"See master."

The Mohua Emperor, the Snow Mountain Marquis, and the Titan King stood below, and when they saw Zhang Tian appear, they immediately stepped forward to pay homage.

"Tell me what happened?" Zhang Tian said lightly.

The Marquis of Xueshan respectfully said: "Returning to the master, I have been secretly protecting the little princess all the way to find the Qinglian demon fire in the desert, but I don't want to have other forces eyeing this strange fire besides us. One of them is Frost. The demon saint of the Snake Race is the overlord of this Leah desert, known as the Queen of Frost.

She entered the fire cave first and snatched away the Qinglian demon fire, but was also injured by the strange fire, and at the same time faced the attack of several ancient powerhouses, she could only flee in a hurry.Fortunately, the little princess had a sharp mind and hid aside in time, only to suffer a little scratch. "

Zhang Tian nodded slightly: "Where is this emperor's daughter now?"

The magic flower emperor said: "After the Queen of Frost escaped, the masters of the ancient sect did not give up, but chased after them. The little princess seemed to be planning to fish in troubled waters, and followed behind the masters of the ancient sect towards the old lair of the Queen of Frost. Run, Ancestor Liu Yun and the others are secretly protecting him."

"Let's go, it's rare for Yuxin to be so caring about one thing, how could this emperor let her return without success."

With a faint smile on the corner of Zhang Tian's mouth, he lifted his footsteps and directly traversed tens of thousands of meters. Mohua Huang and others quickly followed, introducing Zhang Tian to the local situation along the way.

"This Leah Desert is adjacent to the Southern Wilderness, where there are countless demon tribes, the strongest of which are the snake demons, especially the Frost Snake Clan. This tribe's bloodline is the most powerful, and more importantly, there is a The unparalleled demon saint, with extremely powerful combat power, but in just a few decades, the demon tribes in the entire Lia Desert have been unified, and they have become one of the biggest threats to the Southern Wilderness Frontier."

"The demon saint of the Frost Snake Clan is the Frost Queen. This person has a cunning personality and extremely powerful means. Even in the holy realm, he is a very famous person. If it weren't for the presence of many tyrannical figures from the Southern Wilderness Ancient Sect, I would It’s really hard to get out of here.”

From the introduction of the Demon Flower Emperor patiently, it can be seen that she highly respects this Frost Queen, and she can use her own power to shock the entire Southern Wilderness Frontier, which is also enough to see the Queen's fierce and domineering.

Everyone went all the way, and the demon tribe along the way saw so many high-ranking kings of the legendary realm, all of them trembling with fright, and they hurriedly moved out of the way, and soon entered the territory of the Frost Snake Clan.

The Marquis of Xueshan was very insightful, and soon noticed the abnormality, and said solemnly: "The Frost Snake Clan is very powerful in the Liya Desert, and there are many legendary demon kings who are responsible for guarding one side, but we have walked along the way, but a demon Wang didn't see it either. It seems that the masters of the ancient sect are pressing hard, forcing the Frost Queen to call back all the demon kings back to defense." Wanbar Novel Network www.wanbar.net

Going forward again, everyone could vaguely hear the sky-shaking explosion from the base camp of the Frost Snake Clan. Just by feeling the power of shaking the void, you can conclude that it must be the supreme of the Great Sacred Realm. People are fighting.

As they approached, the Mohua Emperor and others were all taken aback. The battle was even more intense than they had imagined. This Snake Clan base camp was already in chaos. Wang, intertwined, and the fight is inextricable.

Especially the battle group above the center is even more thrilling. The Queen of Frost has transformed into a body, a giant frost snake that is dozens of feet in size. It's all frozen frost.

There are more than a dozen strong men besieging her, and even the weakest one has a legendary high-level cultivation. Just by looking at their clothes, they know they are from different ancient sects, but at this time they are united to fight against the Queen of Frost. .

Although it is a siege, most of them can only be harassed on the side, and only two people can really fight against the Queen of Frost.

The whole body is covered in black robes, and the cold air exuding from the body is actually three points colder than that of the Frost Queen, but the cultivation base seems to be very unstable, as if it is hiding something.

The other person was also a woman, wearing a moon-white robe with graceful curves, her skin was as crystal clear as jade, her beautiful eyes were as bright as stars, and she wore a thin veil.Her attack is very sharp, every sword swing, it will stir a lot of aura, forming a storm of aura, like flying away, doing her best to fight against the Queen of Frost.

