Fairy Yunxia's face turned even redder, and in her sense, it was as if Zhang Tian was hugging her from behind, which made her in a trance for a while.

"Yeah, no, this medicine is not added right!"

Seeing Zhang Tian Hu coming, Fairy Yunxia suddenly looked anxious, but she couldn't break free from Zhang Tian's shackles. She couldn't help but read this domineering guy ten thousand times in her heart.

At this moment, a strange fragrance suddenly wafted out of the pill furnace, condensing into a blossoming pill cloud, extremely gorgeous.

Fairy Yunxia's struggling movement was abrupt, and she said in astonishment: "Dan Cheng?" , . . .

Chapter 135 Zhang Tian's Alchemy Achievements

"Dan is done!"

Seeing the colorful clouds condensed over the main hall, all Xiaozhufeng disciples cheered loudly.

Yuxin said gratefully, "Dad, thank you."

"Silly girl, it's just a matter of raising your hands." Zhang Tian said casually, placing his fingertips under his nose, as if he could smell the residual body fragrance. Thinking of Fairy Yunxia's shy appearance, he couldn't help showing a knowing smile. .

"The Peak Master is out."

"Welcome the Peak Master to exit the customs!"

I saw the door of the main hall opened, and walked out a beautiful woman wearing a pale pink dress, who was not Fairy Yunxia.

It's just that today's her is a little different, her cheeks are slightly red, and her eyes are even more strange. After leaving the customs, she ignored neither the elders of Xiaozhufeng who greeted them, nor the angry Wang Tao and others, but looked at her. The crowd glanced, as if looking for something.

"It's him!"

With just a glance, Fairy Yunxia locked on Zhang Tian who was standing beside Yu Xin. It was a woman's intuition.At this moment, only Zhang Tian was left in her eyes, and she involuntarily walked towards him.

Xiaolian thought Fairy Yunxia was looking for her, and she immediately showed a grateful expression, and greeted her, "When Xiaolian sees the peak master, she blames Xiaolian for her incompetence. She didn't stop the senior brother of the Danding Alliance, which disturbed the peak master."

Fairy Yunxia then came back to her senses and said coldly, "I can see this matter clearly, and I will seek justice for you in a while."

She said that, but her eyes were fixed on Zhang Tian, ​​she was embarrassed and shocked, and there was a trace of anger and an inexplicable feeling in her eyes.

Yu Xin was stunned for a moment, then stepped forward and said, "Yu Xin has seen Elder Yun Xia, this is my father, does the Peak Master know him?"

"Dad?" Fairy Yunxia was slightly taken aback.

"First time meeting, thank you for taking care of Yuxin." Zhang Tian said with a smile, although there was no aura in his body, it was like a spring breeze, as if he was natural, full of elegance and ease, which made Fairy Yunxia affirm her intuition.

"It turns out that you are Yuxin's father. Yuxin is entrusted by my friend, so I will naturally take care of her."

Yunxia looked at Zhang Tian with a complicated expression. She was grateful for Zhang Tian's help in danger, but also annoyed by his domineering and domineering. More importantly, she was shocked by his amazing accomplishments in the way of alchemy.

If it can be said that the previous changes to the Condensing Fire Determination of Running the Mind Technique can also be said to be due to the mastery of the complete magic method, then the subsequent changes to the Dan Fang are completely master-level handwriting.Even a real alchemy master can hardly do it.Because the Shuiyun Pill that she refined is her original spiritual pill, in this case, it is unheard of to be able to gain insight into all the medicinal properties with just a little incense that has not yet been refined!

At this moment, Wang Tao suddenly said in a gloomy tone: "Hey, congratulations to the master of Yunxia Peak's successful alchemy. I hope that the five-element alchemy has more than three dan lines, otherwise we will not accept it."

The way of alchemy is to stimulate the medicinal properties of the herbs, and then use the Ning Huo Jue to combine all the medicinal powers into one.But there must be a passing of medicinal properties. The so-called elixir pattern is to see how many medicinal properties have been preserved in this elixir. Every elixir pattern means that one hundred medicinal properties have been preserved. This is also the most important measure of the quality of a elixir. index.

Because warriors swallowing elixir will cause drug resistance, so a single type of elixir cannot be taken more, which also leads to a shortage of high-quality elixir with strong medicinal properties. Even if there is only one more elixir, the value will be multiplied!Baidu Novels www.baiduxs.com

From Wang Tao's point of view, Fairy Yunxia just now was obviously disturbed, and even if she managed to refine her elixir, the quality would definitely drop drastically, and she probably wouldn't reach the level of three elixir lines.

"Presumptuous! Wang Tao, you are just an ordinary alchemist, how dare you be so disrespectful to the peak master!" An elder of Xiaozhufeng scolded loudly.

Wang Tao's expression froze, and he said without fear: "Wang is here to collect the quota of spiritual pills that Xiaozhufeng should have handed in, which represents the elders of the Pill Dao system. If you have any opinions, you can report to the elders. !"


"All right."

Fairy Yunxia opened her mouth lightly, flipped her right hand, took out a porcelain bottle, and threw it to Wang Tao.

Seeing Fairy Yunxia's indifferent expression, Wang Tao immediately showed a hint of disappointment, but he was also somewhat comforted.

The Five Elements Pill does not specifically refer to a medicinal pill, but refers to a fourth-grade elixir containing the power of the Five Elements, which is specially used by the legendary king.

Yunxia Fairy's original Shuiyun Dan is unique in the Dan Dao system. It is a bit stronger than the normal fourth-grade water spirit pill. Even if it has three Dan lines, it is worth the four-pattern water spirit pill. It is very popular with those legendary kings. Returning this kind of elixir, he himself will also receive certain rewards.

He took out the elixir carelessly, and a five-color glow burst out instantly, reaching the sky.

Wang Tao's heart was shocked, and he hurriedly fixed his eyes to look, suddenly showing a look of horror, and looked at it, and couldn't help but take a breath.

"You... you actually refined the Eight Pattern Water Cloud Pill?"

Wang Tao's voice trembled, as if he saw the most impossible thing in this world, the eight-pattern water cloud pill, which means that this elixir has at least [-]% medicinal properties.

A fourth-grade elixir that maintains [-]% of the medicinal properties, or a fourth-grade elixir that can enhance the power of the five elements, is invaluable. If it is placed in the auction house, it will definitely cause the entire Southern Wilderness to be looted by the legendary kings!

"Congratulations to the Peak Master for making great progress in the alchemy path and being promoted to the master of alchemy, just around the corner!"

Contrary to Wang Tao's despair, Xiao Bamboo Peak was full of jubilation, the eight-pattern water cloud pill, which means that the alchemy master of the entire alchemy system is proud of it!

Usually, the Shuiyun Pill refined by Fairy Yunxia does not have five pill patterns at most once, but now it has increased by three all at once. It can be seen that there must be a great breakthrough in Pill Dao!

Fairy Yunxia's expression is very complicated. She is the only one who knows best in her heart. It has basically nothing to do with her, and it is entirely facilitated by Yuxin's father.

Just by changing the dosage of a few herbs in the pill recipe, a pot of pills that was originally going to be smelted and discarded was turned into a treasure-level eight-pattern elixir. These methods are like gods.

Moreover, this recipe is still the original recipe she has always been most proud of, but in front of Yuxin's father, it is worthless.

"Yu Xin's father, what the hell is going on?"

Fairy Yunxia didn't know when, her heart was full of Zhang Tian's shadow, and she couldn't help but look at him at this time. , , .

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