"This little witch is so unscrupulous, she doesn't care about Deity Academy at all, she must be taught a lesson!"

Many inner chiefs were very angry, and they made up their minds that when the little witch came out, she would definitely teach her a profound lesson!

At this moment, Zhendianhou suddenly changed his expression, and a terrifying aura rose from his body, which was connected to the huge azure bronze temple behind him, and shot straight into the sky, as if he was communicating with a powerful existence. In the end, he actually stepped directly onto the ancient temple and broke through the air. 120 Novels www.120xs.com

Wu Qingquan narrowed his eyes slightly and frowned: "It seems that the nineteenth prince also had an accident. Could it be related to that little witch?"

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but get nervous, staring at the teleportation array, until Wu Di's figure appeared on it, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

On the teleportation platform, Wu Di and Hu Dali stepped out at the same time. Hu Dali was covered in scars, and there were two terrifying claw marks on his shoulder blades with deep visible bones, and his expression was sluggish.

On the contrary, Wu Di is in high spirits, like a general who has returned from victory!

Seeing this scene, Wu Qingquan's face almost turned into a flower, and he hurriedly greeted Wu Di to the stage, and said with a smile: "Good grandson, you didn't get hurt in such a cruel trial, and it really wasn't in vain. My cultivation of you. Tell me, how many places can you get this time?"

Wu Di said carelessly: "The rankings are not important anymore! I got a treasure, let's see how I kill the Quartet during my blood test!"

"Treasure? Haha, my son is really blessed!" Wu Qingquan was even more happy.

All the elders on the stage were observing this, and upon hearing this, they immediately said: "What kind of treasure, take it out for everyone to appreciate."


Wu Di was also refreshing, took out the trident directly from the storage ring, played around, and said excitedly: "This magic weapon is really easy to use, I don't have any effort to pick it up, unlike your grandfather. Those precious treasures."

The smile on Wu Qingquan's face froze for a moment, he recognized the trident at a glance, and said stunned: "Isn't this the trident behind the little witch before?"

"That's right! She just relied on this trident, and she killed the prince of the Golden Feather Clan with such a light touch! Haha, but I, Wu Di, are superior, and I directly exchanged this treasure with the treasure. , you say this little witch is not stupid."

Wu Qingquan's face turned black, staring at Wu Di, and said gloomily, "What did you exchange for this shit?"

"It's just a few pieces of spiritual treasures that Grandpa gave you, and a little bit from Xiang's classmates, probably more than [-] Heavenly Grade Spirit Stones, is it a loss?" Wu Di said cautiously, he felt that there was something wrong with the anger.

"Haha, Wu... Old man Wu, your grandson is really incredible, and he will become a great master in the future." The Gu Lunatic burst into laughter.

"Niezi! This is a piece of ordinary iron! You were trapped by that little witch!" Wu Qingquan was already angry, but when he was provoked by the ancient lunatic, he was even more furious, and the roar shook the whole academy.

There was an uproar in the audience, and it was that little witch again, who first hit Qianren Xiongfeng and crushed the students in the inner courtyard, and then beat Di Shi'er half to death.Now it's better, even the prince of the Golden Feather clan was killed, and more than [-] celestial spirit stones were pitted against Wu Di with a handful of iron.Such a ferocious and supreme genius is simply unheard of.

For a time, the Amethyst Lion King, the grandson of the Wu family, the elders of the inner court, and the students of the inner court, all of them stared at the teleportation array with red eyes, as if they were about to slash the murderous little witch.

Just in the midst of all the anticipation, Zi Yan, dressed in white, finally came out, with a cute and naive expression on her face, jumped up and jumped directly into Zhang Tian's arms, and said coquettishly, "Dad, I'm back!"

Zhang Tian hugged Zi Yan with one hand, fondly stroked her hair, glanced at the audience, and said softly: "I heard that you are looking for trouble with the emperor's daughter?"

In an instant, everyone in the audience was collectively petrified. , , .

Chapter 122 Zhang Tian's shot, the sword destroys the emperor

Wu Qingquan only felt that his brain was about to short-circuit, and there were beads of sweat on his forehead. He said tremblingly, "Senior Zhang, this little devil... girl, is she really your daughter?"

In his heart, he still held a chance of [-]/[-]. After all, this little witch was so daring, she dared to fight even the Emperor Shi'er, swallowed the Taiyi Shenshui, and even killed the prince of the Jinyu clan and recognized her father in public. Might as well do it.

Zhang Tian said calmly: "Yes, I told you before that the emperor's daughter is also inside."

"It's over!"

Wu Qingquan sighed in his heart, knowing that today's loss is a foregone conclusion.Hundreds of thousands of heavenly grade spirit stones are second, and the most important thing is that after today's incident spreads, he will definitely become the laughing stock of all the elders. When he thinks of this, he can't help but want to beat Wu Di.

Zi Yan leaned against Zhang Tian's arms, watched Wu Di playing with the trident, and said with a tender smile: "This person is really strange, he insists on buying my trident, and I say not to sell it. If you really like it, you can go to freedom. Thirty taels of silver are enough to order from the city king's blacksmith, no spirit stones are needed."

Wu Di's face turned green and his whole body was trembling. What's the use of him wanting an ordinary iron!But the little witch is the daughter of this supreme, and it is absolutely impossible to make him angry.He wanted to break the trident to vent his anger, but he couldn't bear to think that this thing was bought at a high price.In the end, he spat out a mouthful of blood and fainted.

Zi Yan smiled, looked at Emperor Shi'er again, and said cheerfully: "Little Lion, don't forget the oath you made, from today onwards, you will be my war servant, come home with me in a while, and give it to my home. Watch the door."

Emperor Shi'er vomited blood, this little witch is too bad, it is not enough to make him a servant, she even wants him to guard the door, he is a lion, not a dog!This girl is even more arrogant than the ancient god and demon king.


The Amethyst Lion King shouted, and the purple flames on his body instantly increased by ten feet, and an extremely fierce aura filled the air.

Lion King, not to be humiliated!

Feeling this powerful momentum, everyone in the audience could not help but take a breath. They knew that the Amethyst Lion King was really angry, and this was a desperate posture.

At this moment, there was a sudden violent vibration above the inner courtyard square, as if the infinite divine thunder was roaring and bursting, and the entire void collapsed more than half.

A majestic figure, whose whole body was wrapped in golden thunder, stepped out, as if the gods had descended from the nine heavens.Covering the brilliance of the entire sky, it seems that there is only this light left between heaven and earth.

As if he was the light!

"Who... killed my son! Killed my prince of the Golden Feather Clan!"

This terrifying figure, like a god of war, said solemnly, crushing the sky, rolling in, and a powerful fighting spirit rushed like a tidal wave.

"It's the Emperor of the Golden Feather Clan!"

"One of the most powerful characters in the alien race, he actually broke through the world in person!"

"No, this is just a divine sense, but this divine sense is enough to slaughter the king and destroy the saint!"

"This god emperor, even the emperor of the ancestors is afraid, he personally came to avenge that prince, the little witch is in trouble!"

The elders and students in the entire square were all shocked by the coercion of the Golden Feather Clan God Sovereign, and even the Amethyst Lion King, the incomparably tyrannical purple flame on his body, under the golden thunder around the Golden Feather Clan God Sovereign, was stunned. Just like the light of a firefly.

"You...have the breath of my son!"

The eyes of the god emperor of the golden feather clan swept the audience with divine might, and finally settled on Zi Yan's body, and in an instant, infinite divine splendor erupted, like a scorching sun.

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