Xiao Ziyan shook her head and said, "No, these delicious fruits were made by my father three days ago."

three days ago?The day the shocking fairy was born!

The eyes of the strong men of all ethnic groups were shining, and finally the truth came out. It turned out that they had been trembling with fear, and it was a complete false alarm. All the strangeness was caused by the shocking fairy treasure.

The prudence in their eyes is gone, replaced by greed!

PS: There is another chapter in the evening. By the way, I want a wave of collections and flowers. Jiuwei really wants to speed up the update, but Feilu has data requirements before it goes on the shelves. If the data is not good, you can only reduce the update and extend the free period. way, I hope you can support it.

Chapter 17 Zhu Qiang turned his face, nine-leaf sword grass

Not only have they never seen an immortal treasure that can evolve so many ten thousand years of elixir, they have never even heard of it!

There is no doubt that this is an earth-shattering fairy treasure, and it may even be the most powerful fairy treasure that Shengyuan Continent has produced since its birth!Even the ancestral dynasty and the four academies are coveted!

"If all this is really done by the fairy treasure, then the level of this fairy treasure is unpredictable, and it is easy to cultivate the supreme saint, and even become an existence above the great saint!"

The voice of the silver moon wolf chief priest was full of excitement. His bloodline was noble, and his ancestors were super clans living in the yin world. The powerful ancestors could even swallow the sun in one bite. Suppressed by Emperor Burial, the Lord of the Heavenly Court, Yumai entered the Saint Yuan Continent, always yearning to restore the glory of the distant ancestors.

You Lian carefully analyzed: "The little girl just said that all the spirit medicines and spirit fruits were conjured by her father, and she thought that the fairy treasure should be in her father's hands."

"This hateful village dares to fool me! No matter who takes the fairy treasure, I will slaughter the entire village and use their blood to wash away my shame!" Stock violent domineering.

The high priest said cautiously: "The immortal treasure is of great importance. We'd better observe it again to ensure that the whereabouts of the immortal treasure will not be too late."

At this moment, a huge crack suddenly opened in the void in front of him, and the huge body of Emperor Corpse Puppet stepped out from it. On his shoulders, there was a pretty lady, who was Zhang Tian's precious second daughter. Yuxin.

"Zi Yan, you sneaked out again, dad is angry, let me call you home to eat..."

Halfway through the words, Yu Xin noticed a lot of strange characters around Zi Yan, and couldn't help swallowing the second half of the words.

Zi Yan was sitting on the six-wing Yalong, very happy to see Yuxin, shaking her fleshy little hand and said: "Second sister, I am here, I picked your favorite fruit for you, the uncle said that this is Zhu fruit."

"Emperor Corpse Puppet! And it is the Corpse King of the Three Transformations of the Legendary Realm!"

The powerhouses of all ethnic groups were startled, and the small village that had been in decline and decay in their eyes suddenly became mysterious again.

The legendary king of the Titan family said with lingering fears: "The high priest is still cautious. This emperor's corpse puppet is extremely suffocating. If you acted recklessly just now, it is very likely that you will make a big mistake!"

The golden armor general Wang Meng said coldly: "The anger of this emperor's corpse has not completely disappeared. It should have just been tempered for a long time. Maybe it is also the magical power of the fairy. With the strength of the six of us, a three-transformation corpse king is also a mere corpse. It's nothing!"

The light in the eyes of the powerhouses of all races is even hotter, such an immortal treasure is enough to make them abandon all concerns.

They all used secret language for voice transmission, and their eyes flickered with cold light. They had already made an agreement to coerce them by force first, and if they were unsuccessful, they would snatch them.After all, if a three-transformation corpse king really goes crazy, it will also bring them a lot of losses.

Soon everyone came to the courtyard of Zhang Tian's house. The villagers looked at the outsiders who were giants, Yalongs, and Flying Divine Wolf in the distance. They were all trembling with fear. arrogance.Extraordinary Fiction www.ffxss.com

Seeing Zhang Tian from a distance, Xiao Ziyan immediately jumped off Yalong's head quickly, ran to Zhang Tian, ​​raised the flower cloth bag in her hand like a treasure, and said in a milky voice: "Dad , Zi Yan picked the fruit for you, don't be angry with Zi Yan."

