The joy in Yu Xin's eyes flashed, and she was about to enter the house to see Zi Yan's situation, but found that another terrifying aura was washed out from the cabin, like a sharp blade, full of fierceness.

Then, two-color beams of light burst out, one ice and one fire, intertwined and roared for nine days!It seemed that the entire sky was broken, and countless stars shone up, two of which radiated dazzling fluorescence, turning into two silver stalks, like the Milky Way falling, rushing towards the secret room where the ruthless man was.

At this time, in the secret room, Ruthless Man's eyes were tightly closed, and the qi in the dantian seemed to reflect nine stars, as if a starry sky was born in her body.

The Taiyin Sword Qi and the Great Sun Sword Qi, which were originally suspended in the center of Dantian, seemed to be inspired, and rushed towards the starry sky, blending into the two stars,

In the next moment, countless obscure and mysterious kendo principles poured into the sea of ​​​​consciousness of the ruthless man, all of which were related to the profound meaning of the Taiyin and the Great Sun.

The ruthless man couldn't help but have a hint of enlightenment in his heart, and finally understood the rarity of this map of stars and swords.Each of the stars in the sky contains a profound meaning of kendo, and the sword qi she understood is the key to unlock the stars.

As long as you comprehend a sword qi, you can light up a star and gain the sword king's kendo insight. Until all the stars are lit up, it is all-encompassing and kendo is complete!

One sword plays all tricks, and one sword replaces the sky!

This is... the ambition of that ancient sword king! , , .

Chapter 133 The Emperor Lin Xiaozhufeng

"A sword replaces the sky, such a big ambition."

The ruthless man took a deep breath, and his eyes showed sincere admiration. Although this sword was a bit arrogant and narrow-minded compared to Emperor Burial's creation of martial arts and the use of his body to replace the sky, those who have this determination are enough to make the overlord of all ages admire. .

Moreover, this ancient sword king did not sit in the well to watch the sky, but came up with a practical solution. The map of stars and swords he evolved was all-encompassing, including some swordsmanship, which even he could not comprehend.

But there are countless arrogances of the nine mountains and seas, and how can the talent of the sword king alone be able to cover, there will always be some arrogance of kendo, who create the kendo that the sword king has not created, and complement the dim starlight in the picture of stars and swords.

Maybe one day, the ambition of the Sword King will be realized.

It's just that the price of this ambition is to use heaven and earth as the oven, let all the arrogance of kendo fight, and finally become the first person in all ages!

That person will be the Sword Emperor of Jianmen!

"Hoo... What a sword king, although I don't want to accept your will, I'm not afraid to compete with the world's swordsmen. I accept this map of stars and swords!"

The ruthless man murmured, and the star Wanjian map in the dantian suddenly burst into bright rays of light, completely merging with the ruthless man's soul, making her kendo realm skyrocket tenfold!

At this moment, the starlight shines on the surface of the ruthless man, and the physique that has been transformed several times has been sublimated again.

At this moment, the nine round seas in the ruthless man's dantian erupted, and countless flood dragons roared out, adding another forty flood dragons, reaching an appalling power of one hundred and sixty flood dragons, tossing in the void spirit sea, swallowing clouds Fog, Zeye Miles.

At this moment, the kendo geniuses of the nine mountains and seas were shocked at the same time, and countless bright stars erupted in the sky, and finally condensed into a sword of ice and fire that mingled with yin and yang, falling into the ninth mountain and sea world.It means that there is one more person in the world who inherits the mantle of the Sword King!


The wooden door of the secret room burst open, and the ruthless man stepped out in high spirits, three feet of blue silk fluttering in the wind, the momentum on her body fluctuated like an abyss like a prison, and she had already reached the ninth level of the transcendent realm!

The pinnacle of transcendent realm!

"Congratulations to the eldest sister's great magical powers!" Yu Xin and Zi Yan greeted them at the same time, holding the ruthless man from left to right, their faces filled with joy.

Zhang Tian stood not far away, watching the ruthless man's background getting deeper and deeper, he couldn't help but nodded slightly, showing a touch of relief.

