"Bold, it's so daring, even Taiyi Shenshui dares to swallow it!"

"This is the spiritual liquid used by the ancient gods and demons to refine the magic weapon. Does she regard herself as a treasure?"

All the students in the inner courtyard felt that their three views had been subverted, and they had never seen such a brazen and daring person.

Di Shi'er's eyes flashed with slyness, and seeing Zi Yan swallowed up a drop of the Taiyi Shenshui in the Shenchi, she said loudly: "Little witch, you are too arrogant, how can you treat the true spirit like this! Shenshui is true spirit! Don't panic, my Emperor Shi'er will help you get out of trouble!"

After speaking, the emperor lion roared violently, and turned into a golden lion with a height of seven or eight feet, surrounded by golden flames, and charged towards Zi Yan with a devastating coercion.

Zi Yan's black and beautiful eyes were round and round, and when she was about to speak, two divine waters were about to slip out, which scared her to shut her mouth quickly and try her best to refine it.


A dull thunderous roar exploded from behind Zi Yan, and six vast and boundless round seas emerged one by one, and countless Shenhua roared and roared among them, desperately refining the Taiyi Shenshui in the body.

At the same time, a terrifying breath burst out from Zi Yan!

Looking at the flaming golden lion rushing towards her, Zi Yan's face was tense, her left hand was slightly raised, and she slapped it with a palm, which immediately triggered an incomparably vast ocean tide, which rushed towards the emperor lion.


Emperor Shi'er was terrified, only to feel that under this violent attack, he was as small as a mayfly, and was blasted out in an instant, and most of the golden flames on his body were doused.

"Oh my god! Look, this little witch has only six seas of rounds!"

"What, six round seas are so strong, if there are nine round seas, she won't open the sky!"

"It's so strong, so strong! It's like a pure-blooded ancient beast, and Emperor Shi'er is no match at all!"

"Ahhh! You dare to knock me into the air, I'm going to kill you! Use your blood to wash away my shame!"

Emperor Shi'er went mad, roaring loudly, earth-shattering, like a thunderous roar, and in an instant, there was no sound of monster beasts around, as if there was only this roar in the entire ruins.

Swept by this roaring sound wave, everyone felt a chill that stunned their hearts pouring out from the bottom of their hearts, as if the spiritual energy in the dantian wheel sea was about to collapse.

This is the real power of the emperor lion, as soon as it comes out, all beasts sink!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Facing Di Shi'er's violent aura, Zi Yan stepped out of the Shenchi step by step, and with each step, the entire earth roared and trembled.

At the same time, her body grew rapidly.

One, two, three... seven, eight, nine, ten!

The ten-zhang divine body, the law of heaven and earth! , , .

Chapter 120 I'm Really Invincible Now

quiet!Deathly silence!

Looking at Zi Yan, who was a lot taller than the flaming golden lion, everyone fell into a state of daze.

Emperor Shi'er looked up at the unparalleled Zi Yan, completely stunned. He is a golden lion, with the bloodline of the ancient emperor lion, but this tiny human in front of him is even taller and mightier than him!

Who is this human race, and who is the demon race?

"Little lion, you have provoked me several times, but this time I will teach you a lesson!"

After casting 'Fa Tianxiangdi', Zi Yan's whole person also became majestic, coupled with Shen Xi produced by refining Taiyi Shenshui, her whole person was exposed to the five-color divine light, just like the immemorial god king came into the world.

"Sun Peng Fist!"

Zi Yan gave a majestic drink, raised a hill-like fist and slammed it towards the Emperor Shi'er. In an instant, the mountains and rivers changed, and the roar shook the sky, as if the entire sky was shaking, and countless voids were torn apart. The huge sea of ​​fire wrapped Zi Yan's fist and pressed it towards the Emperor Shi'er.

"I don't believe it, this must be an illusion!"

Emperor Shi'er roared up to the sky again, facing Zi Yan's attack, brazenly and fearlessly attacked!

He is the descendant of the emperor lion, the supreme beast, and he will never allow himself to back down in front of a weak girl!

"Cracking Claws!"

Emperor Shi'er's lion's claws were covered with golden flames, burning ragingly, turning into a twisted fire rainbow, which slammed fiercely with Zi Yan's flaming fire god fist.


The two giants collided, and a huge roar rose from the ground. The mountain peaks under the feet of everyone roared and vibrated, cracking open countless terrifying cracks that spread to unknown distances.


Zi Yan shouted, and the six round seas in the void behind them burst into divine light at the same time, as if to destroy the sky and the earth. The powerful coercion directly swallowed Di Shi'er's divine claws and smashed him into the ground.


The half of the mountain at the foot of Emperor Shi'er was finally overwhelmed and collapsed suddenly. Countless students screamed in panic, desperately using all kinds of movement techniques to escape this dangerous place, panicking and fearing to the extreme.

Zi Yan's huge body also fell along with her, she stomped her feet hard, and the other half of the mountain collapsed with a bang. With this momentum, she slid toward the direction of Emperor Shi'er's fall like a cannonball.

With one hand, he grabbed the tail of the flaming golden lion transformed by the Emperor Lion.


Zi Yan's feet landed first, and the terrifying divine power was instilled into her arms, pulling Di Shi'er's huge animal body and slamming it to one side.


Another burst of shocking sound came out, and the entire ground was smashed into a hole dozens of feet deep.

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