"I thought he was so awesome, but it turned out to be a parallel importer."

The scolding and ridicule around him were like arrows piercing his heart, making Liu Qingyun even more furious. Looking at Yu Xin's back, his eyes seemed to be on fire.

What he wanted was to be a blockbuster and earth-shattering in this assessment, but now it was completely ruined, even if he finally won the alchemy position, this first round would still be defeated.

Shame, shame against the sky!

"Hmph! I see how long you can hold on!" Liu Qingyun said bitterly, and walked off the stage full of unwillingness.

At this point, Yu Xin was the only one left in the entire assessment square!

And she has not answered a question wrong!

Slowly, the entire square became silent. The medicine boys and elders around were all stunned. Looking at Yu Xin, their eyes changed from curiosity to shock, then to respect, and finally to awe!

Yu Xin has completely fallen into self-absorbed attitude at this time, she can't remember how many questions she has answered, one hundred thousand, two hundred thousand, or one million, two million.

As she kept answering the questions, she found that there were many herbs she had never seen before, but as long as she thought about it, she could immediately know the answer, as if these things were originally in her memory and were directly extracted.Good Chinese www.haozw8.com

What she didn't notice was that the center of her eyebrows had turned a dark red, which was the trembling and roaring of the other side flower in her body, because at this time Yuxin was frantically plundering the grass and trees that originally belonged to the other side flower.

Zhang Tian's training for Yuxin before was equivalent to helping her lay a solid foundation, and today's test is an opportunity to promote the fusion of the other side of the flower.

As an emperor in the grass and trees, the wood-based aptitude of the other side flower tops the nine mountains and seas, and now all of these will become Yuxin's wedding clothes.

For others, this is just an ordinary assessment, but for Yuxin, it is a great fortune that makes her aptitude for plants and trees advance by leaps and bounds!


Just when Yu Xin was intoxicated, the light curtain in front of her suddenly trembled slightly, no longer showing the herbs, and the jade card turned into a wisp of blue smoke and shot straight into the sky.

At this moment, more than a dozen elders of Xiaozhufeng took a step forward at the same time, with a strong look of inconceivable in their eyes, and even Fairy Yunxia widened her eyes in astonishment.

"What's going on? Failed?"

"Impossible, she hasn't answered a question wrong, how could she fail."

"That means... all the questions in the jade card have been answered?"

"All the answers have been answered, this has never happened since the establishment of the Dan Dao Department!"

The surrounding noise shook the sky, Liu Qingyun seemed to be stupid, and fell to the ground with a 'puff'. He seemed to see a ray of light rising from Yuxin. As the first medicine boy to answer all the herbal questions, her name It will definitely resound through the Deity Academy, and this is his glory!

However, Zhang Tian shook his head regretfully. The Yuxin just now had clearly reached the most critical moment. If the herbs in the jade card could last a little longer, Yuxin's Dan Dao would be able to break through to a higher realm.

That realm is called… Smell the pill and know the recipe, just by smelling the aroma on the surface of the pill, you can directly judge its pill recipe!Non-alchemy masters cannot master it!

At this moment, seven or eight Jinghong flew from a distance, and the light fell, and it was a group of students of the Alchemy Alliance.

An elder strode forward and said angrily at the leader: "Shangguanlong, my Xiaozhufeng's elixir has been delivered this month, what are you guys from the Pill Dao Alliance doing here?"

Hearing the words 'Shangguan Long', all the pharmacists around took a deep breath, showing fear.This ancient dragon is not as wasteful as the previous Wang Tao. This person is a famous Tianjiao of the alchemy system, a direct disciple of the peak master of Chiling Peak, and his status is even higher than that of many elders.

"Elder Zhao is wrong. The Alchemy Alliance has the power to supervise, and Xiaozhufeng's alchemist assessment is naturally within the scope of supervision, not to mention that today is the day when Junior Brother Liu is officially a blockbuster. I will be a Senior Senior Brother in the future, of course. I have to come and celebrate for him in person."

Shangguanlong's elegant appearance made the elder of Xiaozhufeng speechless.

Liu Qingyun hurriedly stepped forward and respectfully said, "Liu Qingyun sees Senior Brother Shangguan."

Shangguanlong's expression condensed, he personally picked up Liu Qingyun, and said loudly: "Junior Brother Liu, why do you need to be more polite, I have seen the vision of the blue sky just now, and it is clearly the image of the grass, tree and jade card being cracked. Congratulations. Junior Brother Liu has become the first person in the history of the Alchemy Dao Department to answer all the questions, you and I can discuss it as an equal in the future."

Another person followed closely: "The herbal jade tablet records nearly four million kinds of herbs, far beyond the scope of 'million changes'. Even if many alchemy masters can't grasp it, Junior Brother Liu is really a magician of Dan Dao. No wonder it is so valued by the leader."

"This is the first record in the herbal test of the Dan Dao department!"

"Fortunately, I waited in time. If Junior Brother Liu can be so monstrous in the latter two, it will surely make a sensation in the entire Southern Wilderness in the future."

Liu Qingyun's face instantly turned into a pig's liver color, embarrassed to the extreme, he wished he could just find a seam and burrow in, facing the laughter of the little Bamboo Peak pharmacists, he said in a low voice: "Several senior brothers misunderstood, then The person who answered all the questions was not me, but..."

Shangguanlong and others' faces stiffened, and following Liu Qingyun's fingers, they all looked at Yuxin, who was nursing with closed eyes in the center of the square. , , .

Chapter 139 The phoenix tree blooms, and the birds face the phoenix

"You mean this little girl has answered all the questions? It's impossible!"

Shangguan Long showed a stunned expression.

The distinction between plants and trees is a knowledge that all medicine boys and even alchemists in the alchemy system must learn.One hundred thousand herbs, one million changes, ten million companions.Those who reach the first realm can be alchemists.The second realm can be the master of alchemy.

In other words, an ordinary alchemist master only has knowledge of one million kinds of herbs, but the jade card has recorded four million kinds.

A little girl who looks less than fifteen years old, masters four million herbs?

This makes Shangguan Long believe.

Liu Qingyun's face is also full of unwillingness. He has always prided himself on his talent. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes today, he would never have believed that there would be such an amazing talent in this world!

However, Liu Qingyun is a mentally tough person, so he quickly calmed down and said calmly: "Grass and trees are only part of the skills of an alchemist, and there are two difficulties behind herbal catalysis and condensing fire and controlling pills. I don't believe she can be so evil. !"

A person next to Shangguan Long also echoed: "Yes, Junior Brother Liu has already passed the second-rank alchemy examination of the Alchemy Master Guild. How can this yellow-haired girl be able to compare, the latter two will definitely be the best!"

Shangguanlong's complexion improved a little, he nodded and said, "I've heard about Liu Shidi's alchemy technique for a long time. If I can become an alchemist this time, I will recommend it in front of the master and let you become his named disciple. "

Liu Qingyun immediately showed a look of great joy, and repeatedly said: "Thank you brother for your support, I will definitely do my best for the last two assessments!"

The elders of Xiaozhufeng had long been displeased with the people of the Alchemy Alliance. At this time, they shouted sharply: "The second round of assessment will start immediately.

"That Senior Brother, I'll play first." Liu Qingyun bowed to Shangguan Long again and flew to the center of the square.He is extremely talented. Not only is he highly accomplished in alchemy, but his martial arts have long since broken through to the transcendent realm.

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