Sure enough, when the young man heard Ruren's words, he was stunned for a moment, then became furious, his aura exploded, and he said loudly, "Zhang Ruren, how dare you put on the air of an inspector in front of me, you're just courting death!"

The rest of the Gentlemen's Party members also showed their stern expressions. They didn't expect Ruthless Man to be so arrogant. Not only did they not show Chu Tiange's face at all, but they even humiliated him.

Han Yue, Lin Kun, Wang Xiao and other students couldn't help but think that when the ruthless came to the Gentleman's Party for the first time, they were so sharp, they didn't take other people seriously.It's just that today's Chu Tiange is not comparable to them. The second level of the profound entrance of life and death and the ninth level of the Transcendent Realm are like the difference between clouds and mud, and they are not at the same level at all.

Thinking of this, Lin Kun and Wang Xiao couldn't help but show schadenfreude expressions.

Even in the face of the violent coercion on Chu Tiange, the ruthless man still did not change his face, and said in a low voice: "Boss, if it's all right, I will go back to practice swordsmanship."

"Bold, how dare you ignore me!"

Chu Tiange's lungs were about to explode, and he immediately moved a palm print, wrapped in wind and thunder, and pressed toward the ruthless man. , , .

Chapter 146 The Anti-Sky Poison Pill, Mu Yuntian's Revenge

"Chu Tiange, step back."

It was only then that Su Ziming spoke calmly, and as soon as the aura of the legendary king came out, he instantly blocked Chu Tiange's offensive.

"Junior Sister Zhang, don't blame Junior Brother Chu for losing his temper. There was indeed an accident this time. As for the specific situation, Junior Sister Zhao Cangyu, it's up to you to tell." Su Ziming said slowly.

The voice fell, and a slender woman came out of the core group of students. I saw that this woman was about twenty years old. Although she had a beautiful face, her expression was indifferent. There was a scar running through the eyebrow on the left cheek, which matched the tight black body. Clothes have a frosty temperament that rejects people thousands of miles away.

Ruthless Ren keenly noticed that when many elite students looked at this woman, there was a touch of excitement in their eyes, as if they were looking at an idol.

"Zhao Cangyu has met the leader, all the inspectors."

The frosty woman bowed slightly to the people in the first seat, then cast her eyes on the ruthless man, and said coldly: "This matter is just a private matter of the Binghuo Superintendent, and it has nothing to do with the gentleman's party, so there is no need to publicize it here. Bring it up."

Seeing that Zhao Cangyu was reluctant to say anything, Chu Tiange became anxious and said quickly: "Zhao Cangyu, you are also an old man of our gentleman's party. You have done a lot of credit for the gentleman's party, but now you are implicated because of Zhang Ruren's misdeeds, why not? Dare to say it publicly? If Zhang Ruren dares to use his power to overwhelm others, then I, Chu Tiange, will make the decision for you!"

Ruren frowned slightly, and said in a low voice, "I, Zhang Ruren, have always done things alone. What grievances this junior sister has, you can say it in public, if it really has something to do with me, even if it's a disaster, I'm all right. Next."

As soon as these words came out, the core students and elite students nodded secretly. Many of them were seeing Ruthless for the first time, but this magnanimous mind and courage alone was enough to make people admire.

"Hmph! It sounds nice, but I'll see if you can take over this disaster! Junior Sister Zhao, you should tell the story in public." Chu Tiange sneered again and again, obviously already knowing the inside story.

Zhao Cangyu hesitated for a while, but finally said slowly: "If that's the case, then I'll say it. I had a deal with Mu Yuntian, the leader of the Dan Dao Alliance, and in short, it was a poison pill test developed for him. Medicine. This pill is called Jiemai Pill, and it is a unique pill created by Mu Yuntian, which can stimulate the sea of ​​​​meridians and stimulate the human body's potential.

"What! There is such a Qidan!"

"Heaven-defying, the absolute anti-sky pill! It can actually allow ordinary people to acquire the cultivation talent of a celestial spirit body!"

"It's no wonder that Senior Sister Zhao's cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds in the past year, and she has crossed several levels in a row and is directly promoted to core students. She actually took this Jiemai Pill."

"This is a poison pill, it's clearly a treasure pill, a peerless treasure pill!"

All the members of the Gentlemen’s Party had heated discussions, especially those elite students, who were still in the same position as Zhao Cangyu a year ago, but in just one year, Zhao Cangyu directly broke through from the second level of the transcendent realm to the eighth level of the transcendent realm, and became their hope and unreachable core students.Now that I finally know the reason, they all show an extremely envious look.Everyone reads novels


Su Ziming gave a low voice and said calmly, "This pill is far from being as magical as you think, the pain that stimulates the meridians can even make a person with tenacity go crazy. At the beginning, Mu Yuntian found a total of [-] supernatural warriors to try it out. Dan, only Junior Sister Zhao survived."


