He swung out his palm and instantly turned into a huge golden thunder dragon, thousands of feet tall, traversing the entire inner courtyard square, taller than the surrounding mountains, even the dragon beard, dragon claws, and even every dragon scale. They are all lifelike, as if a real dragon was really bred in the thunder, wrapped in the power of the world, and pressed towards Zi Yan cover.


Where the golden thunder dragon travels, the void collapses and collapses, like the end of the world, and it will engulf everyone on the high platform!



"This is Deity Academy!"

Gu Lunzi, Wu Qingquan, Law Enforcement Tianzun and others burst into tears. Never thought that the emperor of the Golden Feather clan would be so domineering, just because Zi Yan had the breath of his son, he didn't even check it, and he would take the high platform directly. Everyone above is obliterated!

In an instant, more than a dozen attacks blasted out at the same time, and they all besieged the golden thunder dragons. The huge roar shook the entire Eastern Wilderness. Even the real Supreme Sage, exposed to such violent bombardment, must have no bones left. .

"A mere ant, dare to compete with the emperor? Suppress me!"

The Golden Feather Clan God Emperor shouted coldly, behind him, a huge city tower emerged, with endless mountains, like a kingdom of gods, the realm of the gods all cast by thunder!

Under the blessing of this supreme divine power, the aura of the golden thunder dragon suddenly skyrocketed. With a grab of the huge dragon claws, all the attacks were wiped out. With its big mouth, it spewed out a dozen terrifying thunder lights as thick as mountains. Gu Lunzi, Wu Qingquan and others were all seriously injured and flew upside down.

"So strong, the God Emperor of the Golden Feather Clan, with just a single ray of divine sense, has the power to suppress the Great Sage! No wonder he can compete head-on with the Sage Ancestor Dynasty!"

The Amethyst Lion King was stunned with fright. Such divine might surpasses that of the Great Sage and is immortal. Like the legendary gods, a decree can suppress mountains and rivers.

Zhang Tian frowned slightly, watching the golden thunderbolt about to rush, raised his hand and pointed at the void.

In an instant, an extremely dazzling brilliance erupted, like the first ray of light that opened up the world, surging with fluctuations covering the world, a vast moon emerged from the dome, and countless stars poured out under the blue sky.

A giant sword like the essence of the sun and the moon condensed out in Zhang Tian's hands, and an invincible aura that could destroy the sky and lower the level of Jiuyou washed out from him.

A sword was swung out, and the dazzling sword light swept across the heaven and the earth, as if the whole world was about to be split in half, and instantly swept across the golden thunder dragon's [-]-foot body, swept across the unparalleled golden feather clan god emperor in the void, swept across the boundless void, It came directly to the territory of the Golden Feather clan.

This day was a catastrophe for the people of the Golden Feather Clan. A sword beam from the distant sky took away all the vitality of this land.

A sword fell, nothing existed, thousands of aliens turned into ashes, and hundreds of millions of miles of territory turned into a dead zone! , , .

Chapter 123 The emperor bestows you with war nerves!

Those of you in the Deity Academy have no way of knowing about things that are hundreds of millions of miles away.

All they saw was a dazzling sword light that cut through the sky, dividing the Golden Thunder World that was originally shrouded by the Golden Feather Clan God Emperor into two.


An earth-shattering explosion sounded, and the golden thunder dragon in the void was slowly divided into two halves, and then burst with a bang, turning into countless thunderclouds and storms, rolling back nine days!

And the Golden Feather Clan Divine Sovereign, standing high above, standing on the top of the Golden Divine Kingdom, after the sword light disappeared for a long time, suddenly showed an extremely horrified expression, as if he had seen the most terrifying picture in his life.

The golden thunder that originally enveloped the body quickly dissipated, revealing the body. The slightly old face was full of ferocious colors, and his eyes were full of fear. It collapsed suddenly and disappeared into the heaven and earth as a faint aura.

The dignified Golden Feather Clan Divine Sovereign, an existence comparable to a god, has just fallen.

In the entire inner courtyard square, everyone felt that their breathing was about to stop. This kind of power was completely beyond their understanding, making them unable to give birth to a hint of hostility, and even the fear disappeared, leaving only the deep awe.

Just like the gods and people of the ancient times, facing the gods and demons they believe in, even if the other party asks him to die, they will be extremely obedient to execute them.

