"Hehe, blood mad brother, you should stand back, don't scare this cute little sister."

A tall man in black robe next to her let out a silver bell-like laughter. She took off the cloak on her head, revealing a charming and pretty face. There was a black enchantress flower, the size of a slap, and it stretched slightly as if it had life, exuding a terrifying aura.

She is a general under the Demon Flower Emperor of the Demon Sea, and her name is "You Lian". The Demon Flower is not only the totem of her family, but also the source of strength.Interesting novels www.quduxs.com

At this time, the King of You Lian, who made the conversation of many creatures in the Tianmo Sea change, was speaking to Zi Yan in a very gentle tone: "Little sister, can you take us to that piece of Zhu Guolin?"

Hearing this, the eyes of the strong people of all ethnic groups brightened. Zhu Guozhong was born with the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. It is very harsh to cultivate, and its value is far higher than those of Tianluocao and Fulinghua. Yan.


Xiao Ziyan refused and babbled: "The village chief and Aunt Su are stewing the golden-winged Dapeng bird, I have to hurry back to eat meat."


The strong minds of all ethnic groups are shocked, and the golden-winged Dapeng bird is a powerful beast comparable to the ten evils of the ancient times. Its blood is extremely noble, and even the Silver Moon Wolf Clan should be ashamed. No matter how bad the blood in the body is, it can become Legendary king, such a treasured bird actually kills and eats meat?Even the ancestral dynasty is not so extravagant, what a terrifying little village this is!

"Little sister, can you take us into the village?" You Lian's voice was vaguely respectful. She knew that some ancient saints liked to hide from the world. It seemed that there were few people, but in fact there were many horrors. Even the Devil Sea can't easily offend.

"Okay, the village chief said that people in the mountains will help each other, but you can't pull flowers and grass like this when you enter the village."

"Definitely, definitely, we swear to God..." You Lian patted her chest to assure, causing a turbulent wave.

Not far behind, the high priest of the Silver Moon Wolf Clan stepped forward quickly, leaning on crutches, and asked with a charitable face, "Child, tell grandpa, how did the golden-winged Dapeng come from?"

Xiao Ziyan bit Zhu Guo and said vaguely: "The big bird carried bad people to bully the eldest sister, and was slapped to death by my father. Tell you, my father is amazing, and the people in Yandu City are bullying Big sister, Dad killed everyone in that city."

The strong men of all ethnic groups felt a chill when they arrived, and their footsteps became heavier.Slap the golden-winged Dapeng bird to death with a slap, even the most famous Silver Moon Wolf King and Titan King can never do it!

The key is to be ruthless and slaughter the city at every turn.

This little girl's father is definitely a terrifying existence!

Chapter 16 This small village is full of terror!

Just as she was about to enter the village, Xiao Ziyan's eyes suddenly lit up and she stared at the six-winged Yalong that was resting not far away. This Yalong was hundreds of feet in size. A breath of dragon's breath would make the earth tremble.

"What a beautiful bird!"

Zi Yan cheered, took short legs, ran to the six-winged Yalong with three steps and two steps, pointed to it and said, "Whose big bird is this, can you let me ride it?"

The strong men of all ethnic groups showed strange expressions, and they all looked at the big man in golden armor surrounded by a group of warriors, looking like they were watching a good show.

It turned out that this six-winged Yalong was the mount of Wang Meng, the great general of the Marquis of Snow Mountain. It was extremely fierce and famous in this vast land.

"Big bird?"

The flesh on Wang Meng's face trembled, and he could hardly hold back his rage. This was a pure-bred Yalong purchased from the West at a huge cost by the Marquis of Xue Shan. It had a noble bloodline and was very likely to evolve into a fourth-order dragon.

Moreover, the six wings of this Yalong have been refined by magic. The three on the left contain fire and water, and the three on the right contain ice and thunder. Although the rank is equivalent to the peak of the transcendent realm, its real combat power is comparable to that of the legendary realm king. It is his most trusted partner, who has fought side by side countless times, and now he is called a big bird by this bear child?

However, he refrained from attacking. This small village is obviously strange. There are many strong people from all ethnic groups, but no one dares to test it. Although he has always been conceited, he is not a reckless man, and naturally he does not want to be this early bird.

But he was unwilling to let him use his partner as a mount for this bear boy. He was silent for a while, and Wang Meng said with a gloomy face: "If you can surrender it, I have no problem."

"Thank you uncle!"

Xiao Ziyan raised her eyebrows and smiled, showing her little white teeth. She grabbed the little horn on the nose of the six-winged Yalong unceremoniously, and clumsily climbed up.


Seeing Zi Yan's actions, Wang Meng raised his heart. He didn't expect that Zi Yan was really not afraid, and he didn't expect that she would come and grab that little horn directly.

Dragons have inverse scales, they will die if you touch them!Although the small horn on the tip of the six-winged Yalong's nose was not as sensitive as the inverse scale on its back, it was considered the second inverse scale. If it touched this place, even Wang Meng would be attacked.

The other powerhouses also changed their expressions from watching a good show to anxiety, so that this little girl really died under the claws of the six-winged dragon, and they were afraid that they could not escape.

But what shocked everyone was that the violent six-winged Yalong became extremely docile in front of this little girl, and even took the initiative to lower her head to let her climb up easily.

"Weird, there are big odds!"

The powerhouses of all ethnic groups were once again subverted by three views, only to feel that the life experience of tens of thousands of years did not apply.Roto88 www.roto88.com

"Giggle, it's fun, drive! Drive!..."

Xiao Ziyan sits on Yalong's head, holding her hands and shaking constantly. The blood of the ancient dragon in her body has a near-origin deterrent to this Yalong, not to mention that Zi Yan is the most ancient dragon in the universe. Honorable Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor!

This little village is so scary!

With an almost pilgrimage mood, the powerhouses of all ethnic groups followed Xiao Ziyan into Wuliu Village.

They have basically affirmed in their hearts that this village is an ancient sage, and it is even possible that there are still sages in town. Those peerless powerhouses have not appeared on Shengyuan Continent for a long time.

"Uncle, look, it's the Qianye Violet Flower. The sacred flower of our Titan family can grow to such a large size. I'm afraid it is hundreds of thousands of years old. It is bigger than the few plants by the altar combined!"

A teenager from the Titan clan said in shock that his clan was born in the [-]-strong mountain, and has always communicated less with the outside world.

"Shut up! Don't talk nonsense." The giant king who was dozens of feet tall scolded fiercely, but when he glanced at the half-human-high Qianye Violet flower, his eyes were also full of heat.

Qianye Violet is not only a noble holy flower for the Titan family, but also a precious medicine that can strengthen their blood. Such a long-term Qianye Violet can almost make their clan a "supreme saint".If there is a supreme sage in charge, they don't need to continue to nest in the [-] mountain.

On the other side, a Tianjiao teenager from Qingyun Sword Sect also found out, pointing at a leafy tree and exclaiming: "This is Longshu wood, one of the top refining materials, it takes a hundred years to grow an inch. , It is extremely precious, and it has grown into a big tree here, which can be used to enjoy the shade."

The teenagers of the other tribes were also shocked to discover that the elixir that their own family regarded as the most precious treasure could be seen everywhere here.

At the same time, the leaders of the various ethnic groups are also secretly communicating. They are all legendary kings. They have lived for thousands and tens of thousands of years. , This is very strange, even if ordinary mortals live in such a place with abundant spiritual energy, their daily meals and dew can reach the level of Lunhai.

You Lian said in a gentle tone, "Little sister, have you always had so many spirit medicines and spirit fruits in your village?"

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