a corset on weekdays, the real size would be an eye-opener for him.

Suddenly, the smile on Zhang Tian's face froze, and within the coverage of his spiritual consciousness, more than a dozen terrifying auras were rapidly converging in the direction of Wuliu Village.

"Yuxin, go back to the house too, it's going to rain today."

Chapter 14 All superpowers are dumbfounded

Two days later, Wuliu Village.

Due to some special reasons, the children in the village took a rare day off. After having breakfast at home, they rushed to the door excitedly.

They gathered in front of Zhang Tian's yard from all directions.

"Little one, don't sleep late."

"Little one, come out and play..."

"Little one, I brought you beef biscuits."

A group of children chatted, and suddenly, the closed wooden door opened, and Xiao Ziyan grabbed the clay pot in one hand and ran out with milk stains on her mouth. Where are the beef biscuits?"

Seeing Zi Yan's appearance, a group of children laughed and said, "You're a little sucker, shy..."

Xiao Ziyan hurriedly carried the clay pot behind her back, stared at her beautiful eyes like crescent moons, and babbled: "I didn't eat milk, and Zi Yan didn't eat milk."

"Hahaha..." The children laughed again.

After a while, Su Ya and the old village chief also rushed over together, and behind them were more than a dozen strong men, each carrying a huge bronze cauldron.Behind them were a group of women, each carrying two baskets filled with various bottles and jars and freshly picked elixir.

"Put the bronze cauldron in place, first burn it with firewood for half an hour, then put in various elixir and ingredients, and finally separate the golden-winged Dapeng bird and throw it into the cauldron!"

Su Ya's calm commander, she used to be the main force in an adventure team in her early years, she is the most powerful and knowledgeable person in the entire Wuliu Village.Later, her adventure team was wiped out in a hunt, and she was the only one left in despair, so she returned to the village to become an instructor.

The adults in the village obeyed the orders, and a dozen people joined forces to carry a piece of fire linden wood.This fire lini wood is also considered a rare treasure in Shengyuan Continent. The flame released after burning is not only extremely high temperature, but also very gorgeous, and is deeply loved by major families, alchemists and alchemists.

Everything was arranged properly, Su Ya's face flashed a rosy touch, she walked to Zhang's courtyard, knocked on the door lightly and said, "Mr. Zhang, the preparations are almost done, can I trouble you to move the golden-winged Dapeng over here? ? We really can't move."


Zhang Tian walked out with sleepy eyes, and with a casual move, the body of the golden-winged Dapeng bird appeared above the small courtyard of Zhang's family. Heaven, but there is not a shred of rotten smell. 120 Novels www.xiaoshuo120.com

"Whoosh whoosh..."

Dozens of wind blades cut through it, and the golden-winged Dapeng birds immediately turned into pieces and fell into the dozen or so huge bronze cauldrons. These beasts, the power of blood is unusually thick, and they have just been calcined, and immediately Transformed into miniature golden-winged Dapeng birds, trying to get out of trouble, but was smashed again by Zhang Tian, ​​who had been prepared, and scattered into clumps of precious blood.

"Thank you, Mr. Zhang!" Su Ya was overjoyed. This golden-winged Dapeng bird was not only huge and heavy, but the armor on its body was cast like gold. It was impossible for ordinary swords and axes to leave a single mark, let alone break open.

Seeing that the bronze was boiling and burning, and there were bursts of tempting aromas, Su Ya showed an uncontrollable excitement, and said excitedly: "With the elixir of ten thousand years as a supplement, brewing the flesh and blood of the golden-winged Dapeng bird, even if it is a The medicinal baths of those sage families are not necessarily so extravagant. It all depends on Mr. Zhang to give the children in the village a great fortune, and in twenty years, Wuliu Village will definitely become famous in the Black Mountain Region!"

However, Zhang Tian didn't listen to Su Ya's words. He stared in the direction of the village entrance, and a cold light escaped from his pupils.

At the same time, outside Wuliu Village, several powerful teams roared.