Zhang Tian glanced at the high priest and others, gently hugged Zi Yan, scratched her Qiong nose, and said with a smile: "Then I'll spare you this time, but why did you bring so many bad people into the village? , this is not allowed next time, and you must be cautious about strangers."

"Dad, they're not bad people!"

Zi Yan argued in dissatisfaction, pointed at the strong men of all ethnic groups and said: "The old grandfather covered in silver hair and the big sister with a colorful face are very friendly to me. Uncle Xuedao told me that this fruit is called Zhu Guo. And the uncle Jinjia , let me ride his big bird..."

"shut up!"

Wang Meng couldn't bear it anymore and roared loudly, the king's coercion enveloped the audience, he raised the golden spear in his hand, pointed at Zhang Tian in the distance, and said angrily: "Ignorance villager, I am the general of the Snow Mountain Country, how can I tolerate insults, those who are acquainted, immediately take that piece Hand over the fairy treasures that can evolve spirit medicine and spirit fruit! Otherwise, I will let you bleed for three thousand miles in this broken village!"

The kings of all ethnic groups could see that Zhang Tian's aura was weak, but an ordinary person was also arguing at this time, and they released their coercion one after another.

Xiao Ziyan said strangely: "Uncle Jinjia, didn't I say it all, these elixir and fruit are made by my father, not some fairy treasure."

The high priest said with a gloomy face: "This kind of nonsense can fool a child. If this is the case, let your father change it again!"

Xiao Ziyan said aggrieved: "Dad won't lie to me, you don't believe Zi Yan, they are all bad people..."

Zhang Tian pinched Zi Yan's little face and said gently: "Zi Yan is good, Dad will change it for you again, and then vent your anger for you, okay?"

Xiao Ziyan nodded vigorously and said, "Zi Yan has to see, what does Dad want to change?"

Zhang Tian pointed to a grass that had just broken out of the ground and said, "Let's change it."

This little grass has nine leaves in the shape of a sword, but the weeds that can be seen everywhere on the ground have a short life and often wither in a few months.

You Lian frowned and said, "A mere weed, even if it were added a million years, it would still be a weed. What can you see?"

Zhang Tian said softly: "The mystery of the Tao, how can you spy on it? A speck of dust can fill the sea, and a single blade of grass can cut down the sun, moon, and stars."

With a fingertip, the essence of infinite life poured into the Nine-Leaf Grass.

Chapter 18 Cursive Sword Art, Dragon Emperor Awakens

The Qing Emperor's spiritual transformation, which takes the world and the earth, attracts a mighty tide of spiritual energy, which can't stop circling in the void.

"It's so beautiful! It's so beautiful!" Xiao Ziyan patted her fleshy little hands, her eyes full of excitement.

The six legendary kings looked at each other, and no one could see the strangeness.

In the end, Wushuangcheng's Blood Crazy Saber was the first to lose his breath, staring at bloodthirsty eyes and saying angrily: "Fake a ghost, it seems that there is no blood, you will not be honest!"

After speaking, the blood knife was unsheathed, and the endless murderous aura rose into the sky. The man and the knife joined together, turning into a ball of fire rainbow and rushing towards Yuxin, planning which one of Zhang Tian's daughters to operate first.

How terrifying the power of the legendary king is, before the blood mad swordsman arrives, the violent murderous aura has already swept in like a gust of wind and waves, wrapping Yu Xin's whole person in it.

Just when Yuxin was about to be unable to hold on, the void in front of her suddenly trembled, and the Emperor Corpse Puppet was blocked in front of her like a copper wall. The shadow of the emperor is full of evil charm and majesty.

This black emperor is as high as [-] feet tall, surrounded by black evil, looking at the bloody mad knife coming with murderous aura, he slammed a punch, the black evil roared and roared, the air waves rolled, the violent fist wind condensed into a black dragon, directly The blood mad knives flew upside down, and the blood gushed!

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