"Dad, is the second sister okay?"

Seeing Yu Xin keeping her eyes closed and adjusting her breath, the ruthless man couldn't help showing a worried look.

Zhang Tian smiled and said, "Don't worry, now is her best state."

"Second sister, come on!!" Little Ziyan clapped her hands again and again, cheering for Yuxin.

After all the [-] clearers entered the arena, an elder stood up and said loudly, "The second round of assessment is for herbal catalysis. You can randomly select a herbal medicine to catalyze. The ten people with the best quality can into the third round."

Another elder said: "The herbal medicine that succeeded in this round of catalysis will be the main medicine of the elixir for the next round, so be sure to choose carefully."

This assessment rule is a commonplace, Xiaozhufeng's medicine boy has long understood it, and now he is eager to choose a familiar herb to catalyze and prepare for the third round.

But at this moment, Shangguanlong suddenly said: "Such a test method is unfair. Each herbal medicine has different catalysis difficulty, and the quality judgment also varies from person to person. How can it be fair. I have a paragraph here. Indus wood, divide it into [-] parts on average to catalyze the testers on the scene, so that who is stronger and who is shorter is clear at a glance."

As soon as this statement came out, there was an uproar, = the medicine boys in the square, their eyes were red, and they protested.

This sycamore wood is a second-grade high-grade herbal medicine, which consumes a lot of infuriating energy and physical strength when catalyzed. It is not something that ordinary medicine boys can do. Moreover, these medicine boys usually refine some first-grade spiritual pills at most, and they are not familiar with Wutong wood. , This move is clearly to help Liu Qingyun.

"Brother Shangguan is wise, Liu is willing to follow the instructions!" Liu Qingyun said first, looking coldly at Yu Xin, who was still adjusting her breath.

For him, the biggest threat in this assessment is Yuxin, and using sycamore wood as a catalyst herb is the most unfavorable to Yuxin, because she is the most consuming of all the people present.

Many elders also saw this, and they all showed resentment, and said loudly: "This assessment rule has been passed down for a hundred years in my Xiaozhufeng, so how can I change it?"

Shangguan Long said coldly and proudly: "The Dan Ding Alliance has the right to supervise. If I say change, I will change it! If you have any opinions, please report to the elders."

There was a flash of anger in Fairy Yunxia's eyes, and she was about to burst out when a faint voice suddenly came from her ear: "It's fine as he wishes." Scale Literature www.chidwx.com

"It's him!"

Fairy Yunxia immediately looked at Zhang Tian, ​​and sure enough, she saw the other person smiling slightly at her. After she was really sure, her heart became more and more difficult to calm down.

"Shangguanlong, you Chiling Peak are too deceiving!"

"When did the Danding Alliance become the one-word hall of Chiling Peak, it must be reflected upwards!"

"Peak Master, this matter must not be tolerated!"

Fairy Yunxia came back to her senses, and gave Zhang Tian a deep look, and then said coldly, "Just follow the rules of Shangguan and Shi-nephew, but this sycamore tree I have in Little Bamboo Peak does not need help from outsiders! "


Seeing Fairy Yunxia speak, the elders of Xiaozhufeng could only helplessly sigh, and gave each tester a piece of sycamore wood.

Hundreds of drug boys in the square, all of them frowning, had to grit their teeth and start to catalyze.

"Everyone, look, Zhang Yuxin is still adjusting her breath."

"Her consumption was too great before, and the assessment should be suspended for a while."

"It's so unfair to her, it's clearly Shangguanlong's intentional targeting!"

"Humph! I've been preparing for this test for [-] years, and I can't believe I can't win you!"

Liu Qingyun stared at Yu Xin's back, his face was full of hideous colors, his right hand accelerated the transmission of spiritual energy again, and the sycamore tree immediately soared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Three inches, four inches, five inches...

One foot, two feet, three feet...

In the end, it rose to the height of one person, and even opened a few young leaves. On the other hand, the best one was only catalyzing the length of nine inches.

"Haha, a full eight-foot-high sycamore tree. Zhang Yuxin, I want to see, what do you compare to me!"

Liu Qingyun's face turned red, his meridians were as hot as fire, his body trembled, and finally he couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood. He had already tried his best!

The surrounding pharmacists and elders were amazed for a while. Although they despised Liu Qingyun's behavior, they had to admire his astonishing skills and perseverance.

At this moment, Yu Xin slowly opened her eyes, and an extremely light grass and trees breath washed out from her body, as if she was a fairy vine, a fairy forest, and a fairy mountain.

"Qingdi transforms into a spirit!"

Yuxin whispered and threw the sycamore tree in her hand directly to the vacant place in the center of the square.

One foot, two feet, three feet...

One foot, two feet, three feet...

In the blink of an eye, this sycamore tree turned into a giant tree of ten feet, swaying in the wind, and countless green leaves stretched out, blooming gorgeous flowers, and even bearing dozens of crystal clear fruits.

The phoenix tree blossomed, and a phoenix roar shook the sky and earth-shattering, from the Chiling Peak, and then a fire cloud phoenix with a size of several feet descended from the sky and landed on the phoenix tree.

In an instant, everyone in the square lost their voices. , , .

Chapter 140 As soon as the fire is out, the fire surrenders!

"The phoenix trees are blooming, and the birds are facing the phoenix! This is simply a wonder in the world!"

"It even attracted the divine bird Huo Yunfeng of Chiling Peak. It is an immemorial relic and has the blood of an immemorial phoenix."

"This kind of catalytic power is unheard of. Could it be that Zhang Yuxin has mastered a powerful catalytic secret technique?"

"This is another record that has been broken since the establishment of the Pill Dao Department?"

There were nearly [-] medicine boys in all directions of the square, and they couldn't help but make a commotion at this moment. Even the hundred medicine boys who were trying in the square looked at the towering giant tree, and couldn't help but feel awe, and they couldn't even feel jealous.

"No! This... how is this possible!"

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