The three of them immediately walked out of the courtyard. When passing by Ji Feixue, Zhang Tian suddenly stopped and turned to look, just in time to meet Ji Feixue's beautiful eyes full of complex colors. From the beginning, She didn't take her eyes off Zhang Tian for a moment.

This man, in less than a day, left an indelible impression on her, from a madman, to a prodigal son, to a strong man, and finally to the Supreme, which made her deeply addicted.

After a little silence, Zhang Tian said in a low voice, "Ji family, how is the current situation?"

Ji Feixue was stunned for a moment, and replied truthfully: "The Ji family has the name of an ancient clan, but it has long since declined. There are only two legendary kings in the clan, my father and the seventh uncle."

"God Ji is your distant ancestor, known as the God of War in the Great Wilderness. He is one of the twelve warlords in the ancient Heavenly Court. He can shake the nine mountains and seas. He can slay the gods and devils by repairing the "God of War in the Great Wilderness". You are the descendant of God Ji. ."

Zhang Tian said slowly, pointed at Ji Feixue's eyebrows, and said in a condensed voice: "This emperor will return the "Great Wilderness Battle Nerve" to you today, activate the blood of the Ji God in your body, and hope you can make the name of the Ji family. , resounding through the nine mountains and seas again!" ,, . . .

Chapter 124 Is Ben Emperor's Daughter Injured?

In an instant, countless bright rays of light erupted from Zhang Tian's fingertips, turned into many ancient words with mysterious power, and poured into Ji Feixue's sea of ​​consciousness.

"The Great Wilderness War Nerve..."

Ji Feixue gently repeated a sentence, her eyes flashing with incomparable dazzling brilliance, this is undoubtedly a powerful ancient technique.

In ancient times, there were two characters that were the most honorable, one was 'desolate' and the other was 'jing'. Anyone with these two characters in the name of an ancient practice must be a peerless practice.If the two characters appear at the same time, it means that this is a supreme divine art that can open up the imperial path!

Ji Feixue was so excited that before she could capture the true meaning of these ancient words, she saw them intertwined and turned into an ancient god of war that penetrated the sky and the earth.

This God of War is tens of thousands of feet tall, standing in the sky, he can shatter countless mountains, rivers, sun and moon with one step, and punch out, as if he can tear the sky.At that stop, he had an invincible aura of destroying the Nine Heavens above and Zhen Huangquan below, making Wan Gu surrender.

At the same time, this majestic figure, like a god of war, also gave Ji Feixue a very kind feeling, which was a kind of blood connection.

I don't know how long it took, it seemed like an instant, and it seemed like thousands of years, this majestic figure slowly turned around, and a terrifying battle intent was like a tidal wave, crushing the sky and rolling in, making the entire void. In rustling.

Ji Feixue restrained her inner excitement and looked at the figure, only to see that the figure's face was hidden behind countless divine lights, indescribable.But she has a feeling that this figure is not looking at her, but is looking at someone behind her, more like some kind of emotion that has been sealed for millions of years in the story.

"...The day when the Heavenly Warriors rekindle will be the time for you to return, and then together with the ancient Heavenly Court, suppress the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths!"

Zhang Tian looked at the majestic figure, and said slowly, the divine might is like a prison, and his words follow the law.

The majestic figure seemed to have lost his wish, and the tyrannical fighting spirit on his body suddenly decreased by seven points, and finally his eyes fell on Ji Feixue, and he said solemnly: "I was born in the ancient times, originally a god and demon king, and then I served in the desolate and ancient heaven to fight. All over the nine heavens and ten places. If you pass on my blood, you should call yourself the orthodox of the heaven, follow my footsteps, inherit my will, climb to the top, and guard the nine mountains and seas for the heaven!"

When the voice fell, this majestic figure raised his right hand, and the ancient power that was dormant in his blood was awakened in an instant, as if a gate of gods and demons had been opened, and a powerful aura of desolation and vastness washed out from Ji Feixue's body.

Feeling the tyrannical power surging between the bloodlines and the mysterious magic in her mind, Ji Feixue finally believed that all this was not a dream.She obtained the chance against the sky that she had been dreaming of for a long time, from the man she thought was a madman prodigal son.

