
On the opposite side, Yun Pianran suddenly let out a very painful cry, and a large plume of bright red blood burst out directly from her body, dyeing the entire dress red.

Her face was full of fear, and she felt that all the blood in her body was caught by a terrifying devil hand, and it was about to be pulled out! , , .

Chapter 129 Darkness sneak attack, Yuxin's domineering

"This... what kind of magical power is this?"

Xiao Guyan's scalp was numb, just facing the side of the bloody ghost, it still gave him a chill from the bottom of his heart, as if it really came out from the depths of the Nine Netherworld, and he was a peerless powerhouse during his lifetime. , after death, his will is still immortal, and he wants to return again, and his blood is stained for nine days.

"It's so strong, it's so strong, is this the heritage of the arrogance of the ancient clan? Such magical powers are simply appalling."

Xiao Guyan's heart trembled, like falling into a nine secluded ice cave.Reason tells him to stay away from this bloody ghost immediately, but on the other hand, this is an excellent opportunity for sneak attack.

He could clearly see that Yuxin's control of this magical power was extremely exhausting, and it was a little difficult.At this time, the opponent will never have the power to backhand, otherwise it will be too late when Yuxin defeats Yun Pianran.


There was a gloomy look in Xiao Guyan's eyes, the double temptation of the incomplete ancient map and the green lotus demon fire made him successfully suppress the fear in his heart, and immediately took out his heavy ancient ruler and attacked!The ancient ruler in his hand gave off a dazzling brilliance, and a black ruler with a length of several meters was split out, and it went straight to Yuxin's back.

This heavy ancient ruler has an extraordinary origin. It seems to be an ancient thing. It looks ordinary and has no spiritual power fluctuations. It looks like a piece of ordinary iron. , but no one could pick it up.

Over the years, the Xiao family has undergone several changes, but every time they just moved, this ancient ruler will fall from the sky, and he will come from the original place and occupy the ancestral hall of the Xiao family again.

Therefore, the elders of the Xiao family deduced that this ancient ruler was probably a treasure carried by one of the ancestors of the Xiao family, refined with the power of blood.Later, when this ancestor fell, Gu Chi automatically went to find a master with similar bloodline, and this was why he stayed in the Xiao family's ancestral hall.

After being passed down from generation to generation, this ancient ruler became more and more mysterious in the Xiao family. Every younger generation would try to lift it, but no one succeeded until Xiao Guyan appeared.

It is also with this magical ancient ruler that his strength has grown by leaps and bounds, even if it is compared to the current Yun Xianyun, it is not much worse.


Xiao Guyan showed a cold expression. He believed that even that strange bloody ghost would be severely injured if he was hit by his ancient ruler.


The huge black ruler fell instantly, causing a burst of explosions.

Unexpectedly, just before this moment, Yu Xin's body suddenly twisted, and it turned into a silver arc and disappeared from the place.


A sound of lightning breaking through the air sounded, and Yu Xin's body appeared out of thin air in another place dozens of meters away, her whole body still wrapped in silver thunder, as if teleporting.Food Fictionwww.meishi2008.com

"Three thousand thunder movements, this is the Three Thousand Thunder Movements of Fenglei Ancient Sect! How could you do that!"

Xiao Guyan showed an unbelievable expression, Fenglei Ancient Sect is a famous super sect in the Southern Wilderness, and it is not inferior to Xianling Ancient Sect, and "Three Thousand Thunders" is the three major town sects of this ancient sect One of the supernatural powers, known as the first movement technique in the mainland, can become a thunderbolt when practiced to the extreme, and it is absolutely impossible to spread it.

"Xiao Guyan, it turned out to be you. You actually attacked me, it seems that it was also for the Qinglian Demon Fire."

Yu Xin said lightly, even though the person who attacked her was an old acquaintance who had only met not long ago, there was not a trace of turbulence in her eyes.

