"Haha, let's fight, you'll be blood-shattered, and you'll be dead! This uncle likes to watch other people fight. Whoever wins, I will reward him with a drop of Taiyi Shenshui!" Qishu.com www.logos444.com

The colorful mist above the Shenchi rolled and rolled, making an arrogant and harsh sound.

It turned out that the students of the Deity Academy were all attracted by the Milky Way waterfall transformed by Shenchi, thinking that some genius was born.

When I got close, it was a matter of course that I saw the Taiyi Shenshui in the Shenchi, and they all tried to snatch them, but I didn't expect that this Shenshui had already transformed into a true spirit. With the characteristics of Shenshui, the strength was very terrifying, and they were all sent flying. go out.

Even Emperor Shi'er and Hu Dali, who had the blood of an ancient killer whale, were not the opponents of this Shenshui Zhenling, making them extremely embarrassed.

Just when everyone thought they were going to return without success, Shenshui Zhenling suddenly said that he could give a drop of Taiyi Shenshui to the strongest person.

Taiyi Shenshui is the most precious treasure in the world, even a drop is precious, so there is a battle between Emperor Shi'er and Hu Dali.

At this time, the battle between Di Shi'er and Hu Dali also came to a critical point.Although Hu Dali's ancient killer whale bloodline is also very strong, his clan is far inferior to that of the Golden Lion clan.

With the passage of time, Hu Dali has fallen into an absolute disadvantage and can only support it.

"Bah! The descendants of the ancient killer whales, but that's all. I can't even handle [-]% of my Emperor Shi'er's power. It seems that only the Prince of the Human Race and the Prince of Golden Feather can fight against me in this ruin. Shui, go to him and fight again!"

Emperor Shi'er laughed loudly, the golden flame on his body suddenly skyrocketed, and two lion claws blasted out, directly smashing Hu Dali's shoulder blades and tearing a large piece of flesh and blood, which was extremely cruel.

The onlookers were horrified for a while. Unexpectedly, Di Shi'er never used all his strength. He was as strong as a tiger, and he was not his opponent.

"Haha, wonderful, wonderful, Lion clan boy, you are very good! Come here, this uncle will reward you with a drop of divine water!"

The colorful mist in the Shenchi roared even more violently, causing the water in the pool below to rippling and emitting bursts of fragrant fragrance.

Di Shi'er was extremely excited, but he tried his best to maintain his demeanor as a king. Step by step, he calmly walked towards the Shenchi.

Unexpectedly, just when he was halfway there, the sky suddenly darkened, and a huge mountain sculpture appeared in the sky.Then there was a crisp cry from above:

"Don't touch my divine water!"

With this voice, Zi Yan fell from the sky like a meteorite, and smashed directly into the Shenchi, causing countless splashes of water.

"It's that little witch!"

"The little witch is here!"

"I don't know who will suffer again!"

The students in the inner courtyard who were watching were boiling. Many of them had suffered from Zi Yan's losses. When they saw Zi Yan at this time, they all felt their scalps numb and wanted to escape immediately. , , .

Chapter 119 The ten-zhang divine body, the law of heaven and earth!

"Oh, who's arrogant child, this uncle died of pain!"

The color fog in the Shenchi tumbled even more violently, and it seemed like it was about to collapse. Zi Yan's strength was too strong, making it a little unbearable.

"Don't run around, these divine waters are mine!"

Zi Yan fell into the pool as a whole, seeing that some pool water seemed to be splashed out, she immediately reached out and grabbed it.

Di Shi'er was also taken aback by this shock, and when he looked at it, he saw that the girl who was rolling in the god pool was not the little witch he was looking for, and he suddenly said loudly: "Little witch, you asked me to find it. It’s so hard, don’t hurry up and hand over the Ancient Dragon Soul Pill, and be my servant!”

Zi Yan stared at her and said angrily, "Little lion, you annoyed me. When I surrender these divine waters, I will eat you!"

After speaking, Zi Yan opened the storage ring, took out all the bottles and jars inside, and scooped it desperately.

"Stop, bear boy, do you know who this uncle is? Stop it!"

The true spirit formed by Taiyi Shenshui was about to go crazy, feeling that the spiritual body that he had barely condensed into was about to be shattered, and he quickly rolled up waves of water and tidal waves to attack her.

"Yeah, this water has become fine, you still dare to resist, suppress me!" Zi Yan exclaimed, but the movement in her hand was not slow, she flipped her right hand, took out the Lei Yu Noble Phantasm, and hula-la inspired a large amount of spirits. thunder.

Since ancient times, the Thunder Element has been the nemesis of the Water Element. This Thunder Feather Noble Phantasm is even more of a treasure for the prince of the Golden Feather clan. It is blessed by the gods.

"That's right, come to the bowl." Seeing that the water in the pool stopped rolling, Zi Yan showed satisfaction, and continued to use those bottles and jars of spirit tools to hold the divine water.These bottles and jars were all the spoils she had collected from the students in the inner courtyard. They all had aura and were not ordinary things.

The students of the inner courtyard were stunned. The secret path was really a murderous little witch. If she didn't come out of nowhere, she would dismember the true spirit of Taiyi Shenshui without saying a word.

You must know that this is a true spirit. It is only one step away from the gods. If you can ask the Hui people to do their best to cultivate them, it is very likely that they will become a great existence like the gods of the Golden Feather Clan, and make the entire ethnic group become a member of the Shengyuan Continent. Peak power.

Even a arrogant person like Emperor Shi'er is respectful in the face of Shenshui's true spirit. It's just like this little witch, who will let out a thunder and lightning without saying a word, and then dismember her body, which is simply inhumane.

There are also some students with suspicious expressions on their faces, who feel that the Lei Yu Noble Phantasm in Zi Yan's hands is very familiar, much like the wings behind the golden feather prince.

"Giggle, it's finally finished, great harvest!"

Zi Yan happily gathered the spirit bottles together and was about to put them in the storage ring when these spirit bottles suddenly vibrated collectively. Except for one silver-white spirit bottle, all the remaining bottles burst open. Reunited into a pool of spiritual water.

The silver-white spirit bottle was engraved with many Taoist patterns on its surface. It was a very rare treasure. Unfortunately, it was only five inches high and could not hold much divine water.

"Haha, I'm so confused, how can you be easily trapped by this uncle! Little girl, I want you to pay..."

The color fog rose, and the voice of Shenshui Zhenling was heard, but before he finished speaking, he stuck the second half of the sentence back, showing a look of shock and anger.

Not only the true spirit of Shenshui, but everyone present was dumbfounded. After Zi Yan failed to collect the Shenshui, she began to swallow the Shenshui.

"Bear boy, you, what are you doing, stop it! Stop it!"

Shenshui Zhenling is about to go crazy, and this little witch is too ferocious. If she can't leave, she will eat directly, and she is not afraid of killing her!

"Cuckoo", "Cuckoo"...

Zi Yan drank desperately, her belly bulged a little, countless Shen Xi radiated from her body, and her whole body seemed to be glowing.Tianya Micro Fiction www.tywxs.com

"This little witch is about to become a fine."

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