Fairy Yunxia suddenly widened her eyes and said incredulously, "You said you want to give me this ten-pattern Phoenix Yuandan?"

Yu Xin nodded and handed the Feng Yuan Dan out directly.

Fairy Yunxia was stunned for a moment, then sighed softly: "Silly girl, this is a ten-patterned elixir, as long as you enter a spiritual energy, you can transform into a phoenix and fierce beast. Dan', like a magic weapon to defend against powerful enemies, is very rare even in ancient times. Although Heyan Dan is a fourth-grade spiritual pill, its value is far from being comparable to it. If it is used well, this pill alone , you can make the semi-sacred powerhouse owe you a favor."

Yu Xin said happily: "So it's treating Elder Yunxia's internal injury, that's great."

"No, this medicine pill is really..."

"Since it's Yuxin's heart, you can accept it." Zhang Tianhan said with a smile, he had browsed Yuxin's memory before, although Fairy Yunxia was entrusted by Fairy Yuehua, she really did not care about Yuxin. is the best help possible.

When Yunxia heard Zhang Tian's words, she took it back when she was about to refuse. Thinking of Zhang Tian's heaven-defying alchemy skills and his anger, she couldn't help but nodded slightly, took the elixir, and joked: "In that case, Then I will accept it, with your father's alchemy attainments and strength, you really don't need any kind of half-sage favor."

After taking Feng Yuandan, Yunxia couldn't help but sigh: "This is the first time I have seen the ten-patterned pill, and it really is a miracle."

Yu Xin regretted: "It's a pity that it's not really the ten-patterned pill. I felt that the eight grains were the limit of what I could do when I was concocting pills."

Yunxia said in a slow voice: "The ten-patterned elixir can completely seal the essence of plants and trees, and has the ability to transform the true spirit against the sky. Emperor Burial thought that this move was not in line with the principle of reincarnation of the heavenly way, and after he replaced the sky, he revised the laws of the heavenly way, and since then No one in the world can create an elixir that refines the ten-patterned elixir. Today, in the entire nine mountains and seas, the real ten-patterned elixir is almost extinct."

Zi Yan murmured: "This Emperor Buried is really a nosy, and he has to take care of everything... oops."

Before Zi Yan's words were finished, she ate Zhang Tian's shudder again, and immediately swallowed the second half of her words.

A look of firmness flashed in Yu Xin's eyes, and she said solemnly: "One day, I must make a real ten-patterned elixir!"

Zhang Tian: "..."

An alchemy test ended, Yu Xin was dragged to accept the alchemist status grant, the ruthless man was planning to go home with Zhang Tian, ​​but out of the corner of his eye he found Fang Lin and others looking towards this side from a distance, and immediately walked over.

"Why are you all here?"

Looking at Fang Lin, Su Ziyue and the others, Ruthless said casually.These people could only be regarded as ordinary friends, but since they decided to follow Ruthless, they have united, always advancing and retreating together.

Li Ming respectfully said: "We have been waiting for Senior Sister to leave the customs, and we rushed over as soon as we got your news. There is indeed something important to report."

"what's up?"

The ruthless man couldn't help showing a hint of prudence when he saw Li Ming and the others' faces solemn.

Fang Lindao: "Three days ago, Senior Brother Chu Tiange came back. He was very unhappy when he learned that Senior Sister occupied the position of the fourth inspector, and he made a lot of words. Sister."

Su Ziyue followed closely: "Then Chu Tiange's martial arts is very powerful, and he broke through to the half-step legendary realm a long time ago. He is the strongest person in the gentleman's party except my eldest brother and the three inspectors, and has always regarded the fourth inspector. The throne is in the bag. He has returned from exploring the ruins this time, and he has more important achievements. He has broken through two life-and-death entrances in a row. Even my elder brother asked me to persuade senior sister to be more careful."

"Is it the second level of life and death? It's interesting, it just confirms my newly mastered swordsmanship. I hope this Chu Tiange will not disappoint me too much." There was no worry on the face of the ruthless man, but he was rather eager to try.

The legendary king, even if it is placed in the entire Shengyuan Continent, belongs to the existence of a hegemon.Once a warrior in the extraordinary realm breaks through the legendary realm, there will be earth-shaking changes immediately, and it can even be said that the level of life has been improved.Even the weakest King of the Legendary Realm is far stronger than the Heaven's Chosen in the Transcendent Realm.

However, this step is not easy for transcendent realm warriors to cross. After being promoted to the half-step legendary realm, they still need to pass through the triple life and death entrance before they can truly enter this realm.Every time they pass through a portal, their strength will increase by leaps and bounds.

