"Bang! Bang! Bang!..."

Zi Yan seems to be addicted to playing, and treats Emperor Shi'er's animal body as a sledgehammer, one after another.

"Terror!" Qiyan Reading www.qiyands.com



All the students in the inner courtyard were so frightened by Zi Yan's divine power that they trembled. The dignified golden lion clan's arrogance, the descendant of the ancient emperor lion, was so vulnerable in front of this little witch!

Hu Dali, in particular, was extremely fortunate. Fortunately, he did not provoke this little witch, otherwise he would be the one who was slapped with the sledgehammer now.

Wu Di's younger brothers were also frightened, and they all said happily: "It's still the boss who is wise and martial, and didn't go to grab the trident, otherwise we would be miserable."

Wu Di raised his neck and said proudly: "Of course, ever since I punched this little witch evenly, I know that she is as powerful as me. That trident can only be bought, not grab!"

"I admit defeat! Little witch, I admit defeat!..."

Finally, Di Shi'er couldn't hold on anymore, she felt the threat of death and desperately begged for mercy.

"Zi Yan, the emperor lion bloodline in this little guy is very strong. If you cultivate it well, he will become a powerful immemorial beast in the future, comparable to a god, so he is very suitable to be a war servant. Be proud of having an imperial lion servant." Zhang Tian's voice sounded in Zi Yan's mind.

Zi Yan rolled her eyes, and finally gave up her plan to make Emperor Shi'er a braised lion, and said viciously, "Would you like to be my servant?"


Di Shi'er's heart was filled with furious flames. It was obvious that he wanted to accept the little witch as a servant, but now he has turned around.Does this guy think he is an ancient god?He actually wanted him, the descendant of the ancient emperor lion, to be a servant!

"Don't want to? Then make it a braised lion." Zi Yan muttered, and smashed the emperor lion on a stone wall.

"Yes, I am willing! In the name of the Lion God, I will be your servant forever!"

Di Shi'er shouted angrily, he could see that this little witch is an immemorial beast by nature.

"This is my belligerent servant!"

Zi Yan showed satisfaction, let go of her hand, and revoked the magical power of 'Fatianxiangdi'.

Emperor Shi'er transformed into a human form, with blood and flesh all over his body, terrifying to the extreme.Fortunately, his bloodline is strong, these are all skin wounds, and as the golden light covers the whole body, those terrifying wounds begin to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After a battle to vent, Zi Yan successfully suppressed the rioting Taiyi Shenshui. Now, every inch of her flesh and blood is filled with Shen Xi, which is simply a humanoid medicine!

At this moment, there was a sudden roar from the entire ruins cave, as if it were about to collapse.

But it was because Zi Yan first extracted a lot of spiritual energy in the southwest corner, and then absorbed the most essence of Taiyi Shenshui in the ruins of the cave, and the whole cave could no longer support it.

Wu Di looked anxious, flashed in front of Zi Yan, handed over seven or eight storage rings, and said nervously: "Little witch, don't forget our deal, I have already sent all the students in the inner courtyard. You have borrowed blood cards and treasures, you can't go back."

In order to borrow these treasures, Wu Di paid a huge price. Because many students did not have a good relationship with him, he had to pay several times the compensation and the other party agreed to it.

Zi Yan put away the storage ring unceremoniously, but hesitantly said on her face: "My trident is actually not a treasure. If you buy it back, you will definitely regret it, so don't change it."

Wu Di was impatient for a while, but he didn't dare to attack, so he could only hold back his anger and said, "You don't need to worry about it. Even if this trident is just ordinary iron, I, Wu Di, also admit it, and I will never regret it. Everyone present can testify!"

"All right!"

Zi Yan sighed and handed out the trident.

Wu Di held back his excitement and took the trident, trembling all over his body, and secretly said in his heart: "This little witch looks cruel, but she is actually pure-hearted. How can such a heavy treasure be measured by a spiritual stone treasure? I really want to be invincible here. already." ,, . . .

Chapter 121 Are you looking for trouble with Bendi's daughter?

Tianshen Academy, on the inner courtyard square.

Looking at the violent fluctuations in the void, Wu Qingquan couldn't help showing a look of surprise, and said condensedly: "What's going on? According to the previous estimate, this ruins cave can last at least ten days, why only a few hours? collapsed?"

Although he was puzzled, Wu Qingquan's movements were not slow. He immediately activated the teleportation array that had been set up in the square and tore a hole in the ruins.


The Emperor Shi'er of the Golden Lion Clan was the first to land. Although most of the injuries were repaired with the help of powerful blood, there were still many terrifying and huge scars, which were shocking.

All the elders on the high platform were stunned. The golden lions have always been one of the most powerful races in the demon clan. This emperor lion has awakened the bloodline of the ancient emperor lion. He was so seriously injured. Who are his people?

The Amethyst Lion King flashed and moved directly in front of Emperor Shi'er, with a fierce breath, and said solemnly, "Who beat you up with this injury? The Nineteenth Prince? Or the Prince of the Golden Feather Clan?"

"It's that little witch, she's so ferocious, she's just a pure-blooded beast of ancient times. She drank a pool of Taiyi Divine Water and forced me to be her servant! Dad, you must help me decide. Ah!" When Emperor Shi'er saw the Amethyst Lion King, thousands of grief and anger welled up in his heart, so he burst into tears.

"What? Let you be a servant? This is the biggest blasphemy against my Golden Lion! No matter who it is, this king will make you pay the price!!"

The Amethyst Lion King roared in the sky, extremely angry!His family, but a branch of the Taikoo Emperor Lion Clan, the Taikoo Emperor Lion, was once the servant of the God and Demon King, but later rose up to resist and slaughtered the God and Demon.This is their unyielding will, and now there are still people who dare to make them servants!

"The cruel little witch? Is that the little girl who gnawed on the chicken leg?" The elder on the high platform was stunned for a while, but he did not expect that the bear child would be so powerful. I cried.

Immediately afterwards, another group of students from the inner courtyard appeared on the teleportation array, all of them were covered in bruises and bruises, each with a weak breath, with expressions of extreme anger on their faces.

Many elders looked surprised and quickly asked the reason, thinking that there was some peerless beast inside, but they didn't expect the real murderer to be the murderous little witch.

"That little witch, in order to get rid of the pursuit, knocked down a mountain of thousands of feet and buried many brothers alive!"

"Yes, that little witch is too despicable, she deliberately led a group of beastmasters to us, but she ran away!"

"Elder, you must decide for us!"

A group of students in the inner courtyard cried and roared, one sentence in the east, one sentence in the west, depicting Zi Yan as a brutal and tyrannical demon king, which made the smell sad and tears!

"Excessive, it is too much!"

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