With a charming smile on Mu Yuntian's face, he said softly: "I heard that someone at Xiaozhufeng has refined the Ten Great Pills, so Mu thought to come and see it in person, maybe he could learn and exchange. What a disappointment for an ignorant, bombastic, grandstanding."

There seemed to be a lot of regret in his tone, which made the audience sigh softly.

A look of disdain flashed in the eyes of the ruthless man, and he said coldly: "So you are Mu Yuntian, because you had a holiday with me, you broke your word and became fatter, and stopped providing Jie Mai Dan for Junior Sister Zhao. After doing such a villainy act, you still dare to It seems that your alchemy and character are equally inferior!"

As soon as this remark came out, there was an uproar, some were amazed at the ruthless man's domineering and domineering, and more were secretly swearing at Mu Yuntian who didn't believe what he said.

Hearing this, Mu Yuntian's expression turned cold, a gloomy expression flashed on his face, and he said coldly, "You're the gentleman's party's Binghuo inspector. If you kill my Huo Yunfeng, you'll have to pay the price. I'll put my words here today. , Zhao Cangyu still has at most three days to live. Even if I refine the Jiemai Pill myself, the chance of making her survive the crisis is not more than [-]%. As for other people's imitations... Hmph! If she can survive, I, Mu Yuntian Write your name upside down!"

Zhao Cangyu's snow body trembled, and his face became even paler.

The ruthless man also frowned slightly and asked, "Second sister, how long will it take you to practice the detoxification pill."

Yu Xin calculated in her heart that she had roughly researched the pill formula, but it would take at least five days to collect the herbs and run them in, so she couldn't help being a little anxious. At this time, Zhang Tian's voice came again in her mind: "Let go I know, my father will show you what the real Dan Dao is!" ,, ..

Chapter 151 Zhang Tian's Dan Dao Regeneration Technique

"Didn't you hear what Senior Brother Mu said, Zhao Cangyu only has three days to live at most. Even if you go to the master of alchemy, it will be a waste of effort. If you beg for mercy now, Senior Brother Mu may be able to show mercy and refine a robbery pulse for Zhao Cangyu. Dan."

Shangguanlong had Mu Yuntian as his backer, and his confidence increased greatly, and he began to shout loudly again.

Right at this moment, 'Yu Xin' slowly opened her eyes, gave a direct glance, and immediately made Shangguan Long collapse to the ground with a 'pop', covering her neck with her hands, her eyes filled with horror.

At this moment, Shangguan Long only felt that he was being strangled by a hand of God, and his life and death were only between the other's thoughts, and his whole heart was filled with fear.This oppression was fleeting, but his clothes were all wet, and he was lying on the ground, not even having the courage to get up.

"A little erysipelas, just wait a moment."

Zhang Tian controlled Yu Xin's body and said something casually, and when he flipped his right hand, a gray furnace cauldron appeared out of nowhere, suspended in the void, and the green lotus demon fire spurted out, and he actually started alchemy in public.

As soon as this move came out, everyone showed a strange look, and Mu Yuntian couldn't help sneering: "Absurd! Do you know how many precious medicines I have used for this robbery pill, don't you think you have just brought the corresponding medicine on your body? Can't the antidote? Watching you make alchemy will simply lose my face, Mu Yuntian, even if you don't look at it."

After speaking, Mu Yuntian was about to throw his sleeves away, and before he could lift his feet, his eyes suddenly froze.

I saw that 'Yu Xin' raised a hand after putting in a few ordinary herbs for strengthening blood and coagulating qi, and directly pulled out a strand of blood essence from Zhao Cangyu's body and put it into the pill furnace.

This strand of blood essence is purple-black in color, and it exudes a faint stench. It is obviously highly poisonous, but after putting it into the pill furnace, a strange fragrance wafts out. Just taking a sip, you will feel the sea of ​​​​in the Dantian. Vibration, as if very comfortable.

"This is... Dan Dao Regeneration Technique? No, this method has been lost since ancient times, how is it possible..."

Mu Yuntian showed an unbelievable look of horror. The so-called alchemy regeneration technique is to trace its origin. In ancient times, powerful alchemists could even use this technique to return a grain of ash to the elixir itself, which is a heaven-defying technique. technique.

