Liu Qingyun staggered back a few steps and sat directly on the ground, as if he had lost his soul. The eight-foot sycamore tree that he was proud of, under the ten-zhang sycamore tree, seemed so humble, it was not worth mentioning at all.

Also shocked were Shangguan Long and his entourage. Looking at Huo Yunfeng who was singing on the plane tree, their jaws were about to fall.

As the direct disciple of Chiling Peak's peak master, Shangguan Long is very aware of the origin of this fire cloud phoenix. It was brought back from the mountain of death by the arrogant Mu Yuntian on the first day of the Pill Dao Department at a great cost. mount.

However, this Huo Yunfeng is an immemorial relic and is extremely arrogant. No matter what methods Mu Yun uses, he cannot impress him at all. Attracted by the sycamore tree.

"I announce that the champion of the second round of testing is... Zhang Yuxin!"

A Xiaozhufeng elder solemnly announced that there was a burst of excited cheers from all around.

"It turns out that Senior Sister Zhang Yuxin is the first pride of our Little Bamboo Peak!"

"Traitor Liu Qingyun, eat shit, hahaha!"

"Senior Sister Zhang is mighty, defeat Liu Qingyun!"

Xiaozhufeng's medicine boys cheered collectively. They were completely overwhelmed by Yuxin's alchemy skills, and regarded her as Xiaozhufeng's hope, and even regarded her as a hero!

The eyes of all the elders looking at Yu Xin are also extremely kind. Xiaozhufeng has such a genius, and next month's Seven Peaks Conference may be able to raise their eyebrows and make it into the top three!

Only one of the elders looked a little wrong. It was the elder who had previously tested Yuxin's talents. He knew the inside story and couldn't help but sigh.With such a monstrous talent in plants and trees, he couldn't condense pill fire in his body, and he couldn't think of any other words except the words 'Heaven Envy Yingcai'.

Liu Qingyun collapsed to the ground in despair. After two rounds of exams, he failed miserably. This made him arrogant and unacceptable. He had lost the courage to fight again.

Shangguanlong frowned. He came here in person this time to frustrate Xiaozhufeng's spirit and force Fairy Yunxia to submit. The current situation obviously did not meet his expectations.

At this moment, a disciple of the Alchemy Alliance suddenly whispered in Shangguanlong's ear.

"What? Are you sure?" Shangguanlong showed a look of surprise.

The disciple nodded and said, "It's absolutely true!"

"Haha, good! Good! Good!"

Three consecutive 'OK', instantly attracted the attention of everyone in the audience.Kulu Literature

I saw Shangguan Long Yangtian laughing loudly, his eyes fell on Yuxin, and he sighed: "Junior Sister Zhang is really a spirit of Zhongtiandi, I am afraid that among the disciples of the alchemy system, except for Senior Brother Mu Yuntian, no one can surpass you in the cultivation of plants and trees. It's a pity that Heaven is jealous of Yingcai, and actually gave you a physique of nine yin and no pulse!"

As soon as this statement came out, it immediately caused an uproar, and the audience immediately boiled to the top.

"What is Jiuyin Juemai?"

"I've seen it in an ancient book, Jiuyin Juemai is extremely cold, unable to condense pill fire in the body!"

"What? If you can't condense fire and control pills, how do you become an alchemist?"

"It's a pity, it's a pity, the sky is jealous of talents! With Senior Sister Zhang's natural talent, even if you only use the weakest Pill Fire, you can still become an alchemist."

Around the square, there were countless sighs, and the eyes that originally worshipped and feared Yuxin had also changed to pity and regret.For a person who wants to become an alchemist, this physique is tantamount to the curse of God, and it is the greatest sorrow.

"Haha, Jiuyin Extinction Vessel, what a Jiuyin Extinct Vein! With you, a waste who doesn't even have a pill fire, do you want to compete with Liu Qingyun for the first place?"

Contrary to the disappointment of everyone in Xiaozhufeng, Liu Qingyun suddenly regained his energy, his face showed a arrogant look again, and tried his best to ridicule, as if to take back all the awe he showed before.

Shangguan Long took time to relax, and said with a light smile: "This third round of competition, it's time to start?"

Elder Xiaozhufeng had a dark face, but he could only announce reluctantly: "The third round of assessment begins, and the content of the assessment is to condense fire and control pills. The top ten testers can use the sycamore wood they have catalyzed to refine a kind of spiritual pill at will. , the one with the best quality will be the first, and will be granted the status of an alchemist."

As soon as these words fell, the atmosphere in the square instantly froze, and everyone looked towards the ten trial platforms, hoping for a miracle.


Ten dan cauldrons rose from the bottom of the table, they were simple and heavy top-grade dan cauldrons, and the fragrance of spiritual pills filled the audience instantly.

After several medicine boys appeared in the cauldron, they immediately released their condensed dan fire and began to nourish the bottom of the furnace.

Liu Qingyun sneered, and with the right hand, a terrifyingly hot air wave swept the audience, and the Dan fires under the two nearest Dan Cauldrons went out of control.

"This is the purple bamboo flame! Only the Chiling Peak Ten Thousand Years Purple Bamboo can breed, and its strength is comparable to that of the Imperial Pill Fire!"

"Chi Lingfeng is so talented, he even took out such a precious fire to recruit Liu Qingyun."

"This is Zizhuyan, the treasure that every alchemist dreams of! No wonder Liu Qingyun would not hesitate to betray Xiaozhufeng."

Shangguanlong looked extremely proud, this Zizhuyan is the treasure of Chiling Peak, and it is not comparable to the ordinary fire pills cultivated by Ninghuo Jue.

"Dad, doesn't the second sister have Pill Fire?" Zi Yan's little face showed anxiety.

Zhang Tian smiled slightly and said, "Look at it, it will surprise you."

Just as Zhang Tian's words fell, Yu Xin, who had been forgotten by everyone, slowly spread out her palms, and a jasper-colored flame roared out, turning into a fire dragon, hovering in the void.

In an instant, the nine Dan fires on the field all bent in the direction of Yuxin, as if the subjects were worshipping the emperor!

This is the power of different fires, when the different fires come out, the ten thousand fires surrender! , , .

Chapter 141 Ruthless Man's Heaven-shaking Sword

"This... what is this? Isn't Senior Sister Zhang unable to condense pill fire?"

"Who said that Senior Sister Zhang has no Pill Fire?"

"Senior Sister Zhang's Pill Fire is so strong, look, even the purple bamboo flame is shaking!"

Shangguanlong's eyes widened, showing a horrified expression, and murmured, "Could it be, could it be this strange fire?"

"The color is green, with a bit of demonic energy. It seems to be very similar to the green lotus demon fire on the "Nine Realms Different Fire List". Mr. Zhang really has the means to the sky, and he was able to get this kind of treasure for Yuxin."

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