The purple flame on the Amethyst Lion King did not know when to dissipate. His family was proud. Those distant ancestors of the Emperor Lion were enslaved by the powerful God and Demon King, and they all had to fight back and kill the God and Demon King who enslaved them.

But he felt a coercion on Zhang Tian that was even more terrifying than that of the ancient gods and demons. Like a real king, the nine heavens and ten earths, all the worlds and all worlds will bow down at his feet, not to mention the mere emperor lion. descendants.

Emperor Shi'er also felt the change of the Amethyst Lion King, and he couldn't help lowering his head, then raised his head suddenly, and said firmly: "Little witch, my golden lion clan only submits to the real overlord, your father is the supreme, but you No. If I succeed in returning to my ancestors and you can still defeat me, I will recognize you as the master and follow you to conquer the world. Otherwise, I would rather die!"

This is his dignity, an inescapable dignity as a descendant of the Emperor Lion!

Zi Yan tilted her head for a while, nodded and said: "Okay, I'll let you go home first, and I'll teach you to be convinced when the blood test is over! If you still dare to default, I'll really take you home. Make it into a braised lion and eat it!"

"A word is settled!"

Emperor Shi'er said solemnly, but he felt extremely aggrieved in his heart. He is a descendant of the dignified Emperor Lion, one of the most famous geniuses of the demon clan, but now he has been threatened several times to become a braised lion, which is a shame.Immediately, he secretly swore in his heart that when he returned to the ethnic group this time, he would definitely return to his ancestors successfully, and report this revenge in the blood-colored trial!

Wu Qingquan reluctantly came back to his senses, looked at Zhang Tian in awe, and then said slowly: "Although some accidents have caused the trial of the ruins to end early, the reward system made before is still valid. Show the blood qi cards, and the top ten will get the corresponding blood bodhi."

The students looked at each other, and one of them shouted boldly: "Elder, our blood energy cards have been converted into spirit stones and lent to Wu Di, and he also set up a letter for us, and I will take care of you after saying it. Just do it." Endpoint Novel Network www.zhongdianxs.com

"This unlucky boy!"

Wu Qingquan's heart, liver, spleen and lungs ached together, but he couldn't find the real murderer to settle the account, and this spirit stone was even more unreliable, otherwise these IOUs would spread, and his old face would be completely lost.

Zi Yan came to the spirit at this time, and suddenly jumped to the huge ancient blood bodhi tree, and showed a lot of blood qi cards, and said crisply: "The blood qi cards are all here, and all the blood bodhis are here. It's mine, and this tree is mine too!"

A group of students in the inner courtyard were speechless for a while, remembering that the little witch said before that she would grab all the blood energy cards, but she did not expect it to be realized.

"and many more!"

Wu Qingquan has a black line on his face, this little witch is too tossed, and it is not enough to take up the blood bodhi, even the tree wants it.You must know that this is an ancient tree contaminated with the blood of the ancient fire unicorn. Although I don’t know what year and month it will be, it is also of infinite value, which is comparable to a treasure.

Turning his eyes, Wu Qingquan's eyes suddenly lit up, and he said solemnly: "Although this ancient blood bodhi tree is of great value, there are still many treasures of this level in the Deity Academy. It is not impossible to give this tree to you, but there are One condition, you have to join the inner courtyard of Deity Academy!"

As soon as these words came out, all the elders of the inner court secretly said that they were brilliant, and they all showed their eagerness.Although this little witch can be called lawless, there is no doubt that she is a genius of the world, and she has a background that defies the sky. If the Seminary can accept her, she will definitely shine when the four academies will meet in the future. Yangtian Theological Seminary's reputation.

Zi Yan originally planned to enter the Tianshen Academy, and she knew the proportions in her heart, so she didn't bargain, she simply nodded and said, "Yes! But I can't stay in the academy all the time, I have to take time to go back to accompany my father."

"Of course there's no problem with this. Senior Zhang's martial arts is sky-high, and he must be better than the teachers in our inner courtyard." Wu Qingquan said quickly, feeling a little better in his heart. He was able to win over such a world-renowned arrogance. Today's losses are also all worth it.

A vigorous trial ended like this, and the name of the little witch Zi Yan completely caused a sensation in the entire inner courtyard.Thinking of practicing with this little witch in the future, the group of students couldn't help but feel a chill in their hearts and secretly complained.

When the crowd dispersed, Zhang Tian said to Ruthless and Zi Yan, "Let's go back too."

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