Zhang Tian stood up, with a light smile on his face, pointed a flat finger, and punched a light into Yun Xianyun's body.

This blow was as fast as lightning, and Yun Xianyun didn't react until the aura entered her body. She was shocked, and before she could ask, she felt that the aura was actually repairing her injury.

The Frost Queen is well-known in the field of ice. I don't know how many masters of the holy realm have been frozen. Although she is only scratched, it is expected that at least ten years of seclusion will be required to completely drain the cold poison from her body.But he did not expect that such a terrifying cold poison would heal in an instant under the nourishment of this spiritual light.

What shocked her the most was that after eliminating those cold poisons, this aura had no flesh and blood, ran towards her holy bones, repaired several extremely hidden dark wounds, and even repaired the three parts of her holy body. The stigmata of the Tao has been erased!

"This emperor appreciates what you said before. The human race needs a genius like you, but it is too worthless to forcibly break through the realm just to create a flawless holy body. Lingguang, just treat it as a reward from this emperor." Zhang Tian said lightly, as if he had just done a trivial thing.

"Sect Master, you..."

Several elders of the ancient Xianling sect showed concern. They were very aware of the reason why Yun Xianyun forcibly broke through. It was all because the old sect master suddenly disappeared. In order to carry the banner of the ancient Xianling sect, they had to use the taboo method. Break through the holy realm, but they are completely unaware of the specific hidden dangers.

Yun Xianyun stroked her hair and said softly, "You don't have to worry, now those dark wounds have been repaired."

After comforting the elders in the door, she looked at Zhang Tian again, with a very complicated look in her eyes, and finally said respectfully: "Xianyun, thank you for your kindness of re-creation."

Zhang Tian chuckled lightly and waved his hand: "This emperor still prefers your character as a cold and cold fairy, forget this kind of cute appearance."

"this person!!!"

Yun Xianyun only felt that the blood in her heart was tumbling. She practiced the "Su Xin Sword Canon", and she has always been calm, with no joy and no sorrow. Even when the sect faced the disaster of the sky, she never panicked.Today, she has been agitated several times because of this sudden appearance of a man, and the mood that she has cultivated for hundreds of years has disappeared.

"let's go!"

Yun Xianyun said with a hint of impatience, and turned around directly, she was afraid that if she stayed any longer, her 'Jianxin Mingming' state of mind would completely collapse.

Just when her escape was just starting, Zhang Tian's voice sounded softly in her ear:

"If there is a chance to meet you next time, this Emperor will seal another stigmata for you."

As soon as the words were settled, two groups of red clouds floated up Yun Xianyun's cheeks. , , .

Chapter 128 The battle of Tianjiao, the blood robbery finger reappears!

The war above the Frost Snake Clan subsided, but in the underground secret room, it was still thrilling.

Queen Frost's training room, adhering to the suspicious and cautious nature of the snake tribe, not only nine bends and eighteen bends, it is like a labyrinth, and there are many powerful beasts hidden in it. Along the way, most of the ancient sect geniuses Buried in the belly of those monsters.


The two figures fell into a huge underground secret room from the dark passage above, and immediately ran away from each other, fully guarded.

I saw that the two were young girls, one with a beautiful face, wearing a moon-white robe, holding an exquisite long sword, graceful and graceful, and their dresses fluttering in the action room, like a fairy dancing in the flowers.

The other person's appearance is even more beautiful, and there is a vague sense of beauty in the world. The aura on her body fluctuates very strangely. Personality of Yuxin.

After ensuring their own safety, the two of them were attracted by the hot fire in the center of the secret room almost at the same time.

I saw that there was an altar of several feet square, three feet high, made of bronze god gold, and the surface was engraved with many snake-shaped demon characters, revealing a long and desolate atmosphere.

And above this altar, there is a lotus throne carved out of cyan crystal, and many lotus petals stretch out towards the surrounding, like stars arching the moon, guarding the cyan flame in the center.

The azure flame floated above the lotus throne, as if it had spirituality and transformed into various forms. Although it was not exuberant, it had a domineering power that could burn the world. It was exactly the same as the azure lotus demon fire in the "Nine Realms Different Fire List". Exactly the same.

