"You snake monsters wantonly mutilate the people of the Southern Wilderness, and you have already provoked anger and resentment. I, such as the ancient monks, are just right for the people, so why do you need to provoke it. If you want to destroy the ancient sect of immortal spirits, you can try it." Yun Xianyun's voice is as light and sweet as ever, like the fairy of Guanghan, which is beyond the world.

"Humph! It's high-sounding. You dare to chase this far this time. It's not because you are coveting the supernatural treasure. Seeing that I am seriously injured, you plan to take advantage of the situation. Human monks are all despicable and shameless people!"

Queen Frost continued to scold her, but her eyes showed a look of joy, and she was secretly grateful to Zhang Tian, ​​the cultivator who suddenly killed him, for giving her a chance to ease her injuries, and she would be able to exert [-]% of her power immediately!

Feeling the change in Queen Frost's breath, Yun Xianyun finally showed a hint of anxiety in her eyes, but Zhang Tian, ​​a strong man of unknown strength, watched on, and she couldn't make a rash move, so she couldn't help but said: "Can you really watch this person? Clear the situation, and if we don't join hands, we will all be worried about our lives today!"

Zhang Tian said in a low voice: "This emperor said very clearly, as long as you don't interfere in the fight in the underground secret room, you have never said that you want to suppress this demon saint. What's more, this emperor never joins hands with people." Bar www.lkbook.org

"You man!!!"

It was the first time in Yun Xianyun's life that she was so annoyed. She only felt that Zhang Tian was more stubborn than those stubborn old antiques. Even though she had reached a critical moment, she still looked like she couldn't get in.Doesn't he know that if Queen Frost recovers from her injuries, everyone present, including him, will not end well!

"Sect Master, what should we do next? This person seems to want us and the Frost Queen to lose both, and then the fisherman will gain." An elder of the ancient fairy spirit asked.

"It doesn't matter, interrupt Queen Frost's repair first, and then find this person to settle accounts later!" Yun Xianyun immediately made a decision and said loudly: "Everyone, continue to attack!"

But she didn't want her voice to fall, and the cold mist surrounding the Frost Queen suddenly exploded. At the same time, an aura ten times fiercer than before erupted from the Frost Queen, sweeping the audience, and countless ice blades rising from the ground. out.In an instant, the entire battlefield became a frozen world.

"Haha, you human monks like to intrigue, and this king's injuries have already healed. If you dare to attack this king, I will let you all be buried here today!!"

The Frost Queen let out a sharp laughter, and the huge snake tail rolled up, directly strangling the two legendary high-ranking kings, and there was no time to even let out a miserable howl.


The hearts of all the ancient sect powerhouses sank to the bottom of the valley, Yun Xianyun glared at Zhang Tian even more resentfully, but seeing that this person has reached such a level, he is still smiling and doesn't care, Xue can't help but get angry. Body trembling.

At the moment when she was distracted, Queen Frost's attack had already hit like a raging storm. Facing Yun Xianyun, the arrogance of the world, Queen Frost didn't hold back at all. The sword was frozen, and several huge ice cones surrounded her.

"Rescue the Sect Master!"

As soon as they came out, all the ancient masters came out, but how they were the opponents of the Frost Queen in their heyday, an ice storm swept through, and all of them flew out backwards, their flesh and blood flying.


Yun Xianyun spit out a mouthful of blood and flew nearly [-] meters backwards. The veil on her face was scratched off by the ice blade, revealing a face full of anger and anger, but the star-like eyes were full of despair.

"The queen is mighty, kill all these human races!"

A group of snake demons cheered loudly, making the faces of the ancient sects ashes.

There was a stern look on Queen Frost's face, and she was about to kill Yun Xianyun, who was the most threatening one, when her expression suddenly changed, and she said in shock, "Bold junior, dare to touch this king's strange fire!"

As soon as the voice fell, the Frost Queen slammed her huge snake tail towards the underground secret room, enveloped in a sound of wind and thunder, extremely fierce.

