Fairy Yunxia flew beside Zhang Tian and said lightly, in her heart at the moment, the famous Heavenly Gang-level Yihuo doesn't seem to be important, she just wanted to take this opportunity to have a word with Zhang Tianlin.

The ruthless man couldn't help but be stunned when he heard the words, and said in amazement: "This turned out to be the strange fire on the "Nine Realms Fire List". It is rumored that this thing is extremely cherished, and there are only more than a hundred of the nine mountains and seas. Dad, it's you. Did you get it for your second sister?"

Facing everyone's gaze, Zhang Tian chuckled lightly: "I just help one or two from the side, and it's Yu Xin who has really put in the hard work and effort."

Fairy Yunxia sighed softly: "With such an amazing talent for plants and trees, coupled with the green lotus fire, Nanhuang is afraid that there will be another master of alchemy. However, with Mr. Zhang's alchemy attainments, Yu Xin can have such talent, it is also Not surprising."

Xiao Ziyan listened ignorantly, and only figured out one thing, that is, Yuxin is very powerful, and immediately shouted harder: "Second sister, come on! Second sister, come on!"

Xiaozhufeng was shocked by a strange fire!

The news exploded like a cannonball in the entire Deity Academy, and rumors spread all over the world.

There are also countless students of Martial Dao Department, Instrument Dao Department and other departments, including students from other peaks of Dan Dao Department, driving the light towards Xiaozhu Peak, but within half an hour, the entire Xiaozhu Peak was overcrowded, and the trial square was even more crowded. The surrounding water was blocked, and everyone stared at Yuxin in the center with wide eyes.

Everyone's first reaction was... amazing, such a young and beautiful Dan Dao rookie exudes deadly charm, especially after learning about Yuxin's performance in the first two rounds, looking at the giant phoenix tree growing ten feet tall , everyone could not help but show horror.

Then, everyone noticed the Qinglian Demon Fire under the control of Yu Xin, and couldn't help but feel a burst of amazement. The powerful fire, even if separated by such a long distance, could sense the terrifying and unparalleled heat.

Many elite students and core students of Transcendent Realm couldn't help but feel awe in their hearts. They felt a deadly dangerous breath on the strange fire. They must not provoke Yuxin in the future, otherwise this strange fire alone is enough to kill them!

"Humph! What about the different fires, I Liu Qingyun came into contact with Dan Dao at the age of seven, and began to refine pills at the age of thirty. Even if it is a second-grade spirit pill, I have refined hundreds of pills so far. Why are you arguing with me?"

Liu Qingyun's face was hideous, this much-anticipated honor, which should belong to him, was all taken away by Yuxin at this time, and the anger in his heart was almost overwhelming!

Forced to stabilize his mind, Liu Qingyun flipped his right hand, and the lid of the cauldron flew up. Dozens of elixir were poured into it one after another, turning into wisps of red glow.

The rest of the pharmacists have also started to make pills. Although they know that their chances of winning are very slim, this assessment is a good opportunity to increase their fame. If they can make high-quality pills, they will come to them later The number of students in other departments of alchemy will also explode several times.

Just when everyone was halfway through refining the pill, Yu Xin finally completely tamed the Qinglian demon fire. This was the first time she had officially refined the elixir, but she was not nervous at all. Instead, she seemed very calm. The absolute confidence naturally formed after plundering the powerful plant talent of the other side of the flower!Qishu Novel Network www.qishuxs.com


The lid of the cauldron flew up, and under the attention of everyone in the audience, Yu Xin raised her hand and took a sycamore fruit from the sycamore tree and threw it into the dan furnace.

As soon as this move came out, it immediately caused an uproar in the audience!

"What! I didn't see it, Senior Sister Zhang plans to use the sycamore fruit to make alchemy?"

"It's crazy, it's crazy! Although the sycamore wood is a second-grade high-grade herb, the sycamore fruit it produces is ranked third!"