Everyone took a breath of cold air. One hundred people saved one, or one hundred warriors in the extraordinary realm. It could really be called a poison pill.When he looked at Zhao Cangyu again, there was only deep awe in his eyes.

The ruthless man's eyes narrowed, and his gaze towards Zhao Cangyu couldn't help softening by three points. She knew the pain of mediocre talent. If she hadn't been driven to a dead end, she would not be an elite student of the Deity Academy, and she wouldn't take the initiative to test a poison pill. .

Zhao Cangyu's expression did not fluctuate in the slightest, and he still said coldly: "The cruelty of the Jiemai Pill does not stop there, its stimulating effect on the meridians is continuous, and a day is better than a day. The pain can be temporarily suppressed by surviving that moment of intense pain, but when the next attack occurs, the pain will be ten times more intense.

I have already taken three Jiemai Pills, and now the pain is close to the limit. I originally planned to ask Mu Yuntian for a fourth Jiemai Pill, but he said that unless the Binghuo Inspector was handed over to him, he would not make it for me again. Jie Mai Dan. "

As soon as these words fell, those elite students all showed sympathy. Although Zhao Cangyu said it insipidly, the pain he endured was far beyond what ordinary people could imagine.

Su Ziming sighed softly: "Mu Yuntian's alchemy talent is extremely high, and the original robbery dan, no one in the entire alchemy system can replicate, I even asked a few alchemy masters, but they even took the robbery on Zhao Shimei's body. The poison of the veins cannot be suppressed temporarily, let alone the copying of the Jiemai Pill."

After a pause, Su Ziming continued: "However, Junior Sister Zhang can rest assured, you are the inspector of the Gentleman's Party, and if Mu Yuntian dares to take action against you, the Gentleman's Party will never stay out of it. The erysipelas on Mrs. Zhao's body will be resolved by the Gentleman's Party. , the big deal, use the favor of the alchemy master once."

"The leader's words are wrong. The alchemy master's favor is so precious. Back then, the Seventh Prince spent a lot of money to make that master promise a favor. How can it be easily used. This gentleman's party is not your Su Ziming and Zhang Rurenren. The gentleman's party." A young man sitting at the top said in a negative way, it was Qin Yin, the second inspector.

Chu Tiange immediately jumped out and said loudly: "Zhang Ruren, see if you haven't, this is all your fault. You used the name of the Gentleman's Party to commit murder outside, but you thought that it would affect the rest of the party. Members, acting so recklessly, what qualifications do you have to be an inspector!"

The ruthless man frowned slightly, and said coldly, "I will take care of Junior Sister Zhao Cangyu's affairs. But I am still the inspector of the Gentleman's Party today, so how can you be a jerk who jumps up and down!"

"How brave!"

Chu Tiange's aura changed abruptly, and a violent and boundless suffocating aura swept through the audience. An endless black mountain phantom was formed behind it, rushing towards the ruthless man like a god king, and the entire void trembled.

Su Ziming was about to stop it, but Qin Yin, the second supervisory envoy, stopped directly in front, and said coldly: "The position of supervisory envoy is for those who are capable, we just wait and see how it changes."

After speaking, Qin Yin turned to look at the ruthless man, as if looking at a dead man. , , .

Chapter 147 Ruthless Dad, You Can't Offend You

"Zhang Ruren, you dare not take me Chu Tiange into your eyes, this is a big sin! You must use your blood to wash it away, this is the first time I have used this unique inheritance, and I can die in this trick. Come on, you can have no regrets!"

Chu Tiange said word by word, and every time he said a word, his aura became stronger by three points.

Su Ziming looked at the phantom of Montenegro, which was like a demonic abyss, his pupils shrank suddenly, and exclaimed, "This is the unique skill of the Great Sage of Montenegro back then, and you actually got the inheritance of the Great Sage of Montenegro!"

"Could it be the Great Sage of Montenegro who traversed the Southern Wilderness [-] years ago? That was a generation of overlords who destroyed several ancient sects by himself!"

"What a terrifying coercion, it is worthy of the inheritance of the Great Sage, who is the enemy under the king?"

"The Ice and Fire Inspector seems to be at the seventh level of the Transcendent Realm. I'm afraid it will be difficult this time."

A group of members of the Gentleman's Party exclaimed, and almost everyone concluded that the ruthless would be defeated.The seventh level of the Transcendent Realm is fighting against the second level of the Profound Entrance of Life and Death, and he is still a powerhouse in the Profound Gate Realm with the inheritance of the Great Sage, and there is absolutely no hope of victory.

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