Chapter 136 Squeeze you to death, like squeezing an ant

The elder who spoke before stepped forward and said loudly, "Eight-pattern water cloud pills are extremely rare, enough to be worth a hundred three-pattern water cloud pills. The share of the five elements in arrears should be written off."

"Yes, a write-off!"

"Not only one write-off, but also dozens of Five Elements Pills will be returned to us!"

"This is the eight-pattern water cloud pill. If you take it out, it will cause a shocking sensation, and the elders must compensate!"

Wang Tao listened to the uproar of the small Zhufeng disciples, and his face was extremely ugly. He suddenly looked sharp and sneered: "Compensation? There is no such rule in the Dan Dao system. A Shuiyun Pill is a Shuiyun Pill. Hand in! But if you don't hand in, you won't need to hold today's alchemy promotion assessment."


"The people of the Alchemy Alliance are too domineering."

"If there is no alchemist assessment, what's the point of me staying in Xiaozhufeng."

Fairy Yunxia's face was also extremely cold, and she said solemnly: "You can take the medicinal pill, but I will put this account on the head of the Dan Dao Alliance."

"The peak master is wise, next month will be the Seven Peaks Competition, and nephew Liu Xian has superb alchemy skills. As long as he becomes an alchemist this time, when the Seven Peaks Competition comes, he will definitely be able to take a good place for Xiaozhufeng. You can do it all over again!" an elder said proudly.

As soon as these words came out, many elders turned their attention to a young man with a handsome body and a calm demeanor, with admiration and eagerness in their eyes.

This person's name is Liu Qingyun, and he is also one of the [-] medicine boys of Xiaozhufeng, but his reputation has already spread throughout the alchemy department, and many students of the martial arts department even ask him to make alchemy every day.The reason why he didn't become an alchemist was because he wanted to constantly hone himself, lay a solid foundation, and then make a blockbuster in the Seven Peaks Competition and win the great fortune of becoming an alchemist!

This is a great determination. Even though he has passed the second-rank alchemist examination of the alchemy masters guild, he still works hard to collect herbs every day like an ordinary medicine boy. How can such a determined attitude not have great achievements?

Even before he became Xiaozhufeng's alchemist, many people had already asserted that he would be able to squeeze into the top three in the Seven Peaks Competition.

"Ha ha……"

At this moment, Wang Tao let out a burst of wild laughter, as if he was about to burst into tears, and said savagely: "It turns out that your hopes are all pinned on Liu Qingyun, haha, it's really sad! You know, Liu Qingyun has joined We've got our Dan Dao Alliance! Junior Brother Liu, I didn't come to salute when I saw Senior Brother here."


All the disciples of Little Bamboo Peak were shocked, watching their idol Liu Qingyun step by step towards Wang Tao's group, showing a humble and flattering expression.

"Liu Qingyun, what do you mean? The peak master and many elders have spent so much painstaking care on you. You know our Xiaozhufeng and the Dan Dao Alliance are celebrating the festival, but you secretly join in. It's just a wolf!" Beauty Nest Novel www.mnowoxs. com

"Liu Qingyun, I have always worshipped you before, from today onwards, you are a piece of shit in my heart!"

"Liu Qingyun, why did you betray Xiaozhufeng?"

In the face of what thousands of people pointed out, Liu Qingyun didn't have the slightest shame on his face, he just said lightly: "The Pill Dao Alliance has offered a condition that I can't refuse, that's all. I, Liu Qingyun, joined the Pill Dao Department, not for the sake of Xiaozhufeng. Carry forward, but to achieve my own alchemy, if you have grievances, you can complain."

"Haha, Junior Brother Liu is indeed a smart person! You don't have to be afraid of retribution, as long as this assessment is over, I will invite you to join Chiling Peak!" Wang Tao looked even more arrogant, patted Liu Qingyun on the shoulder and said.

Seeing this farce, Ruthless Man couldn't help sighing: "As expected, there are fights wherever there are people. Even in this holy place of alchemists, there is still no escape from these silliness."

Yuxin's little face showed anger, and she whispered: "Chiling Peak is the strongest peak among the seven peaks of the Dan Dao system, and it is also the base camp of the Dan Dao League. It is said that Chiling Peak's pursuit of Elder Yunxia has been rejected several times. He must have hatred in his heart and deliberately embarrass Xiao Zhufeng!"