"The moon-white robe has a star pattern, which is the symbol of the ancient Xianling sect. Could it be that this person is Yun Xianyun, the suzerain of the ancient Xianling sect?" .

The Marquis of Xueshan also flashed light in his eyes, and said solemnly: "It should be her, this woman and the law enforcement Tianzun of Donghuang are listed as the arrogance of the world that has never been seen in ten thousand years. Shaking the Frost Queen is indeed a gift from heaven."

At this moment, the void in front of him trembled slightly, and the Silver Moon Wolf King stepped out from it, and immediately bowed to Zhang Tian: "See master. These ancient masters have failed to negotiate with the Frost Queen, and they have fallen into a full-scale war, little princess. Infiltrated the Frost Queen's training room together with several famous clan geniuses."

At this moment, the Queen of Frost in the sky suddenly changed her face, and said with anger: "Someone sneaked into this king's secret room and wanted to steal the strange fire. Huaying, Hualian, you two go back and take those few. The thief was killed!"

"Yes, Queen!"

The two high-level demon kings who were snake-headed and human immediately responded, and with a flurry, they were about to turn back to Queen Frost's training room.

But at this moment, Zhang Tian stepped into the air and stopped the two of them.

"Despicable human race, get out of here!"

The two high-level demon kings looked stern, showing a strong disdain, and each sent a chill-filled attack to Zhang Tian.


Zhang Tian said lightly.

The two high-level demon kings froze for a moment, and even the hideous expressions on their faces were frozen, and in the next instant, they turned into flying ashes.

For a moment, the whole place was dead silent. , , .

Chapter 126 The Emperor Never Joins Hands With Others

"This this……"

Everyone was stunned by this shock, as if time had stopped.

The two high-level snake clan demon kings in the legendary realm fell like this, silently, and they didn't even know what happened.

You must know that these are not two ordinary little demons, but the captain of the Frost Queen's bodyguard. Even among the demon kings, they are the top existences.

But the man in front of him just said two words softly, and then killed them directly. What kind of strength should he be?

"You... who are you?"

The Queen of Frost, who turned into a giant ice snake, did not care to deal with the masters of the ancient sect, and only stared at Zhang Tian with her sharp pupils with a bit of lavender. A very dangerous atmosphere.

The moment Zhang Tian appeared, he had already extended his consciousness to the depths of this land, and after confirming the situation in Yuxin, he was relieved, and smiled slightly: "That strange fire, it's up to the juniors to go. Fight for it, other than that, this emperor will not interfere in your fight."

The Frost Queen was furious and said coldly: "Your human race is really despicable and shameless, that Qinglian demon fire is the result of my hard work, and I even suffered serious injuries because of it, but you think of the benefits of being a fisherman, how can there be in this world? Such a good thing? If you want to get the strange fire, you must pass this king first!"

The words fell, and the cold air on Queen Frost became more intense, constantly rolling and roaring around her. Although she turned into a giant snake, it looked as majestic as an ice dragon, awe-inspiring and inviolable.

At this moment, the woman in the white robe, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly said, "Under the Immortal Spirit Ancient Sect Yun Xianyun, I don't know which ancient clan's hidden master in the Southern Wilderness you are? Delaying time to heal in secret, for the sake of being a human race, it is better for you and me to suppress this frost queen first, and then discuss the ownership of the strange fire."

Her voice is extremely sweet, like pearls beating in the jade plate, but there is a clear spirit, like a fairy who does not eat human fireworks.

"Yun Xianyun, you really have a vicious heart. My Frost Snake Clan never embarrassed the disciples of the ancient Xianling sect, but you are pushing it step by step again and again. I really don't dare to kill the ancient Xianling sect. , destroying your Taoism?"

The Frost Queen roared loudly, and the huge snake body rolled in a cold fog. She seemed extremely angry, but her eyes were cunning.

For her, this cold fog is not only an extremely powerful attack area, but also a good medicine for healing. She was accidentally burned when she was collecting the abnormal fire, which caused a great loss of strength, as long as she was allowed to repair it. After a while, the strange fire in the body can be temporarily suppressed, and when these people are added together, it is not worth mentioning at all!

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