"This is Tianluo grass. It has tens of thousands of years and is extremely precious. It is just right for me to cultivate a great magical power. I saw it first, and none of you can rob me!"

On top of a huge flying god wolf, a young boy suddenly jumped down. His hair was like snow, and a curved silver moon was engraved on his forehead. It was the arrogance of the silver moon wolf clan.

This Tianjiao was overjoyed and grabbed the Ten Thousand Years Tianluo Cao. Seeing that no one was robbing him, he looked around strangely.

I saw the arrogance of the big clans who were walking together, each holding a ten thousand year sky grass.

"What, so many ten thousand years of Tianluo grass!" The Tianjiao teenager of the Silver Moon Wolf Clan showed a dull expression.Looking around again, I couldn't help but say foul language: "Fuck, it's all over the place."

"Report to General, I found a piece of Fu Linghua here, all of which are ten thousand years of medicine..."

"High Priest, come and see, I found a hundred dew grass, all of which are [-] years old, there are hundreds of plants..."

"This is Jianxincao, the supreme magic medicine that can cultivate sword energy. There are so many here. Could it be that a supreme swordsman has fallen here? No, no, this is the emperor's Jianxincao for tens of thousands of years! "

"This... this is the Supreme Immortal Spirit Fruit? I'm afraid it's not an illusion."

All the superpowers that have come so far are about to go crazy. The small mountain village that was ordinary in their eyes suddenly became extremely mysterious, like a wild beast lurking on the ground.

Chapter 15 My Dad Is Amazing!

"Yeah! How did you pull all these flowers and plants!"

Xiao Ziyan poked her head out of the village carrying a flower cloth bag, and saw a group of strange people lying on the ground very busy, she couldn't help but be very curious.


The boy of the Silver Moon Wolf Clan stood up, his hands were full of Tianluo grass, and his expression was very embarrassing. He was the most famous genius in the vast grassland. In the future, he would inherit the Silver Moon Wolf Clan and dominate the vast land, but now he is like a crop Han Ban is pulling weeds here, and most importantly, he has bumped into the ignorant villagers he has always looked down on.

The arrogance of the rest of the clan also had similar expressions. Originally, they heard that they were coming to the barren Montenegro region, and they all had a high-level mentality. Who knows that now they have become a bumpkin who has never seen the world.

But soon, their attention was attracted by Zi Yan holding a red fruit in her hand, only to see that the fruit was bitten by a small half, leaving a row of small teeth marks, the flesh was purple, and the The aroma can be smelled even from a distance.

"The pulp is purple red, this is the ten thousand year vermilion fruit! One bite can restore all the true energy of the legendary king, you actually eat it like a fruit, smashing the heavenly things, recklessly ruining the heavenly things!"

A strong man carrying a quaint big sword said sadly, he is one of the three mad knives in Wushuang City, the blood mad knife, the king of the legendary three transformations, even the legendary four transformation king is not his opponent in frontal combat, the only one. The weakness is that the moves especially consume qi and cannot maintain the peak state for a long time.For him, Zhu Guo was a supreme treasure. Seeing that he was so abused, he felt that his whole heart was dripping blood.

Xiao Ziyan took a bite of Zhu Guo, tilted her head and said, "Is this fruit called Zhu Guo? It's really delicious, Zi Yan likes it very much. I came out to pick this fruit this time, but I picked it up. The fruit can only be eaten by my father and sister, not for you. If you want to eat it, go to the forest to the east and pick it yourself."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Ziyan still tightly covered the flower cloth bag in her hand, for fear that others would snatch it away.

It was the first time that the Blood Crazy Blade was called an uncle. He was the king of the legendary realm, with a brutal nature. He had always killed people like numbness. But the small village in front of him was so weird that he didn't dare to act rashly.

Especially the little girl in front of her, it is by no means simple. Zhuguo contains violent aura, not to mention that this is a ten thousand-year-old Zhuguo. If it is not refined in time, even if the legendary king eats a few more bites, he will explode and die. This little girl ate a half in one breath, but she seemed to be nothing, which showed that she must have great terror.

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