The red-robed man at the head was impatient, and scolded: "Stinky bitch, Momohahaha, I have to ask this uncle to do it himself!" After he finished speaking, he raised his hand and slapped Xiao Lian's face fiercely.

"Little Lotus!" Yu Xin shouted anxiously.

Zhang Tian stood beside Yu Xin and glanced up, the arm that the man in red robe stretched out burst! , , .

Chapter 134 Dad, Let's Help


The red-robed youth at the head immediately burst out with a scream of slaughtering pigs, clutching his broken arm, backing frantically, his face full of horror.

"Boss, are you alright?"

The red-robed youths in the back were also taken aback, and hurriedly patrolled from the left, shouting loudly, "Who is it?

Zhang Tian glanced at it again, and the voices of the two clamoring youths got stuck immediately. They were first strangled by an invisible force, and fell to their knees with a 'pop', rolling desperately.

Yu Xin couldn't care less, she rushed out of the crowd, lifted Xiao Lian on the ground, and said softly, "Xiao Lian, are you alright?"

"Senior Sister Yuxin? You..."

Seeing Yuxin, Xiaolian's grievances erupted, and two lines of clear tears rolled down.

Yuxin comforted: "Don't be afraid, tell me what happened?"

Xiaolian nodded slightly and sobbed: "These senior brothers are members of the Dan Ding Alliance, they are going to collect this month's Five Elements Pill, but the peak master has not finished refining it, I told them to wait, but they have to be tough. break..."

"Danding Alliance."

Yu Xin's eyes narrowed, and she immediately understood why these people dared to be so arrogant.Although the Dan Dao department has a high status in the Deity Academy, it is far less large than the Martial Dao department, and the parties are naturally much less, basically the Dan Ding League is the dominant family.

Because the Danding Alliance not only brings together the most powerful alchemists in the alchemy department, but also holds many rights in the alchemy department. For example, each peak must hand in a certain amount of elixir and herbal medicine every month. This collection power is in the hands of the Dan Dao League.

It is precisely because of this that the people of the alchemy alliance have always covered the sky with one hand in the alchemy department, and no one dares to provoke them.

"Go, I'll help you down first." Yu Xin said softly.The Alchemy Alliance is powerful, and after provoking it, she will have endless troubles. Although she is not afraid, she does not want to cause trouble for Xiaolian and the students on Xiaozhufeng.

"Stop, am I letting you go?"

The red-robed man at the head, Wang Tao, shouted loudly, not caring about the broken arm, he raised his other hand to grab Xiaolian.

Just when his hand was halfway up, Yu Xin's originally gentle gaze suddenly became extremely cold, like a cold winter moon, boundless.

Wang Tao was struck by lightning, as if at this moment, it was not a petite and lovely girl who looked at him, but a ghost full of blood, who could claim his life in an instant.Just when he was stunned, Yu Xin had already retreated to Zhang Tian with Xiao Lian.

"Illusion, it must be an illusion!"

Wang Tao shouted in his heart, barely suppressing his fear, but he didn't dare to look at Yuxin again, he only shouted with a grim expression: "Okay, okay, you little Bamboo Peaks are going against the sky! Not only did they not deliver the elixir on time, If you dare to insult the deacon of the Alchemy Alliance, I will let you all this month, and no one will be promoted to Alchemist!"

As soon as this remark came out, there was an uproar in the audience, and a middle-aged elder came out and said: "The monthly promotion of each peak is determined by the ranking of the seven peaks every year. Is it from your alchemy alliance? People can change at will."

Wang Tao said in a cold voice: "You Xiaozhufeng's share of the Five Elements Pill has been owed for three months. According to the rules of the Pill Dao Department, the quota of alchemists will be reduced by two as a warning. If the share of this month is still not paid, The last spot will also be cancelled!"


The medicine boys on Xiaozhu Peak were in an uproar. They worked tirelessly to collect medicines every day, not just to be able to become an alchemist and ascend to the sky in one step. If they didn't even have the chance to become an alchemist, what would they do at Xiaozhufeng.

The elder said angrily, "Only the Peak Master of my Little Bamboo Peak can refine the Five Elements Pill. She suffered an internal injury a few months ago. Pill Daofeng knows all about this, why can't he be accommodating?" Soaring Chinese

"Rules are rules. If you can't hand in the Five Elements Pill today, you won't need to hold the promotion assessment!" Wang Tao said arrogantly.


At this moment, a muffled sound suddenly came from the main hall, and even the clouds in the sky tumbled violently.

"No, it's the secret room of the peak master, and she has heard the situation here."

"The clouds are scattered, this is a sign of failure to alchemy. It must be that the peak master was confused by the people of the alchemy alliance, which led to the mistake of alchemy."

"The peak master has internal injuries, and refining the Five Elements Pill consumes a lot, and the people of the Danding Alliance have repeatedly urged it. It's really hateful."

"It's over, I'm afraid this month's promotion assessment will go to waste."

A group of disciples wailed, as if the entire Xiaozhufeng was enveloped in a tragic mist.

Yu Xin looked anxious, pulled Zhang Tian's arm and said, "Dad, please help, Elder Yunxia is a very good person."

Zhang Tian nodded slightly, holding Yu Xin's hand to keep her calm, and at the same time looking at the main hall, as if penetrating the void, and directly seeing Fairy Yunxia in the deepest secret room.

At this time, Fairy Yunxia was frowning, her face was pale, looking at the boiling and rolling pill furnace, her eyes were full of dead gray.

As the only remaining alchemy master in Xiaozhufeng, the burden on her body is too heavy, and she can't relax in the slightest, but now, at the most critical moment, she messed up.

If this alchemy is abolished, it means that Xiaozhufeng's hope for promotion of the [-] medicine boys will be ruined, and she is already powerless.

Just when Fairy Yunxia sighed and was about to take back the pill fire, a warm voice suddenly came from her ear, which was actually instructing her on how to operate Ninghuojue.

"who is it?"

Fairy Yunxia was startled, and immediately patrolled left and right, but did not find half a figure.

In the next moment, her snow body froze suddenly, and she only felt a pair of hands covering her hands, helping her to form a seal. The warm touch was so real that it reached her heart, giving her a feeling of incomparable safety and reliability.

It was the first time in her life that Fairy Yunxia was so close to a person. Her face turned red, and before she could react, she felt that the originally uncontrollable Pill Fire had become as docile as a sheep, and successfully stabilized the Pill Stove.

"What, how is this possible, my Imperial Condensation Fire Jue is only half-volume, could it be that this person is proficient in the full version?" Fairy Yunxia showed a stunned expression, which was very different from the fairness she maintained before.

Zhang Tian couldn't help but chuckle, and continued to control Fairy Yunxia's hands to add herbs to the pill furnace.

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