"Alas, the peak master is confused, he gave an alchemist quota to an outsider in vain."

"Who is it? Liu Qingyun was able to refine the second-grade elixir a few years ago, and now he may have reached the realm of the third-grade alchemist. What can we use to compete with him?"

A group of medicine boys complained a lot, but they did not act sloppily at all. Originally, only [-] to [-] people would take part in the assessment, but this time it has surged to [-]. Obviously, everyone is working hard and does not want Liu Qingyun to win the championship.

"A group of ignorant people, let you see the results of my hard work over the years!"

Liu Qingyun stood in the center of the assessment square with a arrogant expression. This was his first time standing here, but he had absolute confidence. He was different from others!

Others did it to pass the assessment, but he did it to be a blockbuster and earth-shattering!

"Second sister, come on, beat that big bad guy!" Zi Yan yelled outside the venue, attracting countless eyes.

Liu Qingyun frowned slightly, followed Zi Yan's line of sight, and his eyes fell on Yu Xin's body, and a look of surprise appeared in his eyes, and he turned his eyes away even if he didn't care.

In his opinion, a girl like Yuxin who is only thirteen or fourteen years old also came to participate in the assessment, which is simply an insult to the alchemy method and disrespect to the profession of alchemy!

Because alchemy requires not only talent, but also hard work. Only in the identification of plants and trees, there are [-] herbs, millions of changes, and tens of thousands of companions. The vast knowledge among them is not the work of a teenage girl. Can you master it?Not to mention that there are two more advanced skills behind herbal catalysis and condensing fire control pills.

A little girl of thirteen or fourteen years old, trying to challenge him in vain, is simply hitting a stone with an egg!Cola Literature www.kelewx.com

When all the medicine boys who were going to participate in the assessment were all in place, several elders looked at each other, stepped forward at the same time, and swept their eyes to the audience.

"This Xiaozhufeng assessment is divided into three rounds, and only one alchemist will be selected!"

"The first round, the debate over herbs. The jade plaques in front of Er et al's case recorded countless herbs, engraved their names, medicinal properties, etc., and if you answered ten wrong answers, you would be eliminated. The top [-] people can enter the next round. "

Yu Xin stood among the medicine boys in the center of the square, looking at the countless eyes around her, her palms were sweating faintly, and she was hesitating whether to switch to the 'ruthless' personality, when she suddenly thought of Zhang Tian's warm voice: "Yu Xin Don't be afraid, you will be fine."


Yu Xin's eyes instantly burst into bright light, she glanced at Zhang Tian, ​​saw him smiling and nodding at her, only to feel that all the tension disappeared in an instant, and all the distracting thoughts disappeared.

"Dad is looking at me!" Yu Xin said silently in her heart, and firmly picked up the jade tablet in front of the case, a phantom of herbal medicine was projected in the void in front of her, vividly, and had nothing to do with the previous day's practice. the difference.

"This is a dry spirit grass. It grows in the hot desert area. It is fire. It can be used to refine Chihuo Dan and Sanyang Dan..."

As the questions deepened, Yu Xin answered the questions faster and faster, and the whole person entered a state of ecstasy. These herbs are much simpler than those demonstrated by Zhang Tian. They belong to the most basic types. She just glanced at them. , you can get all the insight.

As time passed, there were fewer and fewer medicine boys around. Many people became anxious after answering the nine questions wrongly.

In just three hours, the original [-] medicine boys were left with less than [-] people who were still struggling.

Liu Qingyun took advantage of the interval between answering questions and glanced up at the audience. So far, he has not answered a question incorrectly. This is the embodiment of his decades of accumulation. His absolute strength can make him calm and smile at the audience. .


When his eyes swept over to Yu Xin, the smile on Liu Qingyun's face suddenly froze. He was shocked to find that Yu Xin not only answered a question correctly, but also answered the question much faster than him.

"Hmph, I looked down on her before. But that's all."

Liu Qingyun snorted softly, and immersed himself in answering the question again, three times faster than before.

After another two hours, there were less than twenty people in the audience. They had all cleared the customs, but they were still insisting, wanting to see their limits.All of these people have been old medicine boys for decades, and have dealt with herbal medicine all their lives, and some of them even have gray hair.

Liu Qingyun raised his head again, with a few strands of blood in his eyes, staring at Yu Xin's back, he had already answered six wrong answers, which was close to the limit, but this girl was still flying all the way, without answering one wrong answer.

"No, it's impossible! I, Liu Qingyun, a seven-year-old medicine boy, don't pretend to be foreign objects. I've devoted my whole life to researching alchemy. A little girl!"

Liu Qingyun showed a ferocious look and stared at the light curtain inspired by the jade card again.

I don't know since when, Yu Xin has gathered the attention of the audience. She is the only one who has not answered a question wrong so far! , , .

Chapter 138 The first record of the Dan Dao system!

"This... Who is this person? It's amazing!"

"I remembered. Isn't she the one Xiaolian brought to the test hall to test her talent? It is said that she has a lot of background."

"This woman should be from an ancient Dan Dao clan, and she has such accomplishments in grass and trees in her teens, which is unheard of."

"Haha, look, that Liu Qingyun can't hold it anymore!"

There was a lot of discussion among the eliminated drug boys. Originally, they were competitors, and they should have been hostile to Yu Xin, but because Liu Qingyun was a traitor of Xiaozhufeng, everyone united as one.At this time, seeing Yuxin suppressing Liu Qingyun, she couldn't help showing a relieved expression.


At this moment, one of the drug-taking boys suddenly spit out a black mouthful, and stared blankly at the jade plaque on the case table, shattering and disappearing, and the whole person seemed to be stupid.

It didn't take long for another person to stumble to the ground, and the black and white hair turned completely white, exhausting all his energy.

At this stage, the herbs displayed on the jade card have long exceeded the category of [-] basic herbs, and have entered the level of 'million changes'. Almost all of them are various variants. The surface differences are very subtle, but the medicinal properties are different. Thousands of miles, it is very easy to confuse.

One by one, the drug boys left the stage sadly, and soon, only Yu Xin and Liu Qingyun were left in the audience.

"No, how could I, Liu Qingyun, be defeated! I'm not convinced! I will dedicate my life to Dan Dao, [-] herbs, millions of changes, I have branded [-] kinds, why, why..."

Liu Qingyun's eyes were red, staring at a seemingly ordinary green grass on the light curtain in front of him, his face was as pale as paper, he had answered nine wrong answers, this was the last chance.

But this herb, he... doesn't know it!


When the time came, the jade plaque on the table was torn apart, declaring his failure.

"Haha, Liu Qingyun is defeated!"

"Deserving it, the villain has not ended well since ancient times."

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