Xiao Guyan showed an unnatural expression. Although Xianlu is fighting against the weak, it is disgraceful for him to sneak attack directly from behind, especially in the face of a beautiful girl like Yuxin.

However, thinking of the incomplete ancient pictures on Yuxin and the green lotus demon fire on the altar, Xiao Guyan's heart still hardened, and said coldly: "Miss Yuxin, it's not because I intend to attack, but because of this strange fire. It's important, it's something I will get. If you are willing to give in, I, Xiao Guyan, will definitely be grateful."

Yu Xin shook her head and said, "I am bound to win this green lotus fire!"

"If that's the case, then don't blame Xiao for not knowing how to love Xiangxiyu!"

Xiao Guyan was very decisive. As soon as he said a word, a pair of huge black wings suddenly spread out behind him, like a goshawk, roaring towards Yuxin, and the speed was more than ten times faster than normal escaping light.When it was near, a black ruler radiated out, pierced through the world, and slashed down.

He had already seen that although Yu Xin had escaped his previous sneak attack, she had also been attacked by the bloody ghost, and had already suffered internal injuries.

That's right, he never planned to persuade Yuxin to leave Yuxin with words. First, it was basically impossible. Second, what he wanted was not only Qinglian Yaohuo, but also the incomplete ancient picture on Yuxin's body!

On the other side, although Yun Pianran successfully got rid of the blood-stealing ghost finger, he also lost a lot of blood. He couldn't fight again for a while, so he could only watch from the sidelines. At this time, he saw this black ruler that seemed to tear the sky, and he immediately showed a shock. color.

Even in her heyday, she didn't dare to take this attack hard, and she couldn't help but be surprised. I don't know when Nanhuang appeared again such a terrifying genius as Xiao Guyan.

Facing Xiao Guyan's ferocious offensive, Yu Xin's face was not moved at all, as calm as ice that will never melt in ten thousand years.

I saw that she raised her plain hand and waved at the huge chimang, and a black and white orb suddenly flew out of her body, spun around, and appeared directly on both sides of the chimang, black and white rays of light intertwined, just twist , that terrifying ruler shattered suddenly, and the aftermath of the explosion even sent Xiao Guyan flying out.

These two-colored orbs are the treasures of the second peak master of the Five Prisons Cave. They are called Yin-Yang Two-colored Orbs. They can even take the full blow of a powerful person in the Great Sacred Realm, not to mention a mere chimang.If the ancient ruler in Xiao Guyan's hand was very mysterious, and it blocked most of the impact for him, this blow alone would have seriously injured Xiao Guyan.

"Is this the arrogance of the ancient clan, and he has such a treasure in his arms!"

Xiao Guyan spat out a mouthful of blood, and there was a thick look of horror in his eyes. , , .

Chapter 130 The flower blooms in a single thought

But in the blink of an eye, Yun Pianran and Xiao Guyan, the two Southern Wilderness Tianjiao, all fell to the ground with serious injuries.

But Yuxin herself was not feeling well. The blood robbery finger was a little dangerous when it was activated. She was interrupted suddenly, so she suffered a serious backlash. At this time, she was only reluctantly suppressed, although she successfully defeated Yun Pianran and Xiao. As the old saying goes, he doesn't dare to rush to get a different fire.

This point is also very clear to Xiao Guyan, just as he was about to launch an offensive again, suddenly a black light poured into his body, and at the same time, the anxious voice of Dan Lao came from his mind: "Come on, this ancient clan has attracted a powerful person, Even the Frost Queen has been subdued, and now the battle above is over, it will be too late if you don't leave!"


Xiao Guyan was even more horrified. Although he was sure that there was a big force behind Yuxin, he didn't expect it to be so tyrannical that even the dignified Frost Queen was wiped out.

"But Qinglian Demon Fire and that incomplete ancient picture..." Xiao Guyan was still a little reluctant.

Dan Lao urged: "Don't hesitate any more, these two things can't be consumed, and he will have the opportunity to grab them again in the future!"

"All right!"

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