The voice of Peak Master Chiling resounded again, but instead of being domineering and domineering the first time, he became cautious and even full of fear.

Chiling Peak Master admits to counseling?

The audience was once again in an uproar. The terrifying vision just now turned out to be the action of a peerless powerhouse, which not only instantly annihilated the attack of the Lord of Chiling Peak, but also forced him to retreat for [-] years to atone for his sins!So powerful, it can be said to penetrate the sky and the earth.

Fairy Yunxia's eyes were complicated. At that moment, maybe only she could hear Zhang Tian's words clearly, and only she who had been paying attention to Zhang Tian could capture the mighty pressure emanating from Zhang Tian's body at that moment.

At that moment, although Zhang Tian was just standing there, he had a terrifying aura that suppressed the nine heavens and ten places and ruled forever, as if he was the only emperor in the world!


At this moment, another loud Feng Ming pulled everyone back to reality from their awe of the peerless powerhouse, and they all looked towards the sky.

I saw that Feng Yuandan flying in the air, swiping around, actually absorbed all the Chixia Qianzhang, and once again turned into a lifelike fire phoenix, soaring and dancing in the air, singing continuously.

Such a strange sight immediately caused a lot of discussion.

An elder of Xiaozhufeng said excitedly: "It is rumored that the nine-patterned pill can be psychic, and the ten-patterned pill can be transformed. Today, I finally got a chance to see it, so I know the rumors don't need it."

All the elders nodded, looking at Feng Yuandan in the sky, their eyes were full of scorching heat.For an ordinary alchemist, to be able to refine an eight-pattern treasured pill in one's life is enough to die without regret. The limit that can be tolerated, the extraordinary geniuses who are not astonishing and brilliant can't be refined at all.

And the more powerful ten-pattern Absolute Pill, has exceeded the limit of Heaven's Dao's tolerance, and since the change of Heaven, it is not manpower.

Fairy Yunxia sighed softly: "Although this phoenix essence pill has ten percent medicinal properties, it is actually an eight-pattern treasure pill, and the last two patterns are forcibly made up by Taiyi Shenshui. Therefore, the fire phoenix has a spirit but no soul. , it's a pity."

An elder smiled and said: "Although it's a pity, there are no more than one-handed people who can refine the eight-pattern treasured pills in the entire Pill Dao system. It is already a blessing for me, Xiaozhufeng, to have this peerless talent. The person said, if this Fengyuan Pill is a real ten-pattern treasured Pill, I am afraid that the entire Southern Wilderness will be shaken now."

All the elders showed their approval. The ten-patterned elixir appeared in the world, not to mention the Southern Wilderness, even the entire continent would be a sensation, and many old sect masters of ancient sect holy places might even come out to fight for it.Its preciousness is not in an elixir, but in the elixir corresponding to this elixir.

An elixir that can refine the ten-patterned elixir must have come from before the ancients changed the sky, and it is extremely cherished.Even with the size of Xiaozhufeng, it may not be able to keep such a precious pill recipe.E-bookshop

Fairy Yunxia smiled slightly, knowing that she thought too much.It was only after she had seen Zhang Tian's alchemy attainments that she couldn't help connecting Yu Xin and Zhang Tian, ​​and her expectations for Yu Xin were naturally infinitely higher.

"Let's announce the results. There is no suspense in this assessment competition." Fairy Yunxia said lightly.


The elders of Xiaozhufeng were excited, and they all flew over the square and solemnly announced:

"This time the Xiaozhufeng alchemist examination has officially ended. Zhang Yuxin has been ranked first in all three rounds of examinations. She has obtained the status of 'alchemist' from today. I hope the rest of the pharmacists will make persistent efforts!"


"Long live Senior Sister Zhang!"

"Mu Yuntian is a piece of shit, Senior Sister Zhang is the first arrogant in the alchemy department!"

"With Senior Sister Zhang leading me, Xiaozhufeng will definitely be a blockbuster in the Seven Peaks Competition!"

All the Xiaozhufeng Medicine Boys are boiling, they have been completely convinced by Yuxin's strength, the first round of assessment directly clears the jade card, the second round of assessment catalyzes a ten-zhang plane tree, attracts hundreds of birds to the phoenix, the first round The three rounds of assessments even directly refine the ten-pattern Absolute Pill!