"No, I don't believe it. Even if it's a pill regeneration technique, if you want to restore the Jiemai Pill with some medicinal residues in your blood, even the ancient master of the pill may not be able to do it. If you can do it, I'll give it to you on the spot. Kneel!" Mu Yuntian was already distracted by Zhang Tian's astonishing actions, and his words became incoherent.

The ruthless figure flashed and stood directly beside 'Yu Xin', his eyes swept the audience sharply, just like a guard.

Everyone in the audience was watching, and many people came here because of their admiration. It was the first time I saw Yu Xin concocting alchemy. I just felt that the movement was smooth and smooth, just like the rhythm of heaven, and people couldn't take their eyes away from it.

"Dan is done."

In less than a quarter of an hour, Zhang Tian spoke in a low voice, shrank the Qinglian demon fire, swung out his right hand, and knocked the furnace cover flying.

In the next moment, the black awn suddenly closed and turned into a treasure pill surrounded by black mist. It flew out of the sky, as if to gallop into the distance, but was wrapped in a strange fire by Zhang Tian who had been prepared, and took it back in his hand. .

"Nine Pattern Absolute Pill!"

There was an exclamation in the audience, and I saw that this pill was the size of a fingernail, with a black face and fangs carved on the surface, and nine curved pill patterns below it, like the flames that burned the ghost, and the whole body was full of black energy. , but it exudes a fragrance like elk and musk, which makes people feel more extraordinary.

"This... this is not my robbery pill!" Mu Yuntian's eyes showed a look of surprise.

"Who said I was going to copy your Jiemai Pill?" Shushuci Novel Network www.dushuci.com

Zhang Tian's eyes were full of disdain, and he threw the black treasure pill to Zhao Cangyu, and said plainly, "This pill is called the Jieming Pill, which means intercepting a silver lining in life! But from now on, your life will also be on the line. , reincarnation is a calamity every three years. If you can pass it, your aptitude will greatly increase. If you can't pass it, your body and spirit will be destroyed. Unless you can break through to the immortal realm and turn your life into eternity, otherwise, this calamity will not end."

"Absurd, nonsense! Even the ancient elixir has no such miraculous effect! Zhao Cangyu, do you dare to take it now?" Mu Yuntian's eyes were red. For some reason, he was extremely panicked and desperately wanted to prove himself right of.

Zhao Cangyu looked at the Nine Marks Elixir in the palm of her hand, and she swallowed it directly. She had no other choice. If she didn't swallow it, there was only a dead end.

This pill melted at the entrance, Zhao Cangyu's expression changed dramatically, only to feel that the medicinal power of the spirit pill turned into a black dragon, rushing freely in her meridians, tearing all the meridians, and then rushing into the dantian, smashing the nine sea of ​​​​wheels. Devour all.


With a long whistle, Zhao Cangyu sat directly on the ground, and endless black energy emerged from her body. At the same time, the aura on her body fluctuated more and more violently.


A burst of violent aura rolled back, and the place where Zhao Cangyu sat down instantly cracked into countless huge cracks, and the aura on her body officially broke through to the ninth level of the Transcendent Realm.

"What, directly break through a rank?"

Everyone was horrified. The key point was that Zhao Cangyu's aura was still soaring.

Transcendent Realm Ninth Layer Middle Stage!

Transcendent Realm Nine Stage Late Stage!

Transcendent Realm Nine Peaks!

At this moment, Zhao Cangyu's aura had reached a terrifying level, and it seemed that she was about to explode and die at any time, but her complexion slowly recovered, and even became a little more stern than before.

After an unknown amount of time, Zhao Cangyu slowly opened her eyes, and the violent aura suddenly returned like a dragon returning to the sea, which made her step into the half-legged realm!

The life-threatening pill is broken and then stands, leaving only a ray of life. If you catch it, the world will be turned upside down. Fortunately, Zhao Cangyu caught it!

"Junior Sister Zhao, congratulations." Ruthless said first.

Zhao Cangyu came back to his senses, looked at Yuxin with gratitude, and then firmly said: "My life was given by the supervisor. From now on, I, Zhao Cangyu, are willing to go through fire and water for the supervisor of ice and fire, and never give up!"

"No, it's impossible, how can there be such a magic pill in the world."

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