And this Huo Yunfeng turned out to be a divine bird that Mu Yuntian had worked so hard to earn.Now that he was killed tragically, everyone knows that this incident has become a big deal!

"Killing to pay for your life! You killed Senior Brother Mu's divine bird, just use your life to pay for it." A student of the Alchemy Alliance shouted loudly.

Shangguanlong had a sneer on his face, and he seemed to have seen the ruthless man panicking and even kneeling and begging for mercy.No one knows more about Mu Yuntian's power than him. If he really wants to get angry, even the Peak Master of Xiaozhu Peak has to retreat.

Unexpectedly, the expression of the ruthless man did not change in the slightest, and he took out a black token from his arms, hung it in the air, and said coldly: "This is the black killing order of the Law Enforcement Hall, which can kill everything. Not to mention it is just a A monster, even if Mu Yuntian is personally here today and dares to interfere with the assessment competition, I will definitely kill it!"

"Black Killing Order, this is the highest sentence of the Law Enforcement Hall. Seeing this order is like seeing Law Enforcement Heavenly Venerate!"

"Could this girl be someone from the Law Enforcement Hall?"

"Haha, the Pill Dao Alliance has always been arrogant and domineering, and it's really heartwarming to kick the iron plate this time!"

Shangguanlong squinted his eyes and said, "Do you think that with the signboard of the Law Enforcement Hall, you can offend Senior Brother Mu Yuntian? It's too naive!"

"I'm not even afraid of the Heaven-Covering Alliance, so how could I be afraid of Mu Yuntian? If you want to make trouble, you can come to the Gentlemen's Party to find me." The ruthless man said in a low voice, and Shangguanlong, who didn't look much at it, glanced at him.

As soon as this statement came out, it caused another wave of turbulent waves. If it is said that the Dan Dao League is the dominant one in the Dan Tao department, then the Heaven-Covering League is the overlord of the entire Deity Academy, and it can cover the sky with one hand in the entire academy.At this time, someone dared to bluntly provoke the Zhetian Alliance!

Suddenly, a core student of the martial arts department exclaimed: "I remember, she is the fourth inspector of the gentleman's party, the first arrogant of the martial arts department, and the ice and fire swordsman Zhang Ruren!"

"Ice Fire Sword Sovereign? That shocking sword just now is indeed wrapped in ice and fire sword intent. The swordsmanship of many Supreme Elders is far less than this. The martial arts department has produced such a terrifying genius."

"It is said that this person is ruthless and boundless, and he cut off the arms of Qin Haoran, the son of Prince Pingcang, in front of a group of members of the Zhetian Alliance!"

"What is Qin Haoran? This Ice and Fire Sword Sovereign even killed the son of the Chief Elder of the Law Enforcement Hall, and Law Enforcement Heavenly Venerate supported her, otherwise, where do you think the black killing order came from?"

Nearly a million onlookers gathered in the Xiaozhufeng Trial Square, including many students of the martial arts department. Soon, all the glorious deeds of the ruthless were unearthed, and each of them was appalling.

Shangguanlong's forehead was soaked with a layer of sweat at some point, looking at the ruthless man as if looking at a monster, this is a girl, she is a peerless killing god!Moxue Literature Network

"You... don't be arrogant. When I report back to Senior Brother Mu Yuntian, this matter will never be left alone."

Shangguanlong said something bravely, but he didn't dare to say it too seriously. For fear of annoyed the ruthless man, he would be killed on the spot.

At this moment, the sound of Feng Ming resounded again, resounding throughout the audience.

Everyone was startled, and they quickly followed the sound. They saw Yuxin's alchemy furnace, shaking violently, and the lid of the furnace flew open, and a miniature fire phoenix that was bathed in flames rushed out. The fire was restrained, and it was thrown into the cauldron again, frantically calcining, and Feng Ming roared.

"The rich blood of the fire phoenix can actually turn into a fierce beast, wanting to be reborn from Nirvana."

"It's so spectacular, it's like training an ancient beast!"

"This is Feng Yuandan, a holy medicine for healing wounds. It has the miraculous effect of the flesh and bones of the living dead. If it can be refined, it will surely shake the entire Deity Academy!"

Everyone's eyes were attracted by Yuxin. This is no longer an ordinary alchemy, but a battle between the peerless fire and the ancient relic, which is full of thrills and excitement.

"Dan is done!"

Liu Qingyun let out a loud roar and removed the lid of the furnace. The incense of a second-grade high-level elixir filled the audience. Just based on the dense aroma, it could be judged that this elixir had at least five elixir patterns, which could be called the best.

However, very few eyes were attracted, most of them just glanced at random, and then stared at Yu Xin's case again.Some people even muttered: "What are you screaming and screaming, isn't it just a second-grade spiritual pill?"

Liu Qingyun's lungs are about to explode with anger. Where he usually goes is not attracting attention, but now he has become a clown-like foil!

"Humph! I don't believe that you can subdue such a fierce phoenix blood!" Liu Qingyun looked at Yu Xin's back, her eyes full of resentment.


I don't know how long it took, Yu Xin suddenly gave a light drink, completely covered the furnace, and a monstrous red glow went straight to the sky.

"Chixia is eight hundred feet tall, this pill is an eight-pattern treasure pill!" an elder Xiaozhufeng shouted hoarsely.

Zhang Tianhan smiled and said, "It's not over yet."

Fairy Yunxia was startled, and when she looked around, she saw Yuxin took out an exquisite spirit bottle and poured a drop of divine water into the pill furnace.

In an instant, Chixia grew wild again, and the mountains roared, as if the entire sky was shaken.

"Chixia Qianzhang, ten-patterned pill!" Fairy Yunxia couldn't help shouting excitedly as she looked at Feng Yuandan, who had ascended into the air, absorbing the essence of heaven and earth.

"Good pill, curious talent, this old man can accept you as a true disciple, this ten-pattern Phoenix Yuan Pill can be regarded as a ceremony for apprenticeship."

With this incomparably majestic voice, a shocking wave suddenly erupted on Chiling Peak, and a palm that covered the sky descended from the sky and grabbed the ten-pattern Feng Yuandan.

This palm contains the power of a semi-holy!

Everyone on Xiao Bamboo Peak looked shocked and angry, but they didn't expect the Chiling Peak Master to be so brazen.

Zhang Tian carried his hands on his back, looked calm, and said calmly: "With you, are you worthy of accepting this emperor's daughter as a disciple?"

As soon as these words came out, the big hand in the sky burst into pieces, and the aftermath rolled back, annihilating the entire Chiling Peak.

In the next instant, the Chiling Peak, which was as strong as ten thousand meters, vanished into thin air. , , .

Chapter 143 The Lord of Chiling Peak admits to counseling


It wasn't until the mountain collapsed and the clouds burst that a huge roar came over, which made the audience even more awe-inspiring.



Everyone didn't know what happened, but Chiling Peak, the strongest of the alchemy system, collapsed directly.

"Senior, rest your anger, you have eyes that don't know Mount Tai, and offend your majesty, you should seal yourself for five hundred years as punishment."

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