For the current ruthless person, a mere half-step legendary warrior has long been ignored by her, and a strong person at the second level of life and death can barely raise any interest.

Because, even Ruthless herself doesn't know how strong she is after breaking through to the ninth level of Transcendent Realm and receiving the kendo inheritance of two ancient sword kings. , , .

Chapter 145

Time flickered and three days passed, Yu Xin and Zi Yan both began to travel back and forth between Liberty City and Deity Academy as normal, only Ruthless remained in the small courtyard of Liberty City.

Because Ruthen's breakthrough this time is really too big. Not only did he break through two levels of cultivation, but also the realm of kendo has advanced by leaps and bounds. It's just that these kendo insights all come from the sword king, even with Ruthen's monster-level comprehension. comprehend in a short time.

And her teacher, Fairy Yuehua, followed a team of elders from the college to explore an extraterritorial ruins half a month ago, and she has not returned yet, so she can only ask Zhang Tian to open a small kitchen for her.

In Zhang's small courtyard, the ruthless man practiced "Yin-Yang Ice and Fire Sword" one by one, and the huge ice and fire sword light traversed the entire small courtyard, causing the void to be turbulent.

Although this is only an imperial sword art, but because the sword intent of the ruthless person has been greatly improved, the power of this sword art has also suddenly increased several times. , fierce and boundless.


After a set of swordsmanship training was completed, the ruthless man looked at Zhang Tian with bright eyes, and said eagerly, "Dad, how is it?"

Zhang Tian nodded with a smile, and said slowly: "The sword intent in the Ten Thousand Swords Diagram is dead, there are only the pure Taiyin Sword Intent and the Great Sun Sword Intent. Now it seems that you have basically absorbed them and turned them into yourself. Use. The next step is to completely integrate these two sword intents and turn them into your own yin and yang sword intent. Once the sword is out, the yin and yang will follow!"

Ruthless Man's eyes lit up, if she can reach the step that Zhang Tian said, it will be regarded as a complete cultivation of "Yin-Yang Ice and Fire Sword" to the realm of achievement, and maybe she can extend even stronger moves. The anti-chaotic style understood in the "Art", when a sword is fired, it reverses the yin and yang.

This sword style was born out of the top-level treasure art in the Kunpeng method, and its power is extremely amazing, close to the holy level. Based on the ruthless people's perception of the yin and yang sword intent at that time, it could not be used at all, but now I see hope.

Just when the ruthless man was going to make persistent efforts and practice the sword art again, the ice and fire token on his waist suddenly flashed.

This is her identity token in the Gentleman's Party, and it also has the function of internal communication.

After digging the divine sense into the token to check, the ruthless man's face suddenly condensed, and he said to Zhang Tian: "Dad, the leader of the gentleman's party said that he has something important to find me, so let's practice here today."

After speaking, the ruthless man immediately arranged his clothes and drove the light to the Deity Academy.

As soon as he stepped into Feilu Novel.net, Ruthless Man felt a very solemn atmosphere. Looking around, in addition to Su Ziming sitting in the first place, there were several other young people also sitting in the first place. Gu is the king of the legendary realm, obviously several other inspectors who have never met before. 12345 Novel www.12345xs.com

In addition to these few people, there are nearly [-] other core students and elite students, including Han Yue, Lin Kun, and Wang Xiao who have met before, but Fang Lin, Su Ziyue and others are not seen. figure.

"I have seen the leader." The ruthless man withdrew his gaze, nodded slightly towards Su Ziming, and then said in a low voice, "I don't know if the leader is urgently summoned, what is the important thing?"

Before Su Ziming could finish speaking, a man in brocade clothes sitting in the first place suddenly slapped the table and said sternly, "What's the matter? Zhang Ruren, thank you for being so calm, do you know how much you have caused the gentleman's party? calamity?"

The ruthless man looked up and saw that the young man looked arrogant, with a hint of suffocation between his brows, giving people a mean and fierce feeling, and although the aura on his body was not as strong as those in the first seat, it was far beyond the extraordinary realm. The nine-level powerhouse reveals a mysterious sense of life and death.

In just an instant, Ruthless Man understood the identity of this person. It should be Chu Tiange, who had broken through to the second level of life and death, as mentioned by Fang Lin before. He really had a lot of opinions on her, and he attacked her fiercely as soon as he came up.

However, how could a ruthless person look at the face of such a person.

"This inspector is talking to the leader, what kind of thing are you, you dare to interrupt?" The ruthless man said sharply, and deliberately emphasized the word 'inspector', since this person values ​​the position of the inspector so much , she doesn't mind provoking each other again.

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