Ruthless and Zi Yan both made breakthroughs, making Yuxin extremely happy. She directly pulled Zhang Tian out, visited Liberty City, bought back a lot of ingredients, and prepared to celebrate.

Halfway through the evening banquet, the whole family was very satisfied. Ruthless seemed to have remembered something, and asked Yuxin: "Tomorrow seems to be the period of the monthly alchemist assessment of the alchemy department, is the second sister planning to participate? "

Yu Xin glanced at Zhang Tian and saw him nodding slightly. She couldn't help but boost her confidence. She nodded firmly and said, "My eldest and third sisters are working so hard. I have to do my best. In this assessment, I will definitely become an alchemist!"

The ruthless man smiled and said: "Alchemy is a very respected profession, martial artist cultivation, even if the arrogance of the enchanting, still needs the help of medicinal pills, even if such a big party as the gentleman's party, facing the alchemy department of the alchemy department are also all You are polite and don’t dare to offend you at all. Fortunately, I will go out of the customs today, and I will go to cheer for you tomorrow.”

"Zi Yan is also going to cheer for the second sister. Dad, you should go too." Zi Yan's big black eyes flickered, pulling Zhang Tian's sleeves and said.Nine Nine Chinese

Yu Xin couldn't help but move in her heart when she heard the words, looking at Zhang Tian with a bit of hope in her eyes.

Zhang Tian stroked Yuxin's hair lightly, and said with a smile, "Since tomorrow is a big event for Yuxin, even if something big happens, Dad will definitely be there!"

"Thank you, Dad..." Yu Xin happily replied, raising her hand involuntarily, interlocking with Zhang Tian's big hand.

Ruthless said: "Since this is the case, let's set off together tomorrow."

Silent all night.

The next day, when the sky was still bright, Yu Xin got up early and reviewed the drills with Zhang Tian in the past few days. Although she had already done it, she couldn't help but feel excited.

Until the sky was bright, Zhang Tian and the others got up one after another, and the four of them went to the Pill Dao Department together.

There are many branches of Deity Academy, including Martial Dao Department, Pill Dao Department, Tool Dao Department, etc. Each department has its own territory.The territory of the alchemy system consists of seven mountain ranges, which are the seven peaks of the alchemy system, and each peak has its own autonomy.

Soon, Zhang Tian and his party entered Xiaozhufeng, where Yuxin belonged.

Returning to her old place, Yu Xin couldn't help but feel a lot of emotion in her heart, she said softly: "It's still a while before the assessment begins, I want to go see Xiao Lian first, she is my only friend in this Xiaozhufeng, lead me to the entrance, give Helped me a lot."

Zhang Tian remembered the maid who was standing beside Fairy Yunxia when he entered Yuxin's memory, and he couldn't help but nodded slightly. Although this maid had a little utilitarian heart, she was very sincere towards Yu Xin, and she also gave her to Yu Xin. some care.

The group of four headed towards the top of the peak, which was also the main hall where Fairy Yunxia, ​​the master of Xiaozhu Peak, lived.

Before he could get close, he heard a loud noise, which seemed to be accompanied by bursts of curses and low-pitched sobbing.

Yu Xin was startled, and hurriedly stepped forward, only to see thousands of disciples surrounded by the main hall, all with angry expressions on their faces.

In the center of the crowd, there were more than a dozen young people in red robes with arrogant expressions.The person in the lead was even more arrogant. He pointed at a girl who was kneeling on the ground and cursed loudly. His words were extremely vicious!

Yu Xin fixed her eyes and felt her heart twitching immediately, because that girl was Xiao Lian who led her in the beginning!

"Stinky bitch, even dare to stop my uncle's way! Just apologise and think about it? Just relying on my Wang X's words, in this alchemy department, I dare not say that it is a rule, but for you, a cheap servant. , that's the rule! I'll ask you to slap yourself ten times, not even one less!"

Xiaolian was crawling on the ground, her face was pale, her delicate body trembled slightly, and she felt extremely aggrieved.But the man in the red robe in front of him had a great background, and she was definitely not something that a humble maid could provoke.

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