Xiao Guyan sighed heavily, put away the heavy ancient ruler, and the black wings behind him spread out again, turning into a black shadow and disappearing into the underground secret room.

Seeing Xiao Guyan's sudden withdrawal, Yun Pianran couldn't help but look stunned. Before he could react, he heard a strange whistling sound, his eyes narrowed, and he said solemnly: "This is the retreat signal of the ancient Xianling sect, count you. I'm lucky today, I'll put this green lotus demon fire on yours first. Seeing that you are wearing the clothes of the Deity Academy, I will join Fengshen Academy when I go back, and see you when the Fourth Academy will meet."

After finishing speaking, Yun Pianran rolled the long sword in his hand, which turned into countless spiritual energy and fell down, and her figure disappeared.

After confirming that the two really left, Yu Xin breathed a sigh of relief, her eyes regained a gentle look, looking at the Qinglian demon fire on the altar, her face full of excitement.

Above the Frost Snake Clan's territory, Zhang Tian watched two figures flying out of the ground. He didn't care at first, but his eyes suddenly lit up after a casual glance. He looked at Xiao Guyan's departure, and showed a meaningful smile. .

Immediately, it also followed through the void.

That night, the family of four reunited again.

Seeing Yuxin's return, Xiao Ziyan hurried out of the yard, handed a spirit bottle to Yuxin like a treasure, and said crisply: "Second sister, this is a gift from Ziyan."

Yu Xin was in a very good mood, took the spirit bottle, rubbed Zi Yan's hair, and asked curiously, "What's in it?"

"Taiyi Shenshui!" Zi Yan said exaggeratedly.

"Taiyi Shenshui? This bottle is all?" Yu Xin showed a very surprised expression. She learned alchemy, and naturally knew the preciousness of this Taiyi Shenshui.Although there are not many pill recipes that use this substance directly, using it as a medicinal guide, even just a drop, is enough to greatly improve the quality of the elixir, and even some low-grade elixir can be reborn. 61 Biquge www.61zd.com

"That's right, I found a pool of Taiyi Shenshui during this trial." Zi Yan made an exaggerated gesture and said proudly: "I know that the second sister must like this, so I wanted to save a little for you, but then Divine water is psychic, very hateful, only this spirit bottle can hold it."

Yu Xin chuckled and said: "Taiyi Shenshui is the most treasured water in the world. There are very few utensils that can hold it. You are also lucky to have obtained this rare spirit bottle."

The ruthless man came out right after, and said with a smile: "Second sister, you didn't see it, Zi Yan was in the test of the ruins today, but she was in the limelight. Not only did she drink a belly of Taiyi Shenshui, she also obtained a top-grade lightning element. A Noble Phantasm and a powerful magical power."

Yu Xin stroked Zi Yan's little head again, and said apologetically: "There are really some things today, I can't watch your trial, and when the next bloody trial, the second sister will definitely come to cheer you on. Yes. Now, there are a few fruits here, so I will give you compensation."

Yu Xin seemed to have thought of something. She flipped her right hand and took out the three Fire Spirit Fruits that had been catalyzed on the flying transport ship.The surface of the fire spirit fruit was radiant with crystal red light, and red fragrant clouds floated out, like clouds, illuminating the entire small courtyard brightly.

"What a beautiful fruit, thank you second sister."

Zi Yan's eyes flickered with little stars, and she carefully took the Fire Spirit Fruit from Yu Xin's hand, watched it left and right, and then opened her mouth and threw it all in, closing her eyes and enjoying it.

"You snack, haven't so many Taiyi Shenshui filled you up yet?" The ruthless man stepped forward and snapped Zi Yan's little head angrily. If outsiders knew that this guy was like eating jelly beans After eating three ten thousand year spirit fruits, it is estimated that he vomited blood and shouted violently.


Xiao Ziyan pretended to cover her head, her black and beautiful eyes flashed, and said cheerfully: "I also prepared a gift for the eldest sister."

After speaking, Zi Yan raised her hand and pointed to the corner of the small courtyard, and a huge ancient tree with a height of more than ten meters landed with a bang. It was covered with blood-colored bodhi, which was the blood bodhi she extorted from the Deity Academy. ancient tree.

"My current flesh and blood is full of those Taiyi Shenshui, which can no longer be stuffed into other things. Didn't the eldest sister plan to refine the map of stars and ten thousand swords? You can use these blood bodhi as accessories!"

The ruthless man thought for a while, and finally nodded and said, "If you follow the normal refining method, it will take at least one year to completely refine the Star Ten Thousand Swords Diagram. With the help of these fifty-five blood bodhis, the time should be shortened. Within two months, I might be able to catch up with the academy competition."

Zi Yan regretted: "It would be nice if there was more."

Yu Xin narrowed her eyes and said softly, "Maybe I can give it a try."

