"So powerful! At least it's an emperor-level boxing technique!"

high priest.You Lian and the others were all taken aback. The Blood Crazy Sabre was always known for its explosive power in an instant. At this time, it was defeated by this corpse king with one punch.

"Good boxing, I don't know if I can catch my giant sword!" A dark man with strong fighting intent, with a long whistle, swooped towards the Emperor Corpse Puppet.

This dark man's eyes are as sharp as a knife, majestic as an iron tower, and his appearance is terrifying. , showing his identity, it is the famous Black Swordsman, the most heinous criminal wanted by the Holy Ancestor Dynasty, and only super sects like Qingyun Jianzong dare to take him.

As it approached, the aura on the Black Swordsman became even more dangerous, like an eagle that had found its prey, and its might was a hundred times fiercer at once!


The Emperor Corpse Puppet is another "Invincible Emperor Fist", and the infuriating energy is rolling like the Yangtze River, which instantly drowns the Black Swordsman, turning out to be a phantom clone!

"You've been tricked!"

Behind Yu Xin, the black swordsman had a ferocious smile on his face. He was a heinous criminal with no taboos.

"Second sister, be careful!" Xiao Ziyan showed an anxious look, and in the dark, the emperor's veins of Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor will be awakened from Shenmian.

A cold light flashed in Zhang Tian's eyes, and he said softly: "Nine Leaf Grass, in the name of Emperor Qing, I will give you magical powers, using leaves as a sword to cut through the heavens!"

Just like the Sanskrit sounds of the gods, it was washed away in bursts, and the surface of the nine-leaf grass suddenly became brilliant, and it absorbed all the tides of spiritual energy in the air like a long whale sucking water.

At the same time, a dazzling green rushed up, it was a blade of grass, carved like divine jade, turned into the shape of a sword, and the sound of the sword smashed the soul.

The violent body of the black swordsman suddenly froze, as if he had encountered the most terrifying thing in the world. He was so frightened that he let out a roar of fear, and ran desperately back.

But he still couldn't escape, the jade green leaves, like chains of order, pierced through the sky and directly cut the black swordsman in half!

The blood gushed wildly, but when it was about to fall on the blade, it was all strangled by an invisible sword energy.

"Kill well! If these bad guys are bad for the second sister, they should all be damned! Nine-leaf grass, you killed them all!"

Xiao Ziyan's body is slightly arched, just like encountering a beast of a natural enemy, as if someone carefully observes, they will find that in the depths of Zi Yan's pure pupils, there are two golden dragons circling faintly, and the dragon's body is extremely huge. It seems to be connected to heaven and earth.

The nine-leaf sword grass seemed to be able to understand people's words. As soon as Zi Yan's order was given, its body surface was once again brilliant, and the infinite sword energy shot into the sky.


A leaf spread and turned into a green horse, directly beheading the two arrogant youths of the Silver Moon Wolf Clan.

"call out!"

Another blade rushed up, transformed into a towering giant sword, wrapped in the might of thunder and slashed at the Titans team, directly slashing off the right arm of the Titan King.The right arm was more than ten feet tall and fell to the ground, torn apart.

But in the blink of an eye, seventy-eighty-eighty people from all ethnic groups have died.

"No... Damn, you all deserve to die!"

The remaining powerhouses of all ethnic groups went crazy, and their eyes were red to hunt and kill the villagers of Wuliu Village below.

The kings of all ethnic groups joined the battlefield one after another, and You Lian transformed into a huge magic flower, wrapping the whole body, and the magic energy was overwhelming.The silver moon wolf chief priest also revealed his body, a giant wolf with a size of more than ten feet, with hair like silver snow and fangs like the peak of a god.

The golden armor general Wang Meng waved his golden spear, attacked the Emperor Corpse with the Titan king, and directed the six-winged dragon to attack Yuxin.

Just when the crisis was approaching, Zi Yan suddenly stepped into the air and stopped in front of the six-winged Yalong, with golden light shining in her eyes, and a shadow of a primordial dragon behind her, she shouted majestically, "Kneel down! "

Chapter 19 Using blood as a guide, fishing the heavens

"Kneel down!!!"

This sound was like thunder, rumbling and shaking, and a domineering emperor who looked down on the world swept the world, and the entire void seemed to collapse.

The six-winged Yalong's huge body slammed, and the six huge wings trembled. In front of this violent dragon, it was like a civilian facing a peerless emperor, full of awe and fear.


The huge roar shook Wuliu Village, and the hearts of all the strong were shaken. I saw that the cruel six-winged Yalong actually knelt down and lowered its noble head, just like the common people visiting the emperor.

"Damn, I'll kill you first!"

The golden armor general Wang roared wildly, abandoned the emperor's corpse, and rushed towards Zi Yan. The golden armor on his body was shining brightly, turning into a golden giant of nearly a thousand feet, stepping down, stepping on Zi Yan, coercing The power of the heavens and the earth, just like the gods are shooting.

This is the first time in nearly three thousand years that Wang Meng has made a full-scale attack. Such fierceness has shocked all the kings. This divine might has approached the level of the Legendary Five Transformations, which is enough to destroy a tribe.

At this moment, a green blade of grass came up, and the sword gas transformed into a shape, like a dragon, quickly wrapped around the golden giant, and the sword light spewed out, instantly strangling the thousand-foot giant, and the falling rays of light danced across the world. , beheaded all the lion king guard warriors brought by Wang Meng, and the whole village was stained with blood.

"So strong!"

Both You Lian and the High Priest raised a fear from the depths of their hearts. The two kings used the strongest means to besiege the Nine-leaf Sword Grass. It was earth-shattering, but they did not expect that in this situation, the Nine-leaf Sword Grass still had enough power, and even It was effortless to break Wang Meng's magical powers.


The two leaves of the nine-leaf sword grass stretched again, one turned into a wind blade, cut off Wang Meng who flew out, and the other turned into a sword pot, and countless sword qi flew out, destroying the demon sea and the silver moon wolf clan. All the masters were beheaded, and even the flying god wolf brought by the high priest had no room for resistance.

"Boom boom boom..."

The Emperor Corpse Puppet also went mad, and the black emperor's fists danced wildly behind him. The infinite demons seemed to drown the world. How is it the opponent of the Emperor Corpse Puppet, with more than a dozen punches from top to bottom.


The King of the Titans screamed shrilly, and the black demon smeared with Jiuyou Yin fire eroded his whole body and burned his soul. He retreated frantically, destroying a row of houses with every step, and finally fell to the ground with a bang, his entire body smashed. Burned by fire.

From the beginning of the battle to the present, there were hundreds of people from all ethnic groups, and only You Lian and the High Priest were left.Girls classmates network www.sntxw.com

Back, back crazy.

You Lian watched the tragic deaths of all her cronies who followed her. There was a kind of unwillingness, and even a kind of fear, fear from the bottom of her heart. She spoke hoarsely and said to Zhang Tian with a trembling voice: "Senior, please forgive me. Ignorance and offense, I am willing to leave now and never set foot in the Black Mountains again."

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