A middle-aged man at the forefront shouted arrogantly, he has a high-level cultivation base in the legendary realm, and the 'slaughtering demon' team led by him only has four kings in the legendary realm, half-step legendary realm and high-level powerhouses in the transcendent realm. There are nearly [-] more, who have always been ruthless, even people from the ancient sect Holy Land dare not provoke them at will.Battelle Novel www.btebook.com

At this moment, the sound wave washed away, like the autumn wind sweeping the leaves, passing over the body of the middle-aged man, and the next moment, this legendary high-ranking king, weathered directly in the void, and his body and spirit were destroyed!


All the other members of the Demon Slaying Squad showed a look of astonishment, their bodies trembled uncontrollably, and a fear from the heart spread all over their bodies in an instant.

However, it was too late. After the sound wave swept across the middle-aged man, it continued to spread forward without any pause, directly surrounding them.

In the next instant, everyone ignited in the air like fireworks, and then turned into fly ash.

To the southeast, dozens of Changhongs rose up from a hidden place. After watching for a while, they all rushed towards the Zhang Family Courtyard.Each of these Changhongs exudes an incomparably terrifying aura, and wherever they pass, the warriors below are all silent and dare not make a sound.

These people are also divided into several groups, which are the teams of various ancient sect holy sites in the Southern Wilderness. Each team is led by a semi-sacred existence. They are united and want to explore a hidden cave, but Zhang Jiaxiao The powerful spiritual power fluctuations in the direction of the hospital made them give up hiding their identities.

Because the fluctuation is too violent, either the peerless treasure is born, or the peerless medicine is mature, compared to the risk of exploring the cave, this kind of direct forcible grab is obviously much safer.

But they miscalculated this time.

A gust of breeze blew, and the team of the ancient sect that rushed in the front was immediately frozen collectively, as if they had been immobilized, and then dissipated in the moonlight, no flesh and blood flying, no screaming, just so silent. Breathless, evaporated out of thin air, as if it had never appeared before.

This terrifying scene was staged throughout the city of freedom, and countless powerful figures gave up their dignity and shouted desperately.

"no, do not want!"

"Forgive your life, senior please spare your life!"

"I know I'm wrong, and I'm willing to make amends."

Cries, beggings, threats... interweaved and resounded throughout the city of freedom, but no matter what the sound was, it was meaningless.

That sound wave swept through the entire city of freedom, and at that moment, all those who vacated the sky were destroyed.

This shocking change also made all the major forces in the Southern Wilderness, to mark it as a restricted area!

Not long after that, various superpowers in the Southern Wilderness rolled out a sect rule: When any disciple enters the City of Freedom, they are not allowed to set foot in the northwest corner of the Zhang Family Courtyard for half a step!

Who says Liberty City has no rules?

Zhang Tian used his strength to prove that where the strong are, there are rules! , , .

Chapter 132 The ambition of the ancient sword king!

For the next period of time, Zhang Tian's three precious daughters were busy again.

The ruthless man took down all the blood bodhi and entered a state of retreat, intending to finish refining the Star Ten Thousand Swords in one breath.

Zi Yan also began to retreat at the same time. She has too much Taiyi Shenshui in her body, almost full of all flesh and blood, but after all, this thing is not as easy to absorb as the elixir medicine. If you want to completely convert it into spiritual energy, even with Zi Yan Yan's bloodline will also take a lot of trouble.

The last remaining Yuxin finally settled down. She possessed a different fire, and she could already practice the half scroll of Xiaozhufeng’s Imperial Grade Ninghuo Jue. Knowledge such as identifying herbal medicines should be systematically sorted out, because She has already set her sights on the alchemist promotion assessment that will be held at the end of this month!

Time passed day by day, and half a month passed by in the blink of an eye.

On this day, in the small courtyard of the Zhang family.

Zhang Tian held a scroll of herbal scriptures and asked them one by one, and sometimes a lifelike elixir phantom appeared in the void, while Yu Xin, who was opposite, looked serious and answered one by one.It is to test Yuxin's ability to identify herbs.

According to the rules of the Alchemy Department of Tianshen Academy, the first step to become a true alchemist is to learn to identify herbs. This is a university question. An ordinary alchemist needs to be able to identify [-] herbs, and an alchemist needs to know more. To further master the millions of changes, the alchemy master also needs to understand the thousands of companions.

This kind of identification is not only able to call out the name, but also includes its medicinal properties, growth conditions, elixir suitable for refining, and even the different changes that occur in different years.

With the passage of time, Yu Xin's expression began to be unable to remain calm, and she gradually frowned, sometimes tilting her head to think for a while, and it became increasingly difficult to answer.

Zhang Tian looked at Yu Xin's cute expression, forcibly restrained the smile in his heart, and continued to evolve herbs in a straight-forward manner.In fact, the herbs he has evolved have long exceeded the range of [-], and are close to [-]. It's just that he changed the flow of time around him, and Yu Xin was immersed in it, so he didn't notice this change at all.

Just when Zhang Tian was planning to make Yuxin break through to the realm of 'million changes' that can only be mastered by an alchemy master, there was a sudden wave of earth-shattering fluctuations in the wooden house.


The whole earth trembled violently, as if it was about to collapse, and a terrifying essence swept through the sky and burst out from Zi Yan's hut, stirring the sky and clouds.

"This... this time..."

Yu Xin stared at the sky with wide eyes, and saw that under the blue sky and daylight, countless auras swarmed towards the sky above the small courtyard, forming more than a dozen huge incomparable aura vortexes, like funnels, venting towards Zi Yan's hut. The wooden houses seem to be wrapped in a dense spiritual energy.


There was another scream, like the sound of a dragon, and a golden dragon roared out from the cabin, rolled in the sea of ​​​​spirits, and swallowed, but in the blink of an eye, the rich and vast spiritual energy was swept away. All swallowed, another long whistle, swooped back to Zi Yan's hut.

Afterwards, six huge Lunhai phantoms appeared above Zi Yan's head, in the shape of a hexagon, each like an endless ocean, rolling violently, but still unable to stop the overflowing aura from flowing out of the sea, and finally at the very center The location, as if struck by thunder, formed a brand new sea of ​​​​wheels.Love Book Housewww.2shuwu.com

The seventh round sea!

As soon as this sea of ​​​​wheels was formed, the overflowing spiritual energy seemed to have found a vent, and rushed towards it frantically, and this sea of ​​​​wheels was also rude, like a sea of ​​rivers, swallowing all the spiritual energy.

One foot, two feet...

The spiritual liquid in the seventh wheel sea is increasing, rolling and roaring, containing terrifying power, making the void tremble, seemingly unable to withstand this mighty power.


The seventh round sea was directly filled with this vast spiritual energy, and it was almost complete. It gradually changed from the virtual to the real, and became a round sea that was truly engraved with Dao rhyme. Zi Yan in the body.

In the next moment, a peerless divine might rose up from the ground and rushed straight into the sky, as if it would tear the entire sky apart.The vast and ignorant monsters in the mountains and forests are even more crawling on the ground, just like subjects visiting the emperor.

There was a look of satisfaction in Zhang Tian's eyes, but he didn't expect that Zi Yan not only successfully broke through to the seventh level of Lunhai Realm!It directly reached the seventh peak, and it was only one step away from opening up the eighth Sea of ​​Wheels.

"The third sister has successfully broken through, it's really great!"

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