"Could it be that Senior Sister Zhang intends to refine the third-grade elixir?"

"The third-grade elixir can be consumed by extraordinary realm warriors, and even many elders can't refine it. Senior Sister Zhang is indeed a genius of the monster level!"

"Oh my God! Is Senior Sister Zhang planning to break all three assessment records?"

There was a lot of uproar in the audience, not only those from the alchemy department were shocked, but the rest of the faculties were also very nervous. Ruo Yuxin could really train a third-grade elixir, which meant that they had another person who could entrust alchemy in the future.

"Indus tree fruit, Qingliu wood, clover... This, could it be that she is planning to refine Feng Yuan Dan?"

Shangguan Longdan has a very high attainments, and soon she can see from Yuxin's selection of materials that she is going to refine the elixir, and she immediately shows an unbelievable expression.

You must know that although this Feng Yuandan is ranked third-rank, it is extremely cherished, even more cherished than the fourth-rank Lingdan, because it needs a very strange main medicine, that is, the blood essence of the Phoenix monster!

"Little Phoenix, lend me your blood."

Yu Xin raised her head abruptly and grabbed her right hand towards the void. The Huo Yunfeng standing on the sycamore tree suddenly hissed, and a streak of blood was torn out of her body and poured into Yu Xin's Dan Cauldron.


Huo Yunfeng let out a loud cry, and a violent flame several meters high instantly ignited on his body, and swooped towards Yuxin.

"Be careful!" Fairy Yunxia called out nervously, just as she was about to block, the ruthless man beside her had already dodged out.

But seeing the ruthless man standing in the air and standing in front of the fire cloud and phoenix, the Yin Ling Bao sword sings out of its sheath, and instantly draws a tyrannical sword light that is icy and fire, penetrating the heaven and earth, as if condensing the power of the sun, moon and stars , slashed fiercely, and exploded directly in the center of the square.

"Do not!!!"

Shangguanlong roared loudly, but it was too late. With the ruthless man's shocking sword, the divine bird of Chiling Peak, Huoyunfeng, which contained the blood of the ancient Tianfeng, was directly divided into two, and blood was spilled on the audience!

Kill the ancient relics with one sword! , , .

Chapter 142 You are also worthy of accepting this emperor's daughter as a disciple?

Thousands of birds took off, and the dying cry of the ancient relic Huo Yunfeng made all the ominous birds feel boundless fear, and they fluttered their wings and took off, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

The audience became deadly silent, and everyone looked at the ruthless man with a look of horror, looking at the sword in the hand of the ruthless man. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would never believe that someone could kill the ancient relic with one sword. Huo Yunfeng is a terrifying monster that has already passed the cub stage and is about to enter the fourth rank!

"You...you actually killed Huo Yunfeng."

Shangguanlong's whole body was trembling, with anger, shock, and a deep hidden fear in his eyes.

"A monster that doesn't follow the rules and intends to interfere with the assessment competition, so why not kill it."

The ruthless man returned his sword to its sheath, and said lightly, as if he had just done a trivial thing.

Shangguanlong clenched his fists tightly and said with a grim expression: "Then do you know that this Huo Yunfeng is an immemorial relic and was brought out by Senior Brother Mu Yuntian from the Mountain of Death?"

As soon as this statement came out, there was an uproar in the audience.

Who is Mu Yuntian? He is the first arrogant of the Pill Dao system!If the crown prince Ye Bufan is said to be the leader of the martial arts department, then Mu Yuntian is recognized as the number one person in the alchemy department!He is also the leader of the Alchemy Alliance!

It was rumored that the members of the Alchemist Guild had invited Mu Yuntian to join several times. This was something that had never happened before, but Mu Yuntian made an exception.

There are even rumors that his real Dan Dao has surpassed many peak masters.

The entire Tianshen Academy, and even the entire Southern Wilderness, as long as anyone with a little knowledge, will definitely know the name of Mu Yuntian!

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