"Since you have made a mistake, you must have the awareness to bear the consequences." Zhang Tian's tone was indifferent, just like the trial of Yama, who convicted Youlian and pronounced the end of her life.

The breeze blew, and the nine-leaf sword grass swayed in the wind, bringing a mist of mist, and a sword qi rose into the sky, traversing the sky and the earth, swept away, and instantly pierced into the heart of You Lian.

The villagers of Wuliu Village gathered together, and no one showed sympathy. They knew very well that if Zhang Tian was not guarding them today, these people would have slaughtered them all mercilessly. In this world, the weak are the strong, and no one will show mercy. enemy.

The high priest of the Silvermoon Wolf Clan was also severely injured, crumbling, and his heart was extremely bitter. They were all kings, aloof, looking down at the villagers. Destructive defeat.

Looking at Zhang Tian, ​​the high priest felt even more fear in his heart. This young man was so terrifying that his bones trembled. He regretted it to death. Why would he lose his mind and provoke such a strong man.


A blade of grass soared, carrying the glow of the sun, and passed by, cutting off one of the high priest's arms, as if he was deliberately teasing him.

The high priest let out a painful wolf howl, his eyes were red, and he said fiercely: "I hate it so much, I curse this village, terror will come eventually, my six major forces will not let you go..."

Snow Mountain Country, Heavenly Demon Sea, Silver Moon Wolf Clan, Qingyun Sword Sect, Wushuang City, and Titan Tribe, all of these six forces are superpowers with several powerful legendary kings.

"Six major forces? Since they are related to you, they are not innocent people."

Zhang Tian said to himself, and rolled up a wicker stick on the ground with his right hand, like a divine spear, piercing the high priest's wolf body.

At the same time, between Zhang Tian's eyebrows, the blood-colored eyeballs reappeared, shooting out a red light, which turned into a bright mirror in the void, reflecting the entire Shengyuan Continent.

Zhang Tian directly threw the wicker wearing the wolf body of the high priest into the mirror.

Using blood as a guide, fishing the heavens!

Above the vast grassland, a huge crack opened in the void, and a wicker twig with a length of ten thousand zhang hung down from the crack, directly breaking through the golden palace in the middle of the grassland, entangling the Silver Moon Wolf King, and rolling him into the air, extremely embarrassed.

Chapter 20 Surrender...or die!

"Submit, or die!"

The majestic voice resounded throughout the prairie, and all the demon tribes were alarmed, and they all used their magical powers to jump onto the branches.

Then, they saw an extremely terrifying picture.

The Silver Moon Wolf King, who dominates this fertile land, is being entangled by a willow twig hanging from the nine heavens, like a fat fish biting on the bait, out of the water.

At this time, the Silver Moon Wolf King has already revealed his body. He is a huge silver wolf. He wears an emperor's crown and has silver snow-like hair. He roars and roars frantically. The void shook and collapsed layer by layer.

However, although the wicker was weak, it was as indestructible as the iron chain of order. It penetrated into the flesh and blood of the Silver Moon Wolf King, and even drew terrifying bloodstains. No matter how hard the Silver Moon Wolf King struggled, he could not break free.

"Submit, or die!"

The majestic voice seemed to come from nine days away, resounding across the vast grassland, and at the moment when the voice fell, the wicker that bound the Silver Moon Wolf King's tail suddenly spread out, splitting into an emerald green branch and leaf, which turned into The shape of the sword fell like a scythe of the god of death, directly cutting off one of the legs of the Silver Moon Wolf King.

Just like the gods above the sky, punishing sinners who refuse to submit to him.


The Silver Moon Wolf King let out a terrifying howl, his voice was extremely shrill, the Shen Xi in his body was rapidly draining, and the blood of the wolf leg that had been cut off, as if absorbed by a wicker, quickly dried up, and then cracked. It was torn apart like dead bones and scattered across the vast grassland.

The major demon clans on the grassland were silent. They didn't know what happened. They only knew that the king of the grassland was being humiliated and could not fight back.Many demon races believe that the Silver Moon Wolf Race must have offended the gods, because only the gods have such terrifying means!

"Submit! I am willing to surrender!"

The Silver Moon Wolf King almost roared out this sentence. He is still in a state of ignorance. He is sitting at home, and disaster comes from the sky, but he has no time to think about it.This wicker is too terrifying, devouring his life essence.

Just when the Silver Moon Wolf King just announced his surrender, the huge crack in the sky suddenly projected a bloody light, like a long rainbow penetrating the sun, instantly piercing the Silver Moon Wolf King.


The Silver Moon Wolf King let out an earth-shattering howl again, the huge wolf body twitched continuously, the blood light concentrated on his forehead, and a huge word "slave" was engraved on his forehead, as if it was directly engraved on him with a sharp knife. the depths of the soul.

With the release of the wicker's restraint, the Silver Moon Wolf King fell directly from the sky, smashing on the vast grassland, raising hundreds of feet of wind and sand.999 Chinese Website www.[-]zw.net

"The creatures of the vast grassland, surrender... or die!"

The hundreds of millions of demon clans on the grassland were all desperate. Obviously, they were angered by the "gods". With their weakness, there was no room for resistance in front of such gods.

"The gods are above, we are willing to surrender..."

All the demon clan creatures knelt down to the ground, sang loudly, and prayed sincerely from their hearts.

Infinite blood light spewed out from the crack, covering the sky and reflecting the entire earth in a dark red, as if a river of blood was flowing on the earth, submerging the entire vast grassland.

"In the name of the devil god, I will accept you as devil slaves, forever and ever, for my drive... Silver Moon Wolf King, from today onwards, you are the lord of the vast grassland."

The Silver Moon Wolf King climbed up from the ground, the slave imprint on his forehead had disappeared, and the broken wolf legs had grown back. While the Demon Slave imprint locked his soul, it also gave him powerful magic power, making him stronger than him. More majestic in the past.

Looking at this blood-dark demon sky, the Silver Moon Wolf King suddenly knelt down and said respectfully, "Thank you for the reward, the wolf slave is willing to listen to the master's orders forever."

Zhang Tian retracted the wicker, the cracks in the sky disappeared, and the vast grassland returned to its former calm.

After eliminating the Silver Moon Wolf Clan, Zhang Tian did not stop at all, and rolled up You Lian's remnant body with a wicker, and threw it into the mirror in mid-air again.

Tianmohai, one of the largest gathering places of demons in Shengyuan Continent, above the Demon Flower Emperor's territory, a crack suddenly opened in the endless Demon Abyss, and the willow wicker fell straight down, smashing a huge demon flower with absolute strength.

That magic flower is the magical power of the magic flower emperor, and it is also her incarnation. At the moment when the magic flower was broken, the magic flower emperor inside the flower body directly spit out a large mouthful of black blood, and shouted in shock and anger: "Yes Who, broke into my collar..."

Before the words were finished, a huge willow branch had penetrated in, firmly binding the slender body of the Demon Flower Emperor.

"Submit, or die!"

In Wuliu Village, Zhang Tian looked at the Demon Flower Emperor who was kneeling on the ground with a face of humiliation. He opened the Blood Dark Demon Heaven mercilessly, and engraved a blood-red "slave" character on the left shoulder of the Demon Flower Emperor. Demonic energy instantly eroded her whole body.


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