Taking a deep breath, Ji Feixue looked at Zhang Tian with gratitude in her eyes, and said excitedly, "Can I pass this technique to my clan?"

Zhang Tian chuckled and said: "This is the practice of your Ji clan, I just return it to the original owner, but the blood power in their bodies has not recovered, and the speed of cultivation will be far less than yours. The future of the Ji clan is still It's up to you to hold it up."

"I... the junior will definitely live up to the expectations of the senior."

Ji Feixue didn't know what to call Zhang Tian for a while, her pretty face flushed with a strong flush, as if she was about to drip blood.Wei Wei novel

Zhang Tian smiled slightly and walked directly outside the hospital with Ruthless and Zi Yan.


Just as he was about to be discharged from the hospital, several men and women wearing gentleman's party costumes suddenly greeted him from the side, and suddenly stopped halfway, with deep awe on their faces.

Ruthless Man followed the sound and smiled, "Come here!" He immediately led Li Ming, Fang Lin, Fang Yin, and Su Ziyue to Zhang Tian, ​​and said, "Dad, these four are the people I was in when I was there. Do you remember the four classmates you met in the Demon Emperor Ruins? Now they all follow me and join the Gentleman's Party."

"See... see senior."

Fang Lin and the others bowed respectfully, with excitement in their eyes.

Zhang Tian nodded slightly, and with a move of his right hand, a huge silver tray appeared. It was filled with treasures of various colors.It was the trophy that Zhang Tian won during the betting before.

"You have a good relationship with Nannan, but since you take something that you value here, it's a gift from me to you."

" is this funny."

The four of them stammered, staring at the silver tray, their eyes were about to pop out. After all, the people who participated in the gambling had the lowest cultivation base and were kings above the middle level of the legendary realm. He is the king of the legendary realm, and he will be dazzled by this pile of treasures.

In particular, the treasures brought out by Zhendianhou, Amethyst Lion King, Gu Lunzi, and Wu Qingquan have a fatal attraction even for the strong in the Great Sacred Realm, far better than other treasures.

Although Fang Lin and others felt that the first meeting was not too bad, they didn't want to miss out on such a precious treasure.

The ruthless man smiled and said, "You don't have to be polite, just take whichever you like. These treasures are indistinguishable from my father's point of view, and they are not worth mentioning."

There was also a smile in Zhang Tian's eyes, just as he was about to say something, his expression suddenly became condensed, and his eyes looked at the boundless void.

I saw a figure vaguely appearing there, wearing a black Luo skirt, with a beautiful appearance and a graceful figure, it is the Magic Flower Emperor of the Devil Sea.

But at this time, she was extremely embarrassed, her face was pale, and a large piece of her clothes was torn, revealing a large piece of snow skin that was as smooth as jade, which was even more shocking against the bloodstains.

"Master, there was an accident when the little princess was collecting the strange fire, and there was a conflict with a snake demon saint. Although we tried to protect her, we still caused her to suffer a little scratch." The magic flower emperor said in a trembling voice, fearful in his heart. to the extreme.

Zhang Tian's face suddenly sank, but his tone was still calm, as if there was no turbulence: "You mean, this emperor's daughter is injured?" , . . .

Chapter 125 Come from the sky, destroy the demon king with one word

"You mean, Bendi's daughter is injured?"

Hearing this sentence, the Demon Flower Emperor only felt his soul tremble, as if he was about to disperse under this powerful pressure in the next instant, and quickly said: "It's just a little scratch caused by the aftermath of the battle, and there is no danger."

Zhang Tian's face improved a little, he withdrew his eyes, handed the silver tray to Ruthless Man, and said in a low voice, "You take Zi Yan around the academy first, Dad has something to deal with."

"Okay." The ruthless man saw that Zhang Tian's face was wrong, and immediately responded obediently.

Zhang Tian nodded slightly, leaned forward, and directly tore through the void and disappeared.

In the next instant, Zhang Tian's figure appeared on a vast desert.

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