Zhang Tian's expression changed, and he looked towards the field, only to see Wang Tao's expression even more arrogant, as if he had left the entire Xiaozhufeng with nothing, and even looked directly at Fairy Yunxia, ​​sneering: "Don't be angry, Master Yunxia, ​​look directly at you promised to do Our Dao Companion of Chiling Peak Master, Chiling Peak and Xiaozhufeng will be a family in the future. Our Peak Master will not only make up for the five elements that you lack, but also give you a six-pattern Heyandan to help you. recovery from internal injuries."

The elders of Xiaozhufeng were even more angry. Heyandan was the best fourth-grade healing holy pill, and the six-patterned Heyandan was even more cherished. It just happened to heal the internal injuries suffered by Fairy Yunxia. This move was clearly a threat!

"Sure enough, it's all the master of Chiling Peak." Fairy Yunxia's face was extremely gloomy, she looked at Wang Tao coldly, and said indifferently: "You seem to have forgotten one thing."

Wang Tao snorted in his heart, and had a bad premonition, and asked in surprise, "What's the matter?"

"This seat is the Peak Master of Xiaozhu Peak, the Supreme Elder of the Pill Dao Department, although he can't help Chiling Peak Master, but killing you is as easy as killing an ant. You, why are you doing this in front of this seat? Arrogant?"

As soon as the voice fell, Fairy Yunxia made a sudden move, and the cultivation of the legendary king burst out, and directly formed a giant palm in the void, pressing towards Wang Tao.


Wang Tao flew upside down for several dozen meters, spit out a large mouthful of blood, his expression was sluggish, his eyes were full of panic, and he said in despair: "You, you actually ruined my spirit, ahhh! You actually ruined my spirit. I'm done! It's over, I'm done!"

Wang Tao never imagined that Yunxia would take such a ruthless action, without saying a word, he would directly drain his qi and turn him into a crippled person!Infinite remorse filled his heart, but it was too late.

The disciples of the Alchemy Alliance who followed Wang Tao also fell into an ice cave in an instant.Abandoning the sea of ​​​​qi means that he will no longer be able to practice cultivation and become a crippled person who is inferior to ordinary people. This is [-] times more cruel than killing them!

"Older Chiling has already done everything, do you think this seat will still have scruples? It's just that you are too stupid, come here, blow them all out for me!" Fairy Yunxia threw her sleeves, extremely cold said.

Looking at this scene, Zhang Tian, ​​who had been listless all the time, suddenly showed a smile. He was most tired of those people who looked forward to the future and were afraid of this and that in his life.Fairy Yunxia's temper was quite to his appetite. , , .

Chapter 137 Yuxin, the audience is watching

"Peak Master, although this Wang Tao is not worth mentioning, he is Shangguanlong's confidant. Shangguanlong's position in the Dan Dao League is not low, and this move is afraid that it will cause a rebound in the Dan Dao League."

An elder said worriedly.

"The soldiers come to block, the water comes to cover, that's all. Do you think the other party will let you go? Prepare to start the alchemist assessment." Fairy Yunxia said lightly.

"Then this Liu Qingyun, do you want to prevent him from participating in the assessment?"

As soon as this statement came out, Liu Qingyun suddenly showed a nervous state. Without the support of Wang Tao and the group of Dan Dao Alliance, his face no longer had the calm expression before.If this opportunity wasn't too precious, he would have wanted to go with Wang Tao and the others.

"Yes, Liu Qingyun betrayed Xiaozhufeng, why let him participate in Xiaozhufeng's alchemy assessment!"

"There is only one place in this assessment. If Liu Qingyun is the best, who can be the enemy?"

"Peak Master, for the sake of Xiaozhufeng, don't let Liu Qingyun appear on the stage!"

Fairy Yunxia's expression was cool, and she didn't even look at Liu Qingyun, she just said calmly, "As long as you are still my Xiaozhufeng's medicine boy, you can participate in the Xiaozhufeng's alchemy assessment. I am a hundred thousand medicine boys in Bamboo Peak, and I can't find anyone stronger than Liu Qingyun."

"Thank you Peak Master!" Liu Qingyun, like he had learned a face-changing trick, immediately changed his expression to a lively expression, and said a word to Fairy Yunxia, ​​neither yin nor yang.

As for other people's opinions, he doesn't care at all, because his strength has already surpassed all the medicine boys on Xiaozhufeng, and even many alchemy elders are not his opponents. This time, he is already a winner.

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