"Qinglian Demon Fire!"

The girl in the moon-white robe showed a touch of excitement in her eyes, and then her eyes fell on Yu Xin, and said coldly: "I am Yun Pianran of the ancient Xianling sect, my master Yun Xianyun is above, you don't care. If you get the strange fire, you will definitely not be able to take it out, so those who are sensible should quit now!"

There was no emotion in Yu Xin's eyes, and she didn't even bother to talk nonsense with Yun Pian, so she directly attacked with her sword.Her sword technique is called "Bi An Jian Jue", which is one of the strongest techniques of the Bian Hua clan. Although Li Qing only passed it on to her, it can be regarded as an earth-shattering martial art.

As soon as the sword was swung out, Yu Xin's body immediately burst out with an incomparably fierce aura. There was an enchanting flower blooming between the eyebrows, the flower was three colors, and the fourth petal was about to bloom.

"Humph! Obsessed!"

There was a cold light in Yun Pianran's eyes, and she also held up her long sword to greet her. The nine seas of wheel in her dantian erupted at the same time, the sword light danced, and dozens of dragons roared out from behind her, rolling and roaring in the spiritual mist. The coercion caused the entire underground chamber to rumble.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!..."

The two fought fiercely in this secret room. The white sword glow and the blue sword glow complemented each other, illuminating most of the entire secret room. 56 Novels www.56xs.net

"Qi becomes a dragon, this Yun Pianran is proficient in the ancient method of condensing Qi!"

In a dark corner of the secret room, Xiao Guyan hid behind a huge stone pier, and when he saw the flying dragon, he couldn't help taking a deep breath.As a cultivator of the Southern Wilderness, he naturally recognized Yun Pianran. This woman is known as the first arrogant of the ancient Xianling sect, and has a great reputation among the younger generations of the Southern Wilderness.Unexpectedly, he has already broken through to the half-step legendary realm, and he is even more proficient in the ancient Qi condensing method!

He heard Dan Lao say that in ancient times, there was a specific method of condensing Qi, which was widely circulated.But to this day, only a few ancient sect holy places are still preserved, and they are regarded as treasures of the town sect.

"One, two, three..."

Xiao Guyan did not dare to use his spiritual sense to probe, so he could only count them one by one. The more he counted, the more frightened he became. According to Dan Lao, Tianjiao in the ancient times could condense eighty-nine dragons at the ninth level of the transcendent realm. To this day, with the lack of spiritual energy, even a cultivator in the half-legendary realm, who can condense seventy dragons, can be called a genius monster, but this Yun Pianran already has more than eighty dragons, obviously surpassing the average genius. above.

"As expected of Yun Pianran, there are no false scholars under the reputation!"

Xiao Guyan's eyes showed a strong fighting intent, and then he turned his eyes to Yuxin, and the eagerness in his eyes was even more intense.

For him, Yuxin is not only a formidable enemy to compete for the Qinglian Demon Fire, but also has a remnant picture on his body that is of great significance to him. Also at all costs.

"Old Dan is right, this Yuxin is really hidden very deeply. It seems that the breath is weak, but her cultivation level is comparable to the ninth level of the extraordinary realm, and the sword tactics used are even more powerful. , even without the slightest disadvantage."

Xiao Guyan murmured in his heart, becoming more and more cautious, completely shielding the breath from his body, like a poisonous snake waiting for the target to relax.Neither of these two girls is under him, and they must wait for the opportunity.

Time passed by, and the battle between Yu Xin and Yun Pianran had reached the point of white burn. Taking advantage of the blow to both sides, Yu Xin suddenly froze and put the green sword in her hand behind her back.At the same time, the other hand was raised and pointed towards the cloud.

Blood robbery finger!

In an instant, the aura of the grass and trees on Yuxin disappeared, and was replaced by a terrifying and boundless blood aura that swept the world, as if with the power to destroy the world.

Behind her, a vague blood-colored ghost appeared faintly, more than ten feet tall, wearing a tattered white shirt, and the dead aura was unimaginable.A palm full of bloody evil was raised, as if to drag people into the underworld, but also to break free from the underworld and return to the world.

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