Ruthless and Zi Yan showed doubts, only to see Yuxin forming several handprints, like a king of plants and trees high above, with a thought, the essence of plants and trees within a radius of [-] miles immediately turned into countless tides and rushed towards the small courtyard , illuminating the night sky.

In an instant, countless flowers bloomed, and the whole world seemed to be surrounded by the rich and fragrant fairy air, just like Sendai.

Yuxin stood in the center surrounded by hundreds of flowers like this, the emperor pointed one finger, the ancient blood bodhi tree was instantly full of strange petals, and each new blood bodhi was condensed, hanging on the branches, like a ruby.

Ruthless Man's eyes suddenly burst into dazzling brilliance, and he murmured softly: "When the flower blooms, the world reigns." ,, . .

Chapter 131 One word suppresses the city of freedom!

When the flower blooms, the world reigns.

This is not Yu Xin's stunt, but a ray of insight that a ruthless person has when watching such a marvelous scene. Over time, when her martial arts realm rises, she can use this insight to create earth-shattering magical powers.

Zi Yan clapped her hands excitedly: "It's amazing, the second sister is amazing!"

Yu Xin put away her magical powers, a layer of fine sweat was looming on her forehead, and sighed softly: "The fire unicorn blood essence on this ancient tree is limited, and it can only catalyze so much."

Zi Yan looked at it, and sure enough, on the trunk of the huge ancient tree, the blood color was obviously dimmed, and only a thin layer of pink remained, apparently losing the ability to continue to condense blood Bodhi.

Ruthless Man said with a bit of surprise in his eyes: "There are nearly [-] blood bodhis in these, which is enough for me to shorten the time for refining the Star Ten Thousand Swords by more than half, so I have a second sister."

Her "Swallowing Devil Art" has only been cultivated to the first level of the "Hell Oven". Although the hell oven is very miraculous, it can refine any treasure, but if the treasure's rank is too high, the refining time will be short. will be very long.If there are some natural treasures containing rich spiritual energy as accessories at this time, the refining speed can be greatly improved.

Just like boiling water with a copper tripod, the more dry wood you add, the more vigorous the flame, and the faster the water boils.These blood bodhis are equivalent to the dry wood that helps burn the hell oven!

Before the Ruthless Man did not immediately refine the Star Ten Thousand Swords Diagram, it was because this object was truly a peerless treasure and contained the breath of an ancient sword king. With her current cultivation base and her achievements in "Swallowing the Heavens", it was difficult to transform it in a short period of time. But with these blood Bodhi, it will be different.

Thinking of this, Ruthless couldn't help showing a touch of excitement. If she can successfully refine this Star Ten Thousand Swords Diagram, not only will her kendo realm be improved again, but her cultivation will also be able to advance by leaps and bounds, and she will participate in the academy at that time. Than, will be more sure!

Yu Xin's mastery of "Qingdi's Spiritual Transformation" is not very proficient. Only [-]% of the tides of grass and tree aura that she guides fall on the ancient blood bodhi tree, and the rest use her as the origin, and spread out to the surrounding area. The streets outside the small courtyard have spawned countless precious medicines of hundreds of thousands of years old, spewing out a lot of spiritual energy, as if they were in a paradise.

Looking around, Yu Xin couldn't help but her beautiful eyes sparkled, and she said happily: "This has also spawned many thousands of years of precious medicines, eldest sister, third sister, you can help me pick it up, it's just enough for me to buy the monster meat food as accessories. , let's make something richer tonight."

"Great, long live Second Sister!" Xiao Ziyan cheered and immediately got busy. Her nose is very smart. As long as you smell it, you can know the approximate medicinal properties of each herb, and pick some old ones. Pick.

However, they don't know what these precious medicines mean to Shengyuan Continent where spiritual energy is scarce and precious medicines are scarce. Almost all high-level warriors are alarmed by this powerful spiritual energy fluctuation and move towards Zhang Family Courtyard. Showing greedy and vicious eyes.

Zhang Tian watched his daughters rush forward and back, and the corners of his mouth could not help twitching. He turned and walked into the house, approaching the door, and suddenly moved, looked up at the sky, frowned slightly, and snorted:


An invisible sound wave escaped, like a giant sword that swept the heavens and the earth, swept out from the Zhang family courtyard and swept towards the entire city of freedom.

In the southwest direction, several adventure teams rushed towards Zhang Tian Xiaoyuan. They were all well-known adventure teams in the entire Southern Wilderness. Even ordinary members had high-level cultivations in the Transcendent Realm, and they were all year round in the depths of the battlefield of gods and demons. In the Desolate Beast Mountains, these few days have just returned to the city to rectify.

"Haha, someone dares to reveal treasures in the city of freedom, let our 'Devil Slayer' team teach him a lesson!"

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