The light smile on Zhang Tian's face suddenly condensed, and he said calmly, "Didn't you hear what this emperor said before?"

After speaking, Zhang Tian popped out with one finger, and the frost queen's ten-meter-long frost snake tail burst with a bang! , , .

Chapter 127 Receiving the Queen, Flirting with the Fairy


The Frost Queen let out an earth-shattering scream, countless blood gushed out, and the huge Frost body crashed to the ground, struggling desperately.

This scene was so shocking that even those ancient sect masters forgot their pain.

The dignified Frost Queen, the terrifying demon saint who shook the entire Southern Wilderness frontier, was powerful enough to defeat the Southern Wilderness Heaven's Chosen Yun Xianyun with one move, but in front of this man, she was vulnerable.

With just a flick of a finger, this aloof queen's holy body burst and was seriously injured and dying!

"The emperor said, don't disturb the fight in the underground secret room, didn't you hear it?"

Zhang Tian's tone was still as plain as water, but when he heard it in the ears of everyone, it changed completely, becoming as majestic and unparalleled as a god, and did not dare to give birth to the slightest offense.

"This king... I know I was wrong, please forgive me, senior."

The huge frost snake flickered with brilliance and changed into a human shape.The only flaw in her ointment is that her eyes are too sharp, giving people a cold and fierce feeling, three points less immortal than Yun Xianyun, and three points more heroic.

At this time, this beautiful woman's face was as pale as paper, and her blue dress was also stained with a lot of red blood. She was lying on the ground, looking extremely weak, how could she still have the aura of a desert queen.


The snake demons of the Frost Snake Clan collectively cried out, with an incredible look in their eyes. They had never seen the Frost Queen, who had always been majestic and terrifying in the Southern Wilderness, showing such a submissive and obedient expression.

Zhang Tian's figure flashed, and he moved directly in front of the Frost Queen. He raised his hand to hold up her snow jaw, and immediately felt an extremely warm touch from his fingers, which was refreshing.

The Queen of Frost frowned slightly, this posture gave her a feeling of extreme insult, but when she met Zhang Tian's deep eyes like a nine secluded yellow spring, her whole body seemed to be imprisoned, and she could only give birth to a Share in awe.

Zhang Tian observed for a long time, and seemed to be thinking about something. She also made Queen Frost's heart hang in the air, and she was extremely nervous. She knew that her life and death were in the mind of the man in front of her.

"You have offended this emperor, you should have died..." Zhang Tian spoke slowly, his fingertips caressing Queen Frost's silky cheeks unconsciously, and then said: "But this emperor is in a good mood today, so he Give you a chance to live, are you willing to surrender to this emperor? Remember, you only have one chance."

Queen Frost's snow body trembled. She was king all her life, and she was famous in the whole continent. She had never thought about surrendering to others. Even in the face of the Immortal Emperor, although she was invincible, she was still very strong. There will never be fear.

But today she was afraid, and a fear came from her heart, not only because of facing death, but a more terrible existence than death.

"I... I'm willing." Queen Frost finally lowered her mighty head, with a look of desolation on her face.

"Very well, you made the right choice."

The corner of Zhang Tian's mouth evoked a satisfied arc, although the Queen Frost's strength was not worth mentioning in his opinion, but she was regarded as the top on this continent. Expanding her into the daughter's guard team is extremely important for her daughter's safety. big boost.After all, today's crisis, in the final analysis, is only because of the lack of strength of Mohua Huang and others. 61 Wenku www.61wenku.com

This scene caused everyone present to take a deep breath. The Frost Queen, who was regarded as a monstrous beast by the people of the Southern Wilderness, surrendered to a human race.If this matter is reported back to the Southern Wilderness, it will definitely cause shocking waves.

Yun Xianyun gave Zhang Tian a deep look, as if to keep his face firmly in her heart, and then she suppressed the injury on her body for a while, and said calmly, "Let's go."

"and many more."

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