The three rounds of assessments have all broken the records of the Alchemy Dao Department since its establishment. Such a proud achievement is like the blazing sun, no one can give birth to jealousy, only deep awe and worship!

Liu Qingyun staggered back two steps, his face was full of unwillingness and shame, he was defeated, and he was completely crushed without any suspense.

What humiliated him the most was that Yu Xin, who he had always regarded as the strongest enemy, never looked at him from beginning to end.

Yuxin naturally didn't know Liu Qingyun's drastic change of heart, her little face was full of excitement, she made a move towards the sky, and the fire cloud phoenix immediately swooped down, and when Yuxin approached, the red light converged, It turned into a crystal and treasured elixir and fell into Yuxin's palm, but seeing that this elixir was blood red, with a lifelike fire phoenix tattooed on one side, and ten incomparably mysterious elixir tattoos on the other side.

"Dad, Elder Yunxia, ​​I'm back."

Walking in front of Zhang Tian, ​​Yu Xin said with a red face.

Zhang Tian smiled slightly, stroked Yuxin's hair, and said gently, "You did a good job, and your hard work has paid off."

Ruthless Man also chuckled: "Second sister's performance today is an eye-opener for me. I'm afraid that after today, your name will be spread throughout the academy."

Zi Yan's beautiful eyes rolled around, and she danced and said: "Second sister, you are really amazing, you have trained such a big fire phoenix, and the flying cabernet is so beautiful. By the way, that treasure pill can Show me? It was too far away to see clearly."

Zhang Tian tapped Zi Yan's head lightly, and said angrily: "This is the ten-patterned pill that your second sister has worked so hard to refine, but I can't eat it for you as a jelly bean."

"Ouch!" Zi Yan covered her head and said coquettishly, "I just want to see it, I definitely won't eat it, Dad is so stingy." Even so, the cunning in her eyes completely revealed her intentions.

Fairy Yunxia looked at Zhang Tian's gentle manner towards her daughters, and couldn't help but feel a touch of envy in her heart. Just as she was about to speak, an uninvited guest suddenly interjected. , , .

Chapter 144 Heaven Burial Emperor Really Loves Nosy

"Junior Sister Zhang Yuxin, my Pill Dao Alliance is willing to buy your ten-pattern Phoenix Yuan Pill at a high price, please make a price."

Standing in front of Yu Xin and others, Shangguan Long said arrogantly.

The ruthless man raised his eyebrows and said coldly, "Do you want to buy my sister's elixir?"

"What? Is she your sister?"

Shangguanlong was taken aback, only then did he realize that Ruthless Man was standing beside Yu Xin. He immediately showed a look of embarrassment, and said angrily: "Okay, so you are all in the same group. It seems that you are determined. If you want to be enemies with the Dan Dao League, you will pay for it!"

The ruthless man's eyes narrowed, and he said with a murderous aura: "Disappear from my eyes immediately, otherwise I don't mind teaching you a lesson."

"You..." Shangguan Long was shocked and angry. He was the true disciple of the Chiling Peak Master, a high-ranking member of the Pill Dao Alliance, and it was the first time someone dared to contradict him like this.

"Ice Fire Sword Master of the Gentleman's Party, hum! Killing Senior Brother Mu Yuntian's divine bird, I see how long you can be arrogant. Let's go!"

Shangguanlong was still a little scared of the ruthless man, and after leaving a ruthless sentence, he left Xiaozhufeng with a group of students from the Dan Dao League.

Only then did the ruthless man take his eyes back, his face softened, and he chuckled: "It seems that this ten-patterned Fengyuan Pill refined by the second sister is indeed a rare treasure, and even the people of the Pill Dao League want to take it for themselves. I don't know. What is the second sister going to do with it, if she wants to sell it, many of the core students in the Gentleman's Party are worth a lot of money and should be willing to buy it."

Yu Xin shook her head, turned her eyes to Fairy Yunxia, ​​and said softly, "I heard that Elder Yunxia suffered internal injuries and needed a six-patterned Heyan Pill to recover. I wonder if this Feng Yuan